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Creating a Nation

Creating a Nation. 5 th Grade Social Studies Chapter 9 Lesson 1 A New Nation. Lesson 9.1- A New Nation pages 296-301. Vocabulary. territory. constitution citizen territory ordinance. an area of land governed by the U.S. before it becomes a state.

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Creating a Nation

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  1. Creating a Nation 5th Grade Social Studies Chapter 9 Lesson 1 A New Nation

  2. Lesson 9.1- A New Nationpages 296-301 Vocabulary territory constitution citizen territory ordinance an area of land governed by the U.S. before it becomes a state

  3. Lesson 9.1- A New Nationpages 296-301 Vocabulary constitution constitution citizen territory ordinance a written plan of how a country’s government will work

  4. Lesson 9.1- A New Nationpages 296-301 Vocabulary ordinance constitution citizen territory ordinance a law

  5. Lesson 9.1- A New Nationpages 296-301 Vocabulary citizen constitution citizen territory ordinance an official member of a city, state, or nation

  6. Lesson 9.1- A New Nationpages 296-301 • What powers did the Articles of Confederation give Congress? • declare war, make treaties with other nations, & print & borrow money • What powers did Congress lack? • It could not set up an army, control trade, or tax

  7. Lesson 9.1- A New Nationpages 296-301 • What problems was the new government unable to resolve? • The government could not resolve arguments between states, & could not pay its debts • What did Shays want? • Farmers to have more time to pay debts & the government to stop taking farms

  8. Lesson 9.1- A New Nationpages 296-301 • What did Shay’s Rebellion show about the new government? • The government was too weak to keep order

  9. Creating a Nation 5th Grade Social Studies Chapter 9 Lesson 2 Constitutional Convention

  10. Lesson 9.2- Constitutional Conventionpages 302-309 Vocabulary ratify federal republic compromise ratify officially accept

  11. Lesson 9.2- Constitutional Conventionpages 302-309 Vocabulary federal federal republic compromise ratify form of government where states share power with central government

  12. Lesson 9.2- Constitutional Conventionpages 302-309 Vocabulary compromise federal republic compromise ratify an agreement in which each side of an argument gives up something it wants

  13. Lesson 9.2- Constitutional Conventionpages 302-309 Vocabulary republic federal republic compromise ratify a government in which citizens elect leaders to represent them

  14. Lesson 9.2- Constitutional Conventionpages 302-309 • Why did delegates gather in Philadelphia in the spring of 1787? • They met to discuss how to change the Articles of Confederation • Which state did Madison & Washington represent at the Convention? • Virginia

  15. Lesson 9.2- Constitutional Conventionpages 302-309 • What is a federal system of government? • One in which states share power with a central government • What did the Virginia Plan propose? • a federal government with three branches • Why did small states create the New Jersey plan? • To get equal representation in Congress as large states

  16. Lesson 9.2- Constitutional Conventionpages 302-309 • What was Roger Sherman’s solution called? • The Great Compromise • What was the 3/5 Compromise? • A rule to count 5 slaves as 3 people in Slave States • Which states had populations more than 350,000 people? • Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia, & North Carolina

  17. Lesson 9.2- Constitutional Conventionpages 302-309 • What had to happen before the Constitution could go into effect? • 9 of the 13 states had to ratify it • Why did Anti-federalists think the Constitution was dangerous? • It created a strong central government without a Bill of Rights

  18. Lesson 9.2- Constitutional Conventionpages 302-309 • What did the Federalists do to persuade the states to ratify the Constitution? • They promised to add a Bill of Rights to the document

  19. Creating a Nation 5th Grade Social Studies Chapter 9 Lesson 3 The Constitution

  20. Lesson 9.3- The Constitutionp. 312-319 Vocabulary veto democracy checks & balances veto unconstitutional amendment to refuse to approve

  21. Lesson 9.3- The Constitutionp. 312-319 Vocabulary democracy democracy checks & balances veto unconstitutional amendment a government in which people make decisions by voting

  22. Lesson 9.3- The Constitutionp. 312-319 Vocabulary amendment democracy checks & balances veto unconstitutional amendment a change made to the Constitution

  23. Lesson 9.3- The Constitutionp. 312-319 Vocabulary unconstitutional democracy checks & balances veto unconstitutional amendment not in agreement with the Constitution

  24. Lesson 9.3- The Constitutionp. 312-319 Vocabulary checks & balances democracy checks & balances veto unconstitutional amendment a system of separating government so each part doesn’t have too much power

  25. Lesson 9.3- The Constitutionp. 312-319 • What is the Preamble? • The introduction of the Constitution that states the goals of the Constitution • What are the 3 branches of government? • The Legislative, The Executive, & The Judicial • What is the highest court in the nation? • The Supreme Court

  26. Lesson 9.3- The Constitutionp. 312-319 • How does the division of powers help control government? • It prevents any one person or branch from having all the power • What happens when the Supreme Court decides that a law is unconstitutional? • The law is no longer in effect

  27. Lesson 9.3- The Constitutionp. 312-319 • What can Congress do to pass a law that the President has vetoed? • If 2/3 of the Senate & House agree, they can pass the law • Who has the power to collect taxes? • Federal & State governments • When a state & federal law don’t agree, which law must be followed? • Federal law

  28. Lesson 9.3- The Constitutionp. 312-319 • How can an amendment be added to the Constitution? • If 2/3 of the Senate & House agree, & 3/5 of the states ratify it • Why did people want a Bill of Rights? • To make sure the federal government recognized the rights of individuals

  29. Lesson 9.3- The Constitutionp. 312-319 • How many amendments make up the Bill of Rights? • Ten • What are some of the rights that are protected in the first amendment? • Freedom of speech & Freedom of religion

  30. Creating a Nation 5th Grade Social Studies Chapter 9 Lesson 4 President Washington

  31. Lesson 9.4- Winning the Warp. 320-325 Vocabulary Cabinet inauguration Cabinet political party interest capital a group appointed by a President to help govern the country

  32. Lesson 9.4- Winning the Warp. 320-325 Vocabulary political party inauguration Cabinet political party interest capital a group that works together to gain power in government

  33. Lesson 9.4- Winning the Warp. 320-325 Vocabulary inauguration inauguration Cabinet political party interest capital the ceremony at which a government official is sworn into offfice

  34. Lesson 9.4- Winning the Warp. 320-325 Vocabulary capital inauguration Cabinet political party interest capital the city where a state or national government officially meets

  35. Lesson 9.4- Winning the Warp. 320-325 Vocabulary interest inauguration Cabinet political party interest capital the fee that a borrower pays to a lender

  36. Lesson 9.4- Winning the Warp. 320-325 • Why did George Washington act with care as President? • He knew since he was the first President, other Presidents would follow his example • What is the job of the Secretary of State? • To decide how the U.S. should behave toward other countries • What is the job of the Attorney General? • To see that federal laws are obeyed

  37. Lesson 9.4- Winning the Warp. 320-325 • Why did Jefferson & Hamilton often give the President opposite advice? • Hamilton believed in a strong central government, while Jefferson felt it should be weaker • Which side did President Washington take on the national bank? • He took Hamilton’s advice and approved the law creating it

  38. Lesson 9.4- Winning the Warp. 320-325 • Where was the nation’s new capital located? • On the Potomac River, between Virginia & Maryland • What is the name of the nation’s capital? • Washington, D.C.

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