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Discover how to leverage stimulus mining to drive out fear, generate unique ideas, and add value in any job or organization. Explore different categories of stimuli, from customer feedback to market research, and stretch your mind to anticipate the future.
Learn the Basics of Stimulus Mining What is our Process? Feed the Brain Feed the Brain Feed the Brain Today’s Objective’s
D S MU = F Leverage Diversity Explore Stimulus Meaningfully Unique Ideas! = Drive out Fear
Value of Stimulus Stimulus Feeds The Brain Stimulus Available # of practical ideas invented Low Stimulus 22 Medium Stimulus 38 High Stimulus 47
draining After Before Suck Method Uses Your Brain Like ALIBRARY Traditional Model Individual Brainstorming
COMPUTER Stimulus sets off a CHAIN Reaction!!!
More Ideas (Quantity & QUALITY) MoreStimulus = Where To Go On Vacation?
Who’s Job is It? Principles of InnovationRobert B Tucker • Innovation isn’t something you do after you get your work done. It’s how you do your work. • Innovation is about more than inventing new products. It’s about figuring out how to add value where you are. • You can innovate in any job, any department, or any organization. • Innovation is about taking action. It is everyone’s Job!
“Gut Instincts and Ideas” + 3 4 1 5 2 Fast & Easier to Find Harder & Deeper Thinking Involved 5 Categories for Stimulus Mining
What we are searching for... • Customer and non Customer... • Likes • Dislikes • Perceptions • Frustrations • Complaints • Wishes ...relating to our offerings and our competitors offerings Using Voice of the Customer Research for Ideas, Insights, and Opportunities Connect with customers and non-customers, read blogs, forums, and news posts about your company or industry at large. • How customers are using, misusing, and adapting to our offering www.digg.comwww.boardreader.comwww.google.com/blogsearch
What we are searching for... Benchmarking versus the Marketplace and Competitors for Ideas and Inspiration Compare your offering with alternatives; Borrow Brilliance from non-competitors in different industry sectors or countries • Search for Patent and Trademark Filings by Competitors • Go to freepatentsonline.com • Click on Search • Click on Quick Search • Scroll down to "Assignee". List a Company Name Explore how competitors in other cities, states, countries market similar services • What do they promise customers? • How do they package / price their offering? • What do they communicate to build credibility? Explore how different industries have excelled at delivering personilization • What do they promise customers? • How do they package / price their offering? • What do they communicate to build credibility?
www.howstuffworks.com Is a great place to find info on what competitors are doing
What we are searching for... Leverage Facts & Innovation Assets from Inside and Outside your Organization Mine for new technologies, potential partners, academic research, inventor expertise. • Search for academic articles and wisdom at www.Scholar.google.com • Looking at psychology and decision making, shopping behavior • What does the latest research tell us about people interacting with technology? • Are there studies about moments of joy and happiness • Search for technology and expertise that we could leverage or connect to • www.TechMining101.com links to high-tech technologies • www.Google.com/Patents good for USA patents • USAInnovation.org good for business ideas • www.FreePatentsOnline.com good for International patents
Here is an academic article that links decision making with happiness. It advocates improving the presentation of choices we have in this world. I am interested in how we could help people make decisions and weigh consequences of what they buy and what they eat http://pps.sagepub.com/content/3/3/224.abstract?maxtoshow=&HITS=10&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&andorexacttitle=
What we are searching for... Stretching Minds to Anticipate the Future Explore trend forecasters, read industry news, connect to Lead Users, Industry Experts • Anticipating the Future: • What market segments do you see becoming much bigger over the next 5 years? • Where do you see technology going 5 years or 10 years from now? • What regulatory, raw material and other operational challenges do you see in the next 5 to 10 years? • Read about MEGA SHIFTS that could have an impact • Start with simple GOOGLE searches on identifying trends • Example Search: Trends in Customer Personalisation • Example Search: Trends in Privacy Regulations Online • Example Search: “Customer Name” Trends • What are our customers are saying about the future, how will their behavior change? - trendwatching.com www.google.com/trendswww.trendwatching.comwww.ted.comwww.futurist.com
What can we do to make her life easier and get her home to family more?
What kind of stuff does Messie Jessie need and how can we make his business better?
Every month a new briefing on trends on trendwatching.com Are you watching the major transfor-mations or just the piddly stuff?
Offbeat Thoughts Listen beyond the grassroots Listen to those you don’t like Listen to the exodus Get young
A special note about Trade Shows There are more than 250 per year, don’t keep going to the same one!
Innovation requires action, use a process to focus your activities