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Early Explorers: Opening New Worlds

Discover the stories of Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, Vasco Nunez de Balboa, Juan Ponce de Leon, Henry Hudson, and Jacques Cartier who paved the way for global exploration and colonization before 1500. Learn how they navigated uncharted waters, claimed new territories, and sought riches for their countries. Explore their journeys through the lens of history and technology, uncovering the motivation behind their quests for new lands and trade routes.

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Early Explorers: Opening New Worlds

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  1. Cartier Early Explorers Hudson John Cabot Balboa De Leon Columbus

  2. Background • Before 1500, there were few connections between the Eastern and the Western hemispheres. Most Europeans, Africans, and Asians did not know that the Americas existed. • Important changes took place during the 1300s and the 1400s namely in the field of technology. Out of this new technology, new maps and navigation techniques were developed. • Europeans traded with other countries but had to pay high prices for goods such as spices and materials. • Explorers decided to try and bypass “middlemen” and find faster routes to Asia and discover new lands to find the various items for their collections and countries.

  3. Christopher Columbus • Traveling to India around the southern tip of Africa was dangerous and difficult. • Columbus thought that if they sailed West, they would eventually circle the globe, and arrive in Eastern Asia. • He was born in 1451 in Genoa, Italy • He studied navigation and believed he could find a new and shorter route to Asia. • Did not know that North and South America was between Europe and Asia • Wanted to go to Asia to spread Christianity and for spices and silk. • Was funded by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. • Sailed west to find Asia but landed on the Bahamas.

  4. John Cabot • England also sent out explorers to find new land and wealth in the new world. • In 1497 King Henry VI sent a captain by the name of John Cabot to attempt to find the new world that Columbus had recently discovered. • Cabot explored Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and New England, and claimed these lands for Great Britain.

  5. Vasco Nunez de Balboa • 1475 Vasco Nunez de Balboa was born in Jerez de los Caballeros in Estremadura, Spain • Balboa joined an expedition to South America in 1501 sponsored by Spain with Rodrigo De Bastidas . • Was first European to reach the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. • He went on the expedition to find land for Spanish settlers to exploit and to find a quick land route to the Pacific Ocean.

  6. Juan Ponce de Leon • Juan Ponce De Leon was the first European to set foot on the Peninsula of Florida. • In 1493 Ponce De Leon sailed from Spain to the new world as a crew member on one of Christopher Columbus’ ships. Rather than returning with Columbus, Ponce De Leon chose to remain behind in Santo Domingo. • Here he was made the governor of a small province known as Higuey. • He was 1st to land on the mainland of North America • Looked for “fountain of youth” • Established St. Augustine, Florida • Died of a leg wound from a poison arrow while fighting with the natives.

  7. Henry Hudson • In 1621 leaders in the Netherlands sent an explorer by the name of Henry Hudson to North America, in search of suitable land for setting up colonies. • The Dutch Government also established The Dutch West India Company to help establish colonies in North America • The most important of these colonies was New Amsterdam, which would eventually become New York. • Henry Hudson explored much of the region around New Amsterdam, and also discovered the Hudson Bay. • Was sponsored by England namely the Dutch East India Company to discover a northwest passage to Asia. • Sailed up a river in New York City now known as the Hudson River in 1609 • His crew mutinied on the ship and kicked Henry overboard.

  8. Jacques Cartier • Was sponsored by France to find a water route to Asia in 1534 . • He sailed over a 1000 miles along the St. Lawrence River in Canada. • Established his country’s claim to present-day Canada • Cartier discovered the St. Lawrence river, sailing his ships into present day Montreal. • Cartier claimed much of Canada for the French.

  9. Ten Day Unit Day 1 E: Who were the early explores? How can I use main idea/supporting details to learn more about the explorers? How can I effectively research my assigned explorer and meet the expectations of the elements of the GPS? A: What is an explorer and what kinds of questions would you ask her/him if you could? T: Teacher conducts shared reading of social studies book to model how to use a main idea graphic organizer to research information about the early explorers by using the elements of the GPS as supporting details (reasons for). Teacher will divide students into groups and assign each group an explorer. The groups will work cooperatively to follow the teacher’s modeling and produce their own main idea and supporting details using the elements of the GPS. Main Idea: Columbus was sponsored by Spain because he convinced Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand that he could travel to Asia by a new route since he studied navigation. Supporting Detail 1: (using element of GPS-reasons for) European countries had very few spices and they traveled far to bring spices and other riches back to Europe from distant lands. Supporting Detail 2: The King and Queen wanted the gold and spices they believed Columbus would find in Asia Supporting Detail 3: Columbus wanted to teach others about religion S: Share chair- groups will pair with students from different groups and “peer teach” their given explorer. Students must take notes when groups share information on their assigned explorers.

  10. Day 2 • E: How to can I effectively research my assigned explorer and meet the expectations of the elements of the GPS? • A: What is an explorer and what kinds of questions would you ask her/him if you could. • T: The teacher will model how to find supporting details for the GPS element of “obstacles to” • The groups will work cooperatively to follow the teacher’s modeling and produce their own main idea and supporting details using the elements of the GPS. • Supporting Detail 1: (using element of GPS-obstacles to) Columbus had no idea of the region where he sailed and many of his sailors wanted to turn back. • Supporting Detail 2: On October 12, 1402, Columbus arrived in the West Indies • Supporting Detail 3: The physical environment was different from the European environment and Columbus and his crew had to adapt to themselves to it • S: Share chair- groups will pair with students from different groups and “peer teach” their given explorer. Students must take notes when groups share information on their assigned explorers. • Day 3 • E: How to can I effectively research my assigned explorer and meet the expectations of the elements of the GPS? • A: What is an explorer and what kinds of questions would you ask her/him if you could. • T: The teacher will model how to find supporting details for the GPS element of “accomplishments of” • The groups will work cooperatively to follow the teacher’s modeling and produce their own main idea and supporting details using the elements of the GPS. • Supporting Detail 1: (using element of GPS-accomplishments of) Columbus‘ exploration opened a route for other explorers to the Americas. • Supporting Detail 2: Columbus created many settlements for Spain such as Hispaniola. • Supporting Detail 3: Columbus was responsible for the Columbian Exchange which brought new crops such as wheat, barley, and sugar cane. He also introduced many animals to the Indies such as horses, pigs, and cows. • S: Share chair- groups will pair with students from different groups and “peer teach” their given explorer. Students must take notes when groups share information on their assigned explorers.

  11. Day 4 E: How to can I effectively research my assigned explorer and meet the expectations of the elements of the GPS? A: What is an explorer and what kinds of questions would you ask her/him if you could. T: The teacher will model how to find supporting details for the GPS element of “cooperation or conflict” The groups will work cooperatively to follow the teacher’s modeling and produce their own main idea and supporting details using the elements of the GPS. Supporting Detail 1: (using element of GPS-cooperation or conflict) Columbus and the explorers which followed cut down rain forests and built sugar plantations. Supporting Detail 2: They also brought many diseases that the Natives had never had and many of them died from epidemics which is an outbreak of disease that spreads quickly and affects many people. Supporting Detail 3: Many of the Native Americans were forced to work the land and create European towns for the explorers against their will. S: Share chair- groups will pair with students from different groups and “peer teach” their given explorer. Students must take notes when groups share information on their assigned explorers. Day 5 E: How to can I effectively research my assigned explorer and meet the expectations of the elements of the GPS? A: What is an explorer and what kinds of questions would you ask her/him if you could. T: The teacher will model how to find supporting details for the GPS element of “adaptation to environment” The groups will work cooperatively to follow the teacher’s modeling and produce their own main idea and supporting details using the elements of the GPS. Supporting Detail 1: (using element of GPS-adaptation to environment) The physical environment was different from the European environment and Columbus and his crew had to adapt to themselves to it Supporting Detail 2: Columbus had to bring new crops to the new world such as wheat, barley, sugar cane and had to find ways to grow them. Supporting Detail 3: Columbus and his men cut down many trees to build sugar plantations S: groups will pair with students from different groups and “peer teach” their given explorer. Students must take notes when groups share information on their assigned explorers.

  12. Day 6 E: How to can I effectively research my assigned explorer and meet the expectations of the elements of the GPS? A: What is an explorer and what kinds of questions would you ask her/him if you could. Have you never wanted something so bad, that would do anything to get it.? T: The teacher will model how to find supporting details for the GPS element of “opportunity cost” The groups will work cooperatively to follow the teacher’s modeling and produce their own main idea and supporting details using the elements of the GPS. Supporting Detail 1: (using element of GPS-opportunity cost) the opportunity to bring riches back to Spain Supporting Detail 2: the opportunity to spread the Christian faith Supporting Detail 3: the opportunity to discover a new path to Asia S: groups will pair with students from different groups and “peer teach” their given explorer. Students must take notes when groups share information on their assigned explorers. Day 7 E: How to can I effectively research my assigned explorer and meet the expectations of the elements of the GPS? A: What is an explorer and what kinds of questions would you ask her/him if you could. T: The teacher will review previous charts on explorer to highlight each of the elements such as obstacles, opportunity cost. Teacher will give students instruction on cooperative group work in which they must create a poster on their assigned explorer. The poster must include each of the covered topics above and can include pictures and/or drawings. The groups will work cooperatively to complete their posters. S: Share chair- Teacher will wrap lesson for the day. Day 8 E: How to can I effectively research my assigned explorer and meet the expectations of the elements of the GPS? A: What is an explorer and what kinds of questions would you ask her/him if you could. T: The teacher will review previous charts on explorer to highlight each of the elements such as obstacles, opportunity cost. Teacher will give students instruction on cooperative group work in which they must create a poster on their assigned explorer. The poster must include each of the covered topics above and can include pictures and/or drawings. The groups will work cooperatively to complete their posters. S: Share chair- Teacher will wrap lesson for the day.

  13. Day 9 • E: How to can I effectively research my assigned explorer and meet the expectations of the elements of the GPS? • A: What is an explorer and what kinds of questions would you ask her/him if you could. • T: The teacher will review previous charts on explorer to highlight each of the elements such as obstacles, opportunity cost. Teacher will give students instruction on cooperative group work in which they must create a poster on their assigned explorer. The poster must include each of the covered topics above and can include pictures and/or drawings. • The groups will work cooperatively to complete their posters. • S: Share chair- Teacher will wrap lesson for the day. • Day 10 • E: How to can I effectively research my assigned explorer and meet the expectations of the elements of the GPS? • A: What is an explorer and what kinds of questions would you ask her/him if you could. • T: The teacher will give students directions for using the posters for a “scavenger hunt” to complete attachment 15 of the Georgia Performance Standards frameworks. • The students will work individually to complete a scavenger hunt on the explorers. • S: Share chair-. Students will share their explorer sheet on economic choices (Attachment 15) • Day 11 • E: How can I effectively research my assigned explorer and meet the expectations of the elements of the GPS? • A: What is an explorer and what kinds of questions would you ask her/him if you could. • T: Summary of unit by teacher, unit test, unit performance task, etc. • S: Share chair

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