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Glencoe High School Mathematics. Course Offerings and Forecasting Information. Introduction. The mathematics program at Glencoe High School is built on the belief that all students should have the opportunity to successfully learn mathematics.
Glencoe High School Mathematics Course Offerings and Forecasting Information
Introduction • The mathematics program at Glencoe High School is built on the belief that all students should have the opportunity to successfully learn mathematics. • The Mathematical Practice Standards apply throughout each course and, together with the content standards, prescribe that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations. • Oregon requires 3.0 credits in mathematics (Algebra 1 and above) for graduation. Most colleges require students to complete at least Algebra II in high school. We strongly recommend that students who plan to attend a four-year university take an advanced math course (Tech Math, Pre-Calculus, Calculus) their senior year. • Glencoe High School does NOT recommend use of abbreviated/intensive summer or online courses to accelerate a student’s math program.
Glencoe High School Math Courses Regular Track Advanced Track • Everyday Algebra • Algebra 1 • Geometry • Trigonometry/Algebra/Geometry^ • Algebra 2 • Technical Math* • Statistics* • Accelerated Geometry* • Accelerated Algebra 2* • Pre-Calculus* • AP Calculus 1* • AP Calculus 2* • AP Statistics* *= Honors diploma eligible ^= elective credit
Algebra 1 GHS Mathematics Geometry Accelerated Geometry* Trig/Alg/Geo^ Algebra 2 Accelerated Algebra 2* Technical Math* Statistics* Pre-Calculus* AP Statistics* AP Calculus 1* *= Honors diploma eligible ^= elective credit AP Calculus 2*
FAQs • What if I sign up for an accelerated class (i.e., Accelerated Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus, etc…) and it is too hard for me? • If you were successful in the previous class (C or better) you should be prepared for the class your teacher recommended. However, there are some exceptions: • Accelerated Geometry can go to Geometry • Accelerated Algebra 2 can go to Algebra 2 • Pre-Calculus can go to Technical Math • What if my teacher recommends me for a lower level class than the one I really want to take? • You must submit a letter (instruction form available in counseling center) stating that you and your parents acknowledge that you are being accelerated above the recommendation of your teacher and that you will need to put in significant extra time, and possibly require tutoring as a consequence.
FAQs • If I get a D do I have to repeat the class? • A “D” typically does not show you are proficient, and you likely struggle in your next math class. So, earning a “D” would indicate you are not prepared to move forward. Additionally, most colleges do not accept a D for credit. So, if you are planning on attending college, the answer is yes. • If I get an F do I have to repeat the class? • Yes. • I don’t have a graphing calculator, can I still sign up for a class that requires one? • You can, but you will have difficulty completing many assignments and tests. Most teachers have a few calculators to use in class, but not enough for everyone. Not having a calculator will make many topics in the class extremely difficult and nearly impossible to do. Your success may depend in part on your knowledge and use of the graphing calculator.
Algebra 1 • Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation • Credit: 1.0 • Description: The fundamental purpose of this course is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in the middle grades. The course is based on the Common Core Mathematical Standards for Algebra 1. The 5 critical areas of focus are: Relationships between quantities and reasoning with equations, Linear and exponential relationships, Descriptive statistics, Expressions and equations, and Quadratic functions and modeling.
Geometry • Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra 1 • Credit: 1.0 • Description: The fundamental purpose of the course in Geometry is to formalize and extend students’ geometric experiences from the middle grades. The 6 critical areas of focus are: Congruence, proof, and constructions, Similarity, proof, and trigonometry, Extending to three dimensions, Connecting Algebra and Geometry through coordinates, Circles with and without coordinates, and Applications of probability.
Accelerated Geometry • Prerequisite: "B” or better in Algebra 1, teacher recommendation. • Credit: 1.0 (Honors eligible) • Description: This rigorous course is the second year of the three-year math sequence. Accelerated Geometry develops logical thinking and reasoning with a richer understanding of practical measurement through the study of plane figures such as triangles, circles, and parallelograms. A component of Accelerated Geometry is proof writing that requires multi-step thinking. • A ruler, compass, protractor, and scientific calculator are required.
Trigonometry/Algebra/Geometry • Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation • Credit: 1.0 Elective credit (Math credit at discretion of Principal) • Description: This course is designed for students who have two math credits completed in Algebra 1 and Geometry. It is designed for students who have not completed their third year math credit and need an alternative approach to feel confident in the key concepts and skills in Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Statistics and Probability. The course will include Advanced Algebra state standards and these topics: functions, trigonometry, quadratics, area and volume, exponents and polynomials. • Students successful in this course will be ready for Algebra 2, which is necessary to attend a four year college or university. • A graphing calculator is strongly recommended.
Algebra 2 • Prerequisite: “C” or better in Geometry or teacher recommendation. • Credit: 1.0 • Description: Building on their work with linear, quadratic, and exponential functions, students extend their repertoire of functions to include polynomial, ration-al, and radical functions. Students work closely with the expressions that define the functions, and continue to expand and hone their abilities to mod-el situations and to solve equations, including solving quadratic equations over the set of complex numbers and solving exponential equations using the properties of logarithms. The 4 critical areas of focus are: Polynomial, rational and radical relationships, Trigonometry functions, Modeling with functions, and Inferences and conclusions from data.
Accelerated Algebra 2 • Prerequisite: “C” or above in Accelerated Geometry or “B” or above in Geometry and teacher recommendation. • Credit: 1.0 (Honors eligible) • Description: This rigorous, accelerated course is intended to prepare students for Pre-Calculus. Students will review solving and graphing linear equations, inequalities, and systems. New content includes solving and graphing quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, polynomial, radical, and rational equations. Discrete mathematics topics, including sequences, series, and probability fill out this course’s content. • A graphing calculator is required.
Technical Math • Prerequisite: "C" or better in Algebra 2 or Accelerated Algebra 2 or teacher recommendation • Credit: 1.0 (Honors eligible) • Description: This course is designed as a bridge between Algebra II and Pre-Calculus. Throughout the course there will be a review and enhancement of concepts from Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II and an introduction to concepts from Pre-Calculus. Topics include significant digits, linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic and rational functions, systems of equations, matrices, radicals, trigonometry, sequences and series. • A graphing calculator is required.
Statistics • Prerequisite:Successful completion of Algebra 2 and teacher recommendation. • Credit: 1.0 (Honors eligible) • Description: This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to the basic essentials of statistics. Topics covered will include probability theory, binomial and normal distribution, estimation, and hypothesis testing. Students will learn the course concepts through hands-on experimentation and investigation. Links between statistics and real-world applications will be demonstrated. Students planning to work in mathematics, social science, engineering, natural science, or computers will find this course beneficial. • A graphing calculator is required. • Note: This class is not an advanced math class in terms of algebra skills. It does however, require strong critical thinking, reasoning, and communication skills. Students planning to enroll in a four-year university should also enroll in an advanced math class (Tech Math, Pre-Calculus, Calculus) their senior year.
Pre-Calculus • Prerequisite: “C” or better in Tech Math, or Accelerated Algebra 2, “B” or better in Algebra 2 and teacher recommendation. • Credit: 1.0 (Honors eligible) • Description:Pre-calculus provides a solid theoretical foundation in rational, polynomial, logarithmic, exponential and trigonometric functions with an emphasis on numerical, algebraic and graphical modeling. This class is equivalent to Math 111 and 112 at PSU or PCC. • A graphing calculator is required.
AP Statistics • Prerequisite: “B” or better in Tech Math, Pre-calculus, or teacher recommendation from Algebra 2 or Accelerated Algebra 2 • Credit: 1.0 (Honors eligible) • Description: Advanced Placement Statistics is an introductory course that covers the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students will be exposed to four broad conceptual themes: exploring data, sampling and experimentation, anticipating patterns, and statistical inference. This course prepares students for the Advanced Placement Statistics examination in May. Students planning to work in mathematics, social science, engineering, natural science, or computers will find this course beneficial. • A graphing calculator is required. • Note: This class is not an advanced math class in terms of algebra skills. It does however, require strong critical thinking, reasoning, and communication skills. Students planning to enroll in a four-year university should also enroll in an advanced math class (Tech Math, Pre-Calculus, Calculus) their senior year.
AP Calculus 1 • Prerequisite: “B” or better in Pre-calculus and teacher recommendation • Credit: 1.0 (Honors eligible) • Description: Advanced Placement Calculus 1 covers selected topics in differential and integral calculus including limits, continuity, motion, graph analysis, optimization, numerical methods and an introduction to differential equations. Concepts are presented from numerical, graphical and symbolic perspective. This class prepares students for the Advanced Placement Calculus (AB level) examination in May. • A graphing calculator is required.
AP Calculus 2 • Prerequisite: • Credit: 1.0 (Honors eligible) • Description: Advanced Placement Calculus 2 topics include infinite sequences and series, improper integrals, slope fields, Euler's method, logistic growth, vectors in three dimensional space, and introduction to differential equations. Students may choose to take the College Board's AP Calculus exam (BC level) in May. • A graphing calculator is required. • NOTE: Depending on enrollment, Advanced Placement Calculus 2 may be offered at only a single district high school.