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Down-Syndrom Österreich Umbrella Organization for all A ustrian DS Support Groups. Facts :. Foundation : 2001 Members: we work for 25 support-groups, with different numbers of members. Office Vienna: Mag. Maria Grossauer
Down-Syndrom ÖsterreichUmbrellaOrganizationforall Austrian DS Support Groups
Facts: Foundation: 2001 Members: weworkfor 25 support-groups, with different numbersofmembers Office Vienna: Mag. Maria Grossauer marketingand press relations, event-organisation in Viennaprojectplanning Office Innsbruck: Sylvia Andrich administration, members, seminarorganisation,websiteprocessing
Intention • presentation, promotionandsupportofinterestsofindividualswith Down Syndrome • dismantlingofprejudicesagainstindividualswith Down Syndrome • improvementofinclusion in schools, socialand professional life
Down Syndrome Competence Centre„Leben Lachen Lernen„(live laughlearn)Leoben, Styria • PedagogicDevelopment Diagnosticand Learning Curricula • The heartwork at the Down Syndrome Centre „Live LaughLearn“ isthepedagogicdevelopmentdiagnosticforindividualswith Down Syndrome fromchildhoodtoadulthood.At the parents request we draw up a teaching curriculum that summarizes both our comprehensive findings and observations from the diagnostic session and the suggested teaching curricula resulting from same.
Down Syndrome Health Care CenterRudolfsstiftung, Vienna Experts on medicine, psychology and social work provide advice and support to individuals with Down Syndrome and their families. The Down Syndrome Health Care Center attends individuals with Down Syndrome from pregnancy and birth through childhood and puberty to seniority.
National Conference in Salzburg Triennially DSÖ organizes a congressforabout 500 guests in Salzburg. The programmoffersworkshopsandlecturesforparents, therapists, educatorsandyoungindividualswith Down Syndrome. Forthreedaystheconferencecenter ist filledwithgoodvibrations, laughterand positive energy.
Projects: Newborn-Infobox: A specialpresentforparents in expectationof a babywith Down Syndrome. Distribution oftheinformationpackageismanagedby Medical Centers. Schoolbox: This box containsbooksandbrochuresabouteducatingandhandlingchildrenwith Down Syndrome. Itincludesinformationaboutpedagocialandlearningmethodologiesforreading, writingandcalculation.
Publications: „Leben Lachen Lernen“(„Live, Laugh, Learn“) is a regularjournalthatcomes out threetimes a year. The journaliseditedbythe DS-Centre in Leoben andcontainsinformationaboutnewtherapiesandlearningmethods,medicalandscientificknowledge. An importantpartofthejournalareexperiencereportsbyparentsandtherapists. We also offerflyersand a video„Geboren mit Down Syndrom“about Trisomie 21 and a videoandbooksaboutthecalculateion-methode: „Yes, wecan“