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Haight Ashbury Food Program

Haight Ashbury Food Program. Draft Project Outline. Project Statement. The purpose of this project is to…. Introduction/Background. Founded in 1983 as a neighborhood response to hunger, the Haight Ashbury Food Program believes it is not enough to feed people for a day

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Haight Ashbury Food Program

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Haight Ashbury Food Program Draft Project Outline

  2. Project Statement The purpose of this project is to….

  3. Introduction/Background Founded in 1983 as a neighborhood response to hunger, the Haight Ashbury Food Program believes it is not enough to feed people for a day but it is essential to help people feed themselves and others for a lifetime.

  4. Executive Summary Focus on the ….

  5. Project Method 1. Survey 2. Interviews 3. Marketing Proposal 4. 5.

  6. Survey Survey Questionnaire

  7. Survey Survey Results and Analysis

  8. Interviews Interview results from Corky

  9. Interviews Interview results from Michael

  10. Interviews Interview results from Judy

  11. Interviews Interview results from Keith

  12. Marketing Proposal Title page

  13. Marketing Proposal Table of Content

  14. Marketing Proposal Proposal summary/Overview

  15. Marketing Proposal Body of the proposal

  16. Marketing Proposal References

  17. Marketing Proposal Appendixes

  18. Project Outcomes • Conducted a survey for … • Interviewed the … • Created a marketing campaign for.. • Built the…

  19. Timelines • Initial survey completed: March 02,2007 • Interviews completed: March 28, 2007 • Updated website completed: April ….. • Submit the report… • Presentation to ….

  20. Conclusion With the help from many people, we believe…

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