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Germany. STALIN. Mussolini. Hitler. Italy. Soviet Union - USSR. Political: Communism; strengthen communism in the Soviet Union. The spread of communism by worker’s revolutions throughout the world; state ownership of property; eventual rule by the working class.
Germany STALIN Mussolini Hitler Italy Soviet Union - USSR Political: Communism; strengthen communism in the Soviet Union. The spread of communism by worker’s revolutions throughout the world; state ownership of property; eventual rule by the working class Political: Fascism; extreme nationalism; militaristic expansionism; private property; a strong centralized government; anti-communism Political: Nazism; extreme nationalism and racism; militaristic expansionism; private property; a strong government; anti-communism Actions: massive campaigns to collect Actions: the “march on Rome”; the Rome-Berlin Axis Pact; the invasion of Ethiopia Actions: established the Third Reich; pulled out of the League of Nations; built up the military; sent troops into the Rhineland; set up the Rome-Berlin Axis Pact Japanese Militarists Francisco Franco Spain Japan Political: fascism; militarism Political: nationalism, militaristic expansion Actions: an uprising against the elected government; a civil war Actions: the invasion of Manchuria, pulled out of the League of Nations
The pact was dishonorable and wouldn’t prevent war. To avoid war. Not to fight each other; to divide Poland between them. Poland was divided between Germany and the USSR; the country ceased t o exist; Britain and France declared war on Germany. Germany occupied the northern part of France; a Nazi-controlled puppet government was set up at Vichy in Southern France. Air war; a British victory forced Hitler to call off the invasion of Britain indefinitely. 1st time Germany had been stopped.
Worried about fueling anti-Semitism; didn’t want more Stripped Jews of their civil rights and property if they tried to leave Germany; forced Jews to wear Jewish stars sewn to their clothing Gangs of Nazi storm troopers attacked Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues. Widespread anti-Semitism; desire to avoid greater competition for jobs during the Depression; fear of “enemy agents” All non-Aryans; Jews; Communists; socialists; liberals; gypsies; Freemans; Jehovah’s Witnesses; homosexuals; the mentally retarded; the insane; the disabled; the incurably ill; Poles; Ukrainians; Russians The Nazis shot, beat, starved, gassed, and hanged their victims; they also worked them to death, injected them with poison, and deliberately killed them in grisly “medical” experiments.
Permitted nations to buy U.S. armaments as long as they paid cash and carried the good away in their own ships Japan, Germany, Italy; if the U.S. declared war on any of the Axis powers, it would have to fight a two-ocean war. Allowed the president to lend or lease arms and supplies to “any country whose defense was vital to the U.S. Punished Japan with a trade embargo Collective security, disarmament, self-determination, economic cooperation, freedom of the Jews An alliance of 26 nations that had joined together to fight the Axis powers Almost destroyed it They had signed a mutual defense treaty with Japan in which they agreed to come to each other’s aid in the event of an attack.