1. Change
2. Change
3. Nature & Cycle of Groups
Forming Storming
Transforming Norming & Performing
4. Change Process Awareness
Mental Tryout
5. Support for Change Awareness = Ad Agent
Self-Concern = Guide
Mental Tryout = Demonstrator
Testing = Instructor
Adoption = Technical Assistant
6. The Role of Conflict Conflict:
is inevitable
is important to the change process
can lead to constructive results
can be channeled to maximize creative solutions
can enhance group innovation
7. Managing Conflict Expect Conflict
Acknowledge as natural to change
Talk openly and honestly
Channel around an issue not a person
Use to fuel creativity
Resist the urge to quit or disband
8. Managing Conflict Develop ground rules to positively support conflict
When it gets hot - take a break
Use an outside facilitator
Celebrate success
9. Facilitating Change Be part of the solution
Know you have power to make change
Small strides = change
less energy is spent supporting change
Individual make-up systems
Be a life-long learner
Change is not an excuse to do nothing
10. What Skillful Change Agents Know Change occurs more slowly than anticipated
Build a support network
Dont expect to have all the answers
Empower others
Remember to be a facilitator not a savior
Dont expect lots of credit or recognition
Have a sense of humor and use it often
11. Four Hats of Shared Leadership Facilitating