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“ Plan to Plan ” a Turnaround Event

“ Plan to Plan ” a Turnaround Event. Ron Kooy Valero Energy Corporation. Valero Energy Corporation. Fortune 500 company based in San Antonio, TX North America ’ s largest independent petroleum refiner and marketer 13 Refineries / 10 Ethanol Plants 5,800 Retail and Wholesale sites

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“ Plan to Plan ” a Turnaround Event

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  1. “Plan to Plan” a Turnaround Event Ron Kooy Valero Energy Corporation

  2. Valero Energy Corporation • Fortune 500 company based in San Antonio, TX • North America’s largest independent petroleum refiner and marketer • 13 Refineries / 10 Ethanol Plants • 5,800 Retail and Wholesale sites • 2.6 million barrels of refining capacity per day • Approximately 20,000 employees

  3. Introduction • Turnaround Teams • Plan to Plan Gated Process • CCMS Standard Templates

  4. Life Before Teams • Poor Project Integration • Deliverables late, if at all • No Management of Scope / Scope Grows Uncontrollably • Lack of Ownership Operations & Engineering Disciplines • Discovery Management Issues • Milestone Management • No Sense of Urgency, particularly in out months • Missed Deadlines in the Plan for Planning / Control Document • Little ability to escalate • Inadequate or Insufficient Resources During Planning & Execution • No Ability to Control Costs

  5. T/A Team Structure Team Members • EngineeringDirector • HSE Director • Turnaround Manager – Team Sponsor • Site General Manager • Operations Director • Maintenance Director • Maintenance Director • Inspection Director • T/A Manager – Sponsor • Maintenance Managers • Environmental Manager • OPS Complex Managers • H&S Manager • Project Engineering Manager • Process Engineering Manager • Business Managers • T/A Schedulers • T/A Planners • Contractor Site Leads • Other Planning Staff

  6. Turnaround Strategy TeamResponsibilities & Deliverables • Accountable for the health of the T/A process • Defines Premises for site T/A strategy • Resources T/A steering talent pipeline • Manages 5 yr evergreen T/A, catalyst budget • Overall accountability for T/A results • Understands industry/regional trends • Resource owner and enabler • Decision on issues outside of premises

  7. Steering TeamResponsibilities & Deliverables • Build T/A Premise • Sponsors/charters unit work scopes – integrates site wide • Establishes risk acceptance level • Develops Performance Dashboard • Develops plan to meet premise • Develop and manage work scope • Monitor and manage Milestones • Planning & Execution work process owner • Manage T/A issues and escalation

  8. Planning & Execution TeamResponsibilities & Deliverables • Build overall project milestone schedule • Build detailed work packages • Develop detailed logistics plan • Develop detailed and integrated project schedule • Monitor and action project controls • Execute pre-turnaround schedule elements • Execute turnaround schedule

  9. Benefits of Aligned Teams • Drives site alignment for turnaround events • If used correctly it solves problems for the T/A Manager and removes him as the “fall guy” for event success • Drives and improves T/A Performance on all fronts

  10. T/A Gated Process Timeline -24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 0 +2 +4 +6 Strategic Planning Process – Continuous Improvement (Phase 0) Feedback loop to improve process Alignment(Phase 1) Definition(Phase 2) Detailed Planning (Phase 3) Pre-Turnaround(Phase 4) Execution (Phase 4) Post T/A (Phase 5) = Decision Gate with Deliverables

  11. T/A Gated Process • A process to guide turnaround planning and execution to consistently achieve Solomon 1st/2nd quartile performance • Establishes milestones to guide efficient, timely and consistent turnaround scope development and execution • Remains evergreen • Turnaround DRB’s to reinforce use of T/A management process • Organized into five phases

  12. Continuous: Strategic Plan/Continuous Improvement • Key Activities & Deliverables • Premise – Update 5-year Strategic Plan • Preliminary turnaround cost estimates & schedules • Scope – Align capital project plans and turnaround plans • T/A plans drive capital project implementation • Integrated turnaround and capital project plans • Competitiveness - Complete turnaround benchmarking comparisons • Solomon gap closure plan in Strategic Plan • Align Objectives: • Align corporate and site objectives on the specific turnaround

  13. Alignment – Phase 1 • Key Activities & Deliverables: • Premise – Review performance history & lessons learned • Scope – Define major capital projects, PFD-level T/A work & catalyst requirements; Complete RBWS on long-lead equipment & materials • Schedule – Propose T/A date & develop major milestone schedule • Cost – Locally fund Phase 1 activities; Develop Phase 2 cost estimate • Organization – Define planning resources & preliminary staffing plan • Contracting – Develop preliminary strategy for major contractors • Business Impacts – Evaluate market & site operational impacts • Competitiveness – Update Solomon gap closure plan; Conduct Gate 1 review

  14. Phase 1 Timeline

  15. Definition – Phase 2 • Key Activities & Deliverables: • Premise – Assess threats to T/A success • Scope – Conduct P&ID-level review plus engineering-driven scope; Freeze major capital project & major / critical-path T/A scope; Finalize catalyst plan; Begin RBWS for remaining scope • Schedule – complete critical-path analysis • Cost – Develop Phase 3 cost estimate • Organization – Assess execution staffing needs • Contracting – Identify long-lead (specialty) contractors • Competitiveness – Conduct Gate 2 assessment

  16. Detailed Planning – Phase 3 • Key Activities & Deliverables: • Scope – Finalize & freeze scope; Develop detailed planning packages; Complete engineering & on-stream inspections; Define material needs • Schedule – Complete equipment-level schedule • Cost – Develop Phase 4 final cost estimate • Organization – Finalize turnaround organization • Contracting – Complete contracting strategy • Business Impacts – Finalize oils plan with P&E • Support Planning – Complete EHS, materials, inspection, QA/QC, logistics, security, schedule update, cost control, S/D & S/U plans • Competitiveness – Conduct Gate 3 review

  17. Pre-Turnaround – Phase 4 • Key Activities & Deliverables: • Scope – Complete lift plans; Conduct pre-T/A scope walk-downs; Stage rentals; Confirm process for managing discovery work • Schedule – Lock baseline execution schedule • Cost – Baseline cost estimate to schedule • Organization – Complete execution staffing • Contracting – Mobilize contractors • Support Planning – Distribute job packages; Certify cranes; Conduct any Risk Management Committee reviews

  18. Post-Turnaround – Phase 5 • Key Activities & Deliverables: • Understand the influences on T/A performance – Conduct close out critique meeting with key team personnel. • Document lessons learned – Produce action item list of future opportunities and improvements. • Evaluate contractor performance - grade contractor performance based on safety, quality, schedule and cost for future consideration. • Update records - post history and close out CCMS work orders, update TA schedule based on actual performance, close out / reconcile cost information and update RBWS equipment history.

  19. Standard Templates and Codes Templates are individual plans for every piece of equipment in your facility that apply to a turnaround event. They include resources, man-hours, direct cost, durations, general activities and general information that remains constant between turnaround events. Once templates are created they remain evergreen and can be copied into a live turnaround project and then modified to match the Risked Based Work Scope. Advantages of Templates: Template estimates rarely change and are considered an accurate history. They should be updated every turnaround for accuracy and improvement. Templates save time because the plans are already 80-100% constructed. Templates are a place holder for discovery information or recorded notes from previous turnarounds allowing planners to view information for future turnarounds. Templates can serve as a “cold estimate” for emergency or unplanned outages.

  20. Building Equipment Template TEMPLATES Build an EPS structure for Equipment and Operational Schedules Templates. Create a project for each unit in the refinery. Within each unit project, create all turnaround equipment types and individual equipment in the WBS. Build Template Resources for every trade (not contractor) a turnaround uses. Apply a Price/Unit composite rate per MSA contract. Within each equipment WBS, build a plan with template codes and resources assigned. Use the same text for redundant activities. Up keep your notes to resources during turnarounds for increased efficiency in future turnarounds.

  21. Example of Standard Templates Codes ST/ANDARED TEMPLATES AND CODESCodes and relevant columns that are associated with equipment template plans Activity Name–a standard activity name for all redundant activities. The template should be broken down enough to establish accurate tracking of equipment and percent complete. Equipment Phase (Code)– breaks down the maintenance phases of equipment. Used for applying priority codes which are used for leveling manpower . Equipment Number (Code)–defines what equipment number the activities belongs to. This code also applies to other activities tied to the equipment such as level alarm, PSV’s, ect. allowing planners to filter out all sub-components tied to the specific system. Equipment Type (Code)–defines the equipment type and sub type. For example a lube oil cooler is an exchanger and it’s sub type is a lube oil cooler. Crane Size(Code)–allows planners to determine quantity, schedule and cost. This code allows planners to create a separate logistical crane plan. Safety (Code)– defines activities requiring safety personnel involvement and where the highest risks exist. Chem-Clean (Code)–defines equipment activities that require some type of chemical cleaning. Notes to Resources–for creating notes recorded during the turnaround to the equipment templates that will help plan the next turnaround.

  22. Operational Schedule Template TEMPLATES WBS Template • WBS template are a simple way of keeping all your projects standardized. Create projects for each Turnaround, Catalyst, Capital, Operational Shutdown/Start Up event. • The following example represents the WBS “skeleton” of a Turnaround/Catalyst Project. This template allows planners to easily copy and paste a WBS into a live project for each unit or area. Later the equipment templates can be copied into this WBS. The schedule WBS should mirror your AFE and Cost Breakdown Structure (notice 2.1 Exchangers, 2.2 Heaters, ect.). Note: there should NOT be any activities in WBS templates. During the planning phase, a detailed operational shutdown and start up schedule should be created. Once agreed upon by operations and maintenance, simply copy the schedule into the Operational Schedule Templates. Monitor and modify templates durations during the shutdown and start up phase for efficiency on future outages.

  23. Live Project EPS and WBS

  24. Ron Kooy Valero Energy Corp., Wilmington Refinery ron.kooy@valero.com

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