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Case 2.2

Case 2.2. A 17 year-old male had an excellent antiepileptic drug control of his generalized tonic- clonic seizures for the past 3 years. Work up done showed an abnormal EEG patterns consistent with generalized type of seizures and a normal cranial CT scan. Missing Data.

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Case 2.2

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Case 2.2

  2. A 17 year-old male had an excellent antiepileptic drug control of his generalized tonic-clonic seizures for the past 3 years. Work up done showed an abnormal EEG patterns consistent with generalized type of seizures and a normal cranial CT scan.

  3. Missing Data • Initial presentation of the patient when diagnosis was established • Family history • History of trauma, loss of consciousness, severe headache • Precipitating factors • Fever, stress, fatigue, sleep deprivation, drug abuse, alcohol • Prodromal symptoms • mood changes, sleep disturbances, lightheadedness, anxiety, irritability, difficulty concentrating • Compliance to anti-epileptic medications • Frequency, duration and presentation of the patient during the recent attack

  4. Salient Features • 17 year-old • male • 3 year history of generalized tonic-clonic seizures- controlled • abnormal EEG patterns consistent with generalized type of seizures • normal cranial CT scan

  5. Clinical Impression Generalized tonic-clonic seizures

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