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Sri Sathya Sai Techno Exhibition. Andhra Pradesh. Content. Why Techno Exhibition ? Aims and Objectives Participants Project Profile Exhibits Timelines Exhibition & Orientation program Summary & Data Base Management. Why Techno Exhibition.
Sri SathyaSaiTechno Exhibition Andhra Pradesh
Content • Why Techno Exhibition ? • Aims and Objectives • Participants • Project Profile • Exhibits • Timelines • Exhibition & Orientation program • Summary & Data Base Management
Why Techno Exhibition • SRI SATHYA SAI NODAL CENTRES FOR TECHNO SERVICES IN ANDHRA PRADESH • The All India techno group & SSSO will launch the value added rural services by conducting a ONEDAY TECHNO EXHIBITION. • Pilot study will be done in KRISHNA Dtas per the directives.
PARTICIPANTS • SevaDal and SSSO • Various officials from Govt and Private Sector • VIP Villagers and DWCRA groups • Beneficiaries of NNS , SAI, SOFT SKILLS , DJP, and SRP
Project Profile • EVERY DISTRICT WILL ORGANISE A 1 DAY EXHIBITION cum ORIENTATION PROGRAM for the prospective implementers. • AGRICULTURE : Assistant directors , Agricultural / Horticulture officers , Agricultural Extension officers , Field assistants , adarsharythulu , progressive young farmers, principals & teachers from POLYTECHNIC colleges, Agri - research stations, market yard + agri cooperatives + agro chemical dealers etc • ANIMAL HUSBANDRY : Assistant directors, Veterinary Assistant surgeons, Village livestock inspectors , Gopal mitra , Veterinary assistants, Dairy cooperative managers ,Veterinary poly clinic experts , principals & teachers from POLYTECHNIC colleges, veterinary pharma dealers etc • WOMEN & CHILD CARE: ASHA workers , Anganwadi workers , health inspectors , DWCRA / SHG sanghabandham leaders from selected villages , district officers from PHC , NREG scheme , IKP workers , ICDS workers etc
Project Profile…cont’d • RURAL WATER SUPPLY,SANITATION & HYGIENE : Sanitation supervisors & workers, food inspectors, water shed management in charges etc • Social & Tribal welfare department officials • VOCATIONAL / EMPLOYMENT OFFICIALS : District vocational officials - training centre , principals & teachers from POLYTECHNIC colleges , disaster management officials and in charges. • SCOUTS & GUIDES , NSS , NCC officials / volunteers and service oriented Youth association members ( non communal & non political ) from selected villages etc
Project Profile - EXHIBITS 2. The Techno exhibition will have 6-10 visual displays and 2 – 3 video shows from • Seva activities depicting SSS Central Trust in AP • All India Techno group activities • Bench mark activities of SSSO in AP like : DJP , SRP , Reprogramming lives , NNS , SAI , de fluoridation plants, SAI Schools, NJY , housing projects in Prakasam , livelihoods – tailoring , leaf plate, Gurukulaseva , Agri care in Hyderabad etc • District activities taken up in the last 3 years namely SEVA WING , EDUCARE , SPIRITUAL WINGS by gents , mahila and youth. • items a , b & c will be common to every district
Timelines EVERY DISTRICT WILL NOMINATE 3 GENTS SEVA DAL AND 2 MAHILA SEVA DAL for effective implementation of the project TIME LINE-Tasks • Contact and motivate the above departments and village folk • PREPARE the EXHIBITION MATERIAL with the guidance of state techno group , State President and State SSSVIP coordinators. • Conduct the District level exhibition on Second SATURDAY or Sunday in the Sathya Sai Mandir premises or a common place convenient for the participants / future service providers
Exhibition & Orientation Program • Conduct Exhibition from 9 am to 12 noon. • With SSSO elders to arrange for a INTERACTIVE SESSION between 12 to 1.0 pm for the participants regarding SSSO activities • Post lunch session , organize for a Group discussion, GD ( 12 – 15 per group ) or a PANEL DISCUSSION, PD to high light the issues FACED by participants and the EXPECTED SYNERGY WITH SSSO ( 2.0 – 3.0 pm )-respect to implementation. • Post TEA session , SSSO facilitators will sum up the proceedings and invite the participants to join for VILLAGE GRAMA SEVA duringfirst week of JUNE 2011 • SSSO to ensure that at least 50 – 100 of the participants from the District Techno exhibition will attend the GRAMA SEVA in JUNE 2011 • With the INPUTS from GD / PD , our sevadal can plan DISTRICT NODAL CENTRE for VOCATIONAL INITIATIVES during 2011 – 2012
Summary & DBM • District techno coordinators will maintain the data base ( DBM ) of the techno exhibition participants ( Mandal wise ) • The 50 + professionals / trainers from each of the 23 districts will form a 1000 + strong base for the SSSO activities between 2011 – 2015 • From DECEMBER 2011 onwards we can avail the services of 1000+ strong professional brigade in our state of AP for SSSO. • Between 1st of SEPTEMBER to 10th NOVEMBER ( region wise ) we can plan a Parthi visit for the professionals JAI SAI RAM – SAMASTHA LOKA SUKHINO BHAVANTU