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Rotating Crystal

Rotating Crystal. Cullity Figures 3-9 and 3-10. Constant l , single crystal which is surrounded by recording film (film = cylinder) Crystal is continually rotated about an axis that coincides with the film cylinder axis

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Rotating Crystal

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Rotating Crystal Cullity Figures 3-9 and 3-10 • Constant l, single crystal which is surrounded by recording film (film = cylinder) • Crystal is continually rotated about an axis that coincides with the film cylinder axis • If this rotation axis corresponds to the unit cell axis of the crystal (i.e. the c-axis), then the diffraction cones will all have zone axes which correspond to the axis of rotation. The intersection of these cones with the cylinder of recording film forms circles. Each circle corresponds to a constant l. • As we rotate the crystal about the c-axis, we are rotating the reciprocal lattice about the b3 axis (see Cullity Figure A1-9). hkl Hhkl 2q HV 000 a b HH

  2. Rotating Crystal R l = 1 y hkl x Hhkl l = 0 2q HV 000 a b HH Film

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