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Green Chemistry and Engineering Justin Barone jbaronevt renewablemat.bse.vt

Why go green?. It was simply the

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Green Chemistry and Engineering Justin Barone jbaronevt renewablemat.bse.vt

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Green Chemistry and Engineering Justin Barone jbarone@vt.edu http://renewablemat.bse.vt.edu

    2. Why go green? It was simply the right thing to do because environmental pollution became hazardous to our health! If there was not a saleable component, industry did not care. Until what happened?

    3. It became costly to not be green These chemicals are carcinogens, or act as endocrine disrupters, etc. These chemicals are carcinogens, or act as endocrine disrupters, etc.

    4. and the price of petroleum sky-rocketed This is the big one. Laws can always be written to still make harmful stuff. Deflation is probably killing the green movement right now. But will be back.This is the big one. Laws can always be written to still make harmful stuff. Deflation is probably killing the green movement right now. But will be back.

    5. There are many ways to be green Increase energy efficiency a few percent Completely rid yourself of petroleum Completely rid yourself of fossil fuel feedstocks What else can we use?

    6. Petroleum comes from biomass, we just want to cheat a millennium of processing.Petroleum comes from biomass, we just want to cheat a millennium of processing.

    8. Rules Bio-based sources that are not food or fuel or else you are out 25-37oC and H2O: no heat, pressure, or solvents Biological processing Biodegrade to CO2 and other small molecules

    9. Back to our first examples Phthalates Phenol-formaldehyde Bisphenol-A

    10. PLA: Polylactic Acid

    11. PHA: Polyhydroxyalkanoates

    12. Epoxies from Fats

    13. Protein-Based Materials

    15. PLA vs. Petroleum-based Polymers

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