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Emergency Power for the Communicator: AARC, 7 April 2016

Emergency Power for the Communicator: AARC, 7 April 2016. 1. A new World of Power. Bob Bruninga WB4APR Jan 2012. www.aprs.org/ alternative-energy.html. My Energy Background. 1980. 1983. Energy!  1965 generator. 1970. 1970. 2015. 2012. 2010. 2007. 2013. Future?. 2009. 3.

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Emergency Power for the Communicator: AARC, 7 April 2016

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  1. Emergency Power for the Communicator:AARC, 7 April 2016 1

  2. A new World of Power Bob Bruninga WB4APR Jan 2012 www.aprs.org/alternative-energy.html

  3. My Energy Background 1980 1983 Energy! 1965 generator 1970 1970 2015 2012 2010 2007 2013 Future? 2009 3

  4. The world of power HAS CHANGED!I can’t believe I have lived long enoughto see Solar cost half of the utilities and EVs cost less than, and out perform gas cars! 2015 Solar Growth! 40 full size EVs in 2015! 4

  5. Modern Power Distribution (DC!) Power Systems have CHANGED! 9 amp 8 amp 18 amp Switching supply takes up 8% of the space and only 10% of the mass and works 100-240 VAC AND 150-330 VDC

  6. My Energy re-awakening 2007 • Adding solar panels to junkyard prius(s)

  7. Field-Day Emergency Power • Adding solar panels to junkyard prius(s) About 500W of Field Day solar power

  8. Typical Backup solutions Generators & Batteries To provide less than $1 of electricity 8 hours of 1.2kW house load Once a year! www.aprs.org/alternative-energy.html

  9. Every Hybrid has at least a 50 kW generator! Suitable for about 10kW of continuous field solar power Same 5kWh/gal as a good Honda generator (because it only runs when needed) 10 kW outlet for 220vDC And 1 kW outlet for AC

  10. Whole House Prius Backup – 3 kW of 240 VAC Every Hybrid has about a 50 kW generator! Or 2 kW peak and 800W continuous Same 5kWh/gal as a good Honda generator (because it only runs when needed)

  11. But, “Any car can provide about the same 2 kW peak and about 600W continuous…” Any 12v car can do this Can’t do Whole House But only with the motor ALWAYS running. Only Hybrids with auto-motor start/stop can do it continuously.

  12. Whole House Prius Backup – 3 kW of 240 VAC Every Hybrid has about a 50 kW generator! Over 60 models of Hybrids to choose from in 2014! Or 2 kW peak and 800W continuous Same 5kWh/gal as a good Honda generator (because it only runs when needed)

  13. Think EV! A hybrid only has 1 or 2kWh battery But! If you want some SERIOUS power A plug-in EV has from 16 to 85 kWh of Energy! And can power a house for a week or a month

  14. EVs can power homes during blackouts Power out? Power your house From your Car! EV’s don’t wait in gas lines Bob Bruninga, PE IEEE Transportation Committee http://aprs.org/payin-to-plugin.html

  15. EVs can power homes during blackouts Power out at your house? Go across the street! All the gas stations have no power and cannot pump gas? EV’s don’t wait in gas lines Bob Bruninga, PE IEEE Transportation Committee http://aprs.org/payin-to-plugin.html

  16. Over 40 EV’s now on Market!(in just 5 years!)Over 40 by 2015! Only 4 EV’s cost more than the average gas car! ($33k) An average EV is only $29k, or less than $26k if you ignore the Tesla! Buy a used Leaf < $10k

  17. Most of what we think we know about EV’s is usually wrongBob Bruninga, EVADC Most of us, Greybeards too, drive gas cars with gas-tank thinking • Cost too much! • Runs on coal from Power Plant (Carbon) • Range too short • Useless in power outage • Planet Impact worse than a Hummer • No Infrastructure • Not enough chargers • Takes too long to charge Bob Bruninga, PE IEEE Transportation Committee http://aprs.org/payin-to-plugin.html

  18. Evs Now cheaper than gas!.... 2013

  19. Only ONE moving part! Electricity less than 30% cost of gas Maintenance 10% of a gas car

  20. EVs Now cheaper than gas!.... 2013 2015 iMiev

  21. A Battery is not a TANK! The Complete Paradigm Shift: Gas cars drive-to-empty, then fill-to-full at Public Stations EV’s charge daily at home and at work while parked Bob Bruninga, PE IEEE Transportation Committee http://aprs.org/payin-to-plugin.html

  22. Every EV can charge from any 120v outlet Charging stations for EVs is not sustainable Every EV comes with a 120v charge cord Exist or $15 each $10,000 installed Bob Bruninga, PE IEEE Transportation Committee http://aprs.org/payin-to-plugin.html

  23. Charge at Home (and at work) 0.3% of the need Public Charging is like looking for $10/gal gas! 85% of all charging is at home on standard 120v outlets Bob Bruninga, PE IEEE Transportation Committee http://aprs.org/payin-to-plugin.html

  24. Charging While Parked (21 hrs/day) Bob Bruninga, PE IEEE Transportation Committee http://aprs.org/payin-to-plugin.html

  25. Oh the Horror! Our Legacy experience People see this And think $50 Reality with EV’s is 20¢/hr $1 a day Bob Bruninga, PE IEEE Transportation Committee http://aprs.org/payin-to-plugin.html

  26. Charging Load at 120v: 1 Coffee Pot = Level 1 EV charging Pay $20/mo For 20mi commute Bob Bruninga, PE IEEE Transportation Committee http://aprs.org/payin-to-plugin.html

  27. Plug-in at work (double range, quadruple area) Charge at home only = 16 mi range (chevy Volt) Charge L1 at work/home = 64 mi range

  28. Charge Payment systems costs more than the electricity! Charging for it:

  29. 90% of All Driving is localOne-Third of our carbon emissions is driving! Local driving is the easiest to convert to renewables! Bob Bruninga, PE IEEE Transportation Committee http://aprs.org/EV-charging-everywhere.html

  30. Carport solar panels can power an EV every day for LIFE! • Average 12,000 mi/yr • That’s 32 mi/day • Takes 12 kWh per day • Do that with 2 kW of solar panels in 6 hrs • Takes only 8 solar panels (250W each) • Total cost at $1/watt is $2000 to drive forever! • About the size of one parking space!

  31. Finish this Sentence: • There is nothing certain in life except Death and …. Taxes …

  32. Finish this Sentence: • There is nothing certain in life except Death and …. Taxes … and Utilities!

  33. Finish this Sentence: • There is nothing certain in life except Death and …. Taxes … and Utilities! But you can do something about these! Save 30% Eliminate 100% to Zero! Lets talk Solar!

  34. If you have sun, Crazy not to use it! Ideal very economical electrical power (half of utility rate) And 10% or so annual return for rest of your life!

  35. Big Picture! Our Daily Fossil Burning Costs & Wind Solar Power for Electricity Electric Vehicle Support We include EV’s because about half of our easily-fixed energy is spent driving Electric Driving Lighting Heating

  36. When is the Payback ??? When is the Breakeven ??? Big Picture! Paying for at-home Garbage Pickup - was from Day ONE !

  37. When is the Payback ??? When is the Breakeven ??? Big Picture! Paying for Sewage Plants – was from Day ONE !

  38. When is the Payback ??? When is the Breakeven ??? Big Picture! Investing in Solar Power - is from Day ONE ! Because that’s when we Stop Beating Mother Nature and stealing from our kids future.

  39. Big Picture! 1 House, 1 Year4 Tons of Coal Yes, we have 100 years of coal, but there won’t be anything left of WV!

  40. OUR PRESENT LIFESTYLE IS NOT SUSTAINABLE! Are we part of the problem? Or part of the Solution?

  41. Lighting: Save 4 to 1 Energy! (breakeven in 5 days!) Cost 50 cents. Save $50 over the life of the bulb! House with 50 bulbs saves $2500 $1 Only 1 in 4 households do it!

  42. Every 2 years!

  43. We CAN reduce emissions! My family did from 3000 gal/year down to 200 gal/year Help the Environment And save money!

  44. Solar Power is here & Growing Exponentially Graph when I first started talking in 2010 Graph now! 2015

  45. Solar Cost! Equaled Utility in 2010 Half the Utility in 2013 Cheaper than coal in 2015! 2009 2013

  46. Falling Prices 10-to-1 Panel 200 W 220 W 250 W (300W) Array Cost $15,000 2007 $ 9,000 2010 $ 6,000 2012 $ 3,000 2013 $ 2,000 2014 $ 1,900 2015 A 3 kW array $5/watt down to 50c/watt* for panels in only 10 years *Contractor cost tho is still about $3/w

  47. I was SO WRONG! $7100 Battery Storage…. (off Grid)

  48. You never want to go Off-Grid*!*unless you have no grid access • The problem is the Batteries! • 30% loss of all power in charge/discharge losses • 50% loss of all summer solar excess • 50% or less power available in winter • Maintenance issues for life • Replacement isues every 5 years or less • Economical solar power has NOTHING* to do with batteries.

  49. When the Grid Goes Down? Whole House Off Grid System $40,000 Cost per KwH during outages $2400/KWH $250 With Battery 60 cents/KWH OR! Backup = On Grid 15 cents/KWH Is $7,000 of batteries worth it for $1 of power a year for 4 hour outage?

  50. Going Off Grid ?... Crazy! Perfect when you have no access to the Grid. Or Armageddon is near Or you’re a Battery salesman Or you like throwing away $2 out of every $3 you invest

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