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Chapter 9 Westward Expansion p. 314-341

Chapter 9 Westward Expansion p. 314-341. In the mid-1800s, many Americans wanted the nation to expand westward to the Pacific Ocean. American settlers overcome hardships in making this happen. Quotes about “The West”.

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Chapter 9 Westward Expansion p. 314-341

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  1. Chapter 9Westward Expansionp. 314-341 In the mid-1800s, many Americans wanted the nation to expand westward to the Pacific Ocean. American settlers overcome hardships in making this happen.

  2. Quotes about “The West” "It is America's right to stretch from sea to shining sea. Not only do we have a responsibility to our citizens to gain valuable natural resources, we also have a responsibility to civilize this beautiful land." - Thomas Jefferson ? “I must walk toward Oregon, and not toward Europe. And that way the nation is moving, and I may say that mankind progress from east to west. We go eastward to realize history and study the works of art and literature, retracing the steps of the race; we go westward as into the future, with a spirit of enterprise and adventure.” - Henry David Thoreau “Eastward I go only by force; but westward I go free.” - Henry David Thoreau

  3. Quotes about “The West” " The American claim is by the right of our manifest destiny to overspread and possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and … self-government entrusted to us." - John L. O’Sullivan 1845 (on page 321 of your book) "If a young man is about to commence in the world ... we say to him publicly and privately, go to the West. There, your capacities are sure to be appreciated and your industry and energy rewarded." - Horace Greeley “Go west young man and grow up with the country.” - Horace Greeley

  4. Chapter 9, Section 1The Westp. 318-321 By the mid-1800s, many Americans want the nation to extend westward to the Pacific Ocean. Look at the “Territorial Expansion” map on p. A-12 & A-13

  5. What cultures and ideas influenced the development of the West? 9.1 section focus question:

  6. What Was “The West”? Main Idea: By the early 1800s, Americans think of the area beyond the Great Plains as the western frontier. • As the nation’s population grows, the western frontier also grows beyond the Mississippi River • the land that forms the farthest extent of a nation’s settled regions • The Great Plains: land between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. • Not attractive to farmers because breaking up the ground requires hard manual labor • done by using one’s hands p. 319

  7. What Was “The West”? (continued) • The Northwest: Land west of Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean • Region of Oregon, Washington, & British Columbia in Canada • The Southwest: land including California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, & part of Colorado • Spanish/Mexican culture & history are very different from the eastern U.S. The (new) Northwest The Southwest

  8. Mexican Settlements Main Idea: Under Spain and Mexico, the Southwest develops a unique culture. Spain has mercantilist policy toward its colonies: No trade with other countries Children of “Peninsulares” (Spanish settlers) are called creoles Creoles intermarriage with Native Americans & Africans results in mestizos Ethnic groups create a distinct Southwestern culture clear or definite; different in its quality Mestizos in the Southwest

  9. Spanish Missions & Native Americans • Spanish Missionaries seek to convert Native Americans to Roman Catholicism. • Native Americans are forced to work in the Spanish Missions. • Thousands of Native Americans die from European diseases. Spanish Mission

  10. Mexico Wins Independence! • Spanish issue land grantsto wealthy rancheros. • government gifts of land • owners of ranches • Exploitation of Native Americans & poor Mexican peasants • 1821: Mexico wins independence from Spain “…death to the Spaniards.” -Father Miguel Hidalgo Sept. 15, 1810

  11. Manifest Destiny Main Idea: Many Americans believe that the United States should extend to the Pacific Ocean. Many Americans become interested in westward expansion - extending the nation beyond its existing borders. “Manifest Destiny” - coined by John L. O’Sullivan in 1845 Extend U.S. from Atlantic to Pacific - “From sea to shining sea.” • American Progress • -by John Gast • c. 1872

  12. What cultures and ideas influenced the development of the West? Native Americans, Spanish, and Americans from the east all influenced the west. The blending of ethnicities in the Southwest created a distinct culture. The idea of Manifest Destiny would lead to expansion from the Atlantic to the Pacific. 9.1 section focus question:

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