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Tips for improving writing skills

Tips for improving writing skills. Real Excerpt Of a Student’s Journal Answer.

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Tips for improving writing skills

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  1. Tips for improving writing skills

  2. Real Excerpt Of a Student’s Journal Answer. • In physics we learned gravitational force so we use it in our system for example we will put our tank in higher place than the ground level and we will make the pipe in slope design from the tank to the ground and we will make benefits of pulling force of the gravity to make the water go through the pipes to the field so the gravity here was really helpful.


  4. There are four different types of sentences in English. • 1- Simple sentence • 2- Compound sentence • 3-Complex sentence • 4-Compound complex sentence

  5. 1-He learns English. 2-He learns English, studies maths and practises sport. 3-He, his brother and his sister learn English. 4-He, his sister and his brother learn English, study maths and practice sport. • Simple sentence • One word subject / one verb. • One word subject / multi verbs • Multi word subject / one verb. • Multi word subject / Multi verbs

  6. I like English ,but I do not like Spanish.I do not like science, nor do I like maths.I study English hard , for I want to take the TOEFL test.I study English hard; I want to take the TOEFL test. • Compound sentences • Two independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction or a semi colon. • The coordinating conjunctions are ( for, and, nor, but, or , yet ,so and the semi colon.) • { FAN BOYS }

  7. When I met him , he was listening to music. This is the car which I bought yesterday. • Complex sentence ( Independent clause + Dependent clause) • The complex sentence is formed with a subordinating conjunction like ( When, while, until, if, unless, although, as, because, since, after, before, relative pronoun……etc.)

  8. Compound complex sentence (at least two independent clauses with one or more dependent clauses. • When I saw him, he was listening to music , but he did not notice me. • When I saw him, he was listening to music, but he did not notice me although I had knocked on the door. • When I saw him, he was listening to music, but he did not notice me although I had knocked on the door which was closed.

  9. Structure errors • Fragment • Run on sentence • Comma splice • Misplaced modifier • Dangling modifier • Grammatically multi functioning word • Lack of parallelism • Indirect question • Rambling sentence

  10. 1-I could not catch up with him because running very quickly.2-You could catch the bus if got up early.3-At weekends having much homework to do not a good thing. • Fragment: • A clause missing either a subject or a verb.

  11. We worked as a team we achieved our goal. • Run on sentence. • Possible solutions are to use a full stop , semi colons or a conjunction.

  12. We worked as a team, we achieved our goal. • Comma splice • One can use a full stop ,semi colon or a conjunction to correct the sentence.

  13. -I saw a sports car in a showroom with a GPS system. Which is exceptional “ the car or the showroom”? -Yesterday, on the side of the road, I saw an angry man in a car smoking heavily. If you were in that man’s place, what would you do to feel relief? 1-call for a packet of cigarette2-call for a good meal3-call for a refreshing drink4- call for a mechanic • Misplaced modifier. The modifier must be placed directly after the noun it modifies.

  14. walking in the street yesterday, my laptop fell to the ground. To solve this problem, what can I do? • Buy a new one • Call the police • Curse the thief • Consult a grammar book Dangling Modifier The referent is not mentioned clearly in the clause.

  15. Running in the street, the tree suddenly fell down.Having broken down, the car driver decided to call a mechanic. At the age of five, my family moved to Cairo. • Dangling modifier. • For phrases where there is no subject, the first subject of the next clause is taken for granted as the subject of the first phrase.

  16. Scientists studied the problem endangered marine life. • Grammatically multi-functioning word. • “ the problem” acts both as a direct object for “ studied” and a subject for “ endangered” at the same time. • To solve the problem, we can use a relative pronoun or change “ endangered” into a participial adjective.

  17. I do not want to waste time but just getting an idea about it.In my free time,I like to play football, read stories and watching English movies.I can not only drive a car but also I can drive a bus. • Lack of parallelism • We have to take care of parallelism of structure after paired conjunctions ( not only but also/ neither nor / either or) and coordinating conjunctions ( FAN BOYS).

  18. Can you tell me where did you learn about the problem? • An indirect question In question, there must be one inversion and the rest of the question must be written as a statement.

  19. On the other side, we would need to get water to the tank ,so we would pump the water from the canal to the tank and that worked against the gravity, consequently, pumping would cost us lots of energy as a result we felt the merits and demerits of the gravity in our system. • Rambling sentence • Too many conjunctions • Too many dependent and independent clauses • Too many ideas which sound unclear. • The reader runs out of breath before reaching its end.

  20. Structure test • G:\English teaching\witing course\Radywiting course\structure exam\structure exam.docx

  21. ELEMENTS OF A GOOD ESSAY • Brain storming • Mind mapping ( coherence) • Introduction • Body • Conclusion ( state you personal opinion) • Linking words ( cohesion) • Topic sentence for each part.

  22. G:\English teaching\writing forms\Internet essay\a_for_and_against_essay_about_the_internet_-_essay.pdf

  23. Write a paragraph about the importance of reviewing prior solutions. • If I write them there are a lot of information I will give to them and a lot of advice I will give them to help them in solving their problem by knowing the prior solution, so I will tell them the right things to do if they have problem:IN our live we face a lot of problem which types of them will don’t require prior solution to help in solving the problem, but if the problem is big so we want to make steps to solve this problem the best thing to do is to identify your problem and know the specific problem we address, so we will know which topic we will make search to know the prior solution and make all of our work to know all the prior things which all the countries do to solving this problem and ask doctor which their job in your topic in the information they have about the solution which applied to solve this problem. • Translate into English!!

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