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Chapter 9, Section 2. Welcoming Guest and Offer Assistance. Greet guests Assist guests out of vehicles Open lobby doors for guests Offer valet parking Inform guests of parking charges Provide directions to parking areas Assist guests with luggage Store guest luggage
Welcoming Guest and Offer Assistance • Greet guests • Assist guests out of vehicles • Open lobby doors for guests • Offer valet parking • Inform guests of parking charges • Provide directions to parking areas • Assist guests with luggage • Store guest luggage • Answer guest questions • Suggest activities
Loading a Courtesy Van, Car Trunk, Luggage Cart • Put heavier or larger items on the bottom. • When using a luggage cart, place the heaviest items over the rear stationary wheels. • When lifting items, bend at the knees. • Keep your back straight and use your legs to lift. • Set items down carefully • Hang soft garment bags from luggage cart bars or place them on top of other luggage.
Loading a Courtesy Van, Car Truck, or Luggage Cart, continued • Secure fragile items between other bags (do not put other items on top of fragile items). • Secure all luggage on the cart before moving it. • Push heavy luggage carts instead of pulling them. • Move slowly, especially around corners. • Never allow guests to use luggage carts by themselves
Handling Group Arrivals • Have enough luggage claim checks or tickets when unloading the motor coach, bus, or van. • Tag all luggage with the guests’ names before guests go to the front desk. • Arrange luggage onto luggage carts by room numbers. • Assist guest who return after checking in and insist on handling their luggage. Help them find their bags. • Match names on claim checks with the rooming list an deliver luggage by floors to save time.
Handling Group Departures • Take luggage cart and go to each guestroom on the lsit to pick up luggage. • Introduce yourself when guests open the door. Enter the guestroom when invited in. • Quickly check each guestroom for personal articles that might have forgotten. • Take the luggage to where it will be easy to load the tour bus or van.
Section 9.2 Quiz • True/False: Bell attendants should never open the door of an arriving guest’s vehicle unless the guest has instructed them to do so. • True/False: The typical luggage claim ticket has two parts: one for the guest and one for the attendant.
Section 9.2 Quiz 3. Which of the following most accurately describes a step to follow when loading luggage onto a luggage cart? • Heavier or larger items should be placed on the bottom. • Loose items such as toys should never be placed on the cart. • Guests should load their own carts to avoid liability.
Section 9.2 Quiz • The entire procedure of checking guests in and taking them and their luggage to the guestroom is referred to as: • Nighting guests • Rooming guests • Hosting guests
Section 9.2 Quiz 5. Which of the following is the most likely reason why bell attendants should not expect a cash tip from large group guests? • Large group guests are notoriously stingy when it comes to gratuity. • Large group guests typically only use credit cards to pay service. • For most large groups, gratuity is included in the package price.