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Welcome to AGN’s AUTOWIN Presentation Established in the year 1995. Objective : To provide efficient need based software solution. Key of success : Features & Service to Satisfaction. Core business activities : Software development and consultancy. AUTOWIN (DMS)
Welcome to AGN’s AUTOWIN Presentation Established in the year 1995. Objective : To provide efficient need based software solution. Key of success:Features &Service to Satisfaction. Core business activities :Software development and consultancy. AUTOWIN (DMS) AGN-AUTOWIN (Integrated Software for Automobile Dealerships) is taking care of almost every activity of Automobile Dealership. Running successfully at more than 300 locations across India. AUTOWIN deals with all the requirements of the Automobile Dealer Organization like Vehicle Sales, Workshop Activities, Spare Part Inventory & Financial Accounting. The tight integration of AUTOWIN modules automatically avoids the repetition of entries & generates maximum information flow from minimum inputs. G1/68 NEELKANTH COLONY, AJMER ROAD, JAIPUR (RAJASTHAN). PIN-302021
AGN CLIENTS India 2007 Windshield Experts ERP Solution for all INDIA Workshops & Franchisee. Automatic Data Import, Export from Workshops, HO.Comprehensive Reporting, Centrally managed Master. Zone Wise AUTOWIN Installation North : 72 South : 44 West : 51 Central : 58 East : 35 TOTAL : 260
Principal Company wise Clientele Company (Manufacturer) wise AUTOWIN Installation M&M - AD : 170 TAFE : 20 Honda Car : 10 M&M - TD : 25 TVS : 10 Hero Honda : 25
REFERENCECLIENTS M & M Automotive (Total AUTOWIN Installations : 170)
Team AGN Software has a dedicated team of software professionals drawn from both functional and technical areas, enriched with immense experience in software development and implementation using all the latest tools and techniques. The team having in-depth experience of designing and developing large systems of commercial nature & the expertise of software development from various sectors. And above all, the Team member has a practical experience of handling Routine, Audit related, Report submission related, trouble shooting related problems of an Automobile Dealership.
Specialization AGN expertise lies mainly in building large sized customized applications, which pertain to wide variety of business systems. AGN specializes in Database & system design, which is mostly based on structured methodology. The tight design maintains the data access speed, uniform. (e.g. Speed of accessing 10 records & speed of accessing 10 lacs records, is same). The most powerful feature of AGN development is that we maintain two databases simultaneously, ONE is the main database and OTHER is the database of touched transactions & masters, which is being used for data import, export. The black box concept and the cohesiveness usage during design & development, increases the life and the maintainability of the software. This is the only reason that since last 12 years we are very comfortably maintaining and adding the new features in the software. The above concepts are basically the tools of weighing the software.
Philosophy • AGN Software believes in simple workable solutions providing full user satisfaction & value for money. The policy factors are listed as follows. • The software development cycle followed is well structured & attains the standards laid down keeping in mind the total quality of the system. • The after support is our prime motive & responsibility towards our users to make our software a success. AGN’s initiative towards software implementation automatically ensures full usability and benefits of software. • The person with knowledge of Automobile dealership working is the most ideal user of AUTOWIN. • Autowin works with Robust Database, as it has to manage various tasks successfully with the limitations of hardware, networking, users, UPS support, etc. • Automatic multi backup utility of AUTOWIN makes user feel very relaxed, though we make it mandatory for the user to take backup on external media on a given set of interval. • AUTOWIN runs on any version of Windows. The lower the windows, the faster the speed, because lower version has maximum primary memory.
Assured Support System The efficient & prompt support is the key of success of software implementation. The technically qualified support fleet is the back bone of AGN’s success. • AGN keeps all data related to hardware, networking, users information of dealership which helps in solving the problem instantly. • The downtime of software at dealership is almost minimal. The trouble shooting tools, the multiple data backups, the activity process sequences, are the most helpful tools of minimizing downtime. • The instant solution of users query confidently allow user to have 100% dependability on software. • The initial training schedule ensures fastest implementation of software. In normal course, the live & online usage of software starts on a 2nd day of initial installation. The operational training is being given with their actual data, which increases users confidence. • The policy slogan of support system is to make the software working live, at dealership
All Dealership Status at a glance……… One single document on my table
DMS Cycle Sales Auto-SMS Accounts Add-on-Feature Admin Spares AUTOWIN Add-on-Feature Workshop Job Display Sp. Utility
View of JOB Card Follow-up Reminders AGN-AUTOWIN Workshop Activities Popup of CSI, SSI, IQS, Retro, Repeat, Chassis Sp.. Remarks, History, Appointments, etc. Reminders for 3rd Day, 30th Day call,1st Service, Next Due Service, PSF calls, CCCF Marking & Top-2-Box.
Flow of Spares-1 (Ordering To Purchase) Flow of Spares-3 (Master Entries –One Time Activity)
Flow of Spares-2 (Miscellaneous Activities) Spares Reports
INGENIOUS SERVICE & SPARES • Service Performance measurement system • Service Advisor Performance • CRM Performance • Realistic Cost Estimation Rate • Right On time Rate • Bill Explanation Rate etc. • Workshop Performance Efficiency Check • Vehicle Reporting - Labour Revenue • Spare Parts Consumption - Spare Parts Ordering • Maximile Off take - Part fill ratio • Workshop Key Factors TIME & COST ESTIMATE VARIANCE REPORT This report helps the dealership to maintain the good realistic estimation rate. This is one of the main benchmarks for the performance of any automobile workshop. REPEAT REPORTING ANALYSIS AGN has prompt messaging system to the end user while opening the JOB card that this particular vehicle has revisited in workshop before its schedule service.
JD POWER DATA User can set date range and the concerned flags like (C7/ I7) for CSI analysis as per M&M Guidelines. After setting these flag AGN system automatically prompts the user while opening the JOB card and flag is printed on Job Card itself. RETROFITTMENT AGN users can set criteria of Model and Chassis no. range in the system for the retrofitment suggested by the manufacturer time to time. AGN system automatically prompts the user while opening the JOB card about the concerned retrofitment. MENU PRICING This is one of the JD-POWER aspects and AGN has incorporated menu pricing feature for AUTOWIN users. This feature helps user in giving time and cost estimation to the customer while making Job Card. At the same time detail of labour and part required for that job can easily be called from the menu price master, this feature saves lot of time required for feeding the parts in requisition and labour in Job card. DUE SERVICE REMINDERS AND FOLLOW-UP CALLS • Reminder for First Free Service • Reminder for next due Service • Post Service calls
WORKSHOP REPORTING ROM Entry System This is an automatic generated report of all vehicle reported in the dealer workshop in a particular period. This report is available in excel format which is to be sent to Mahindra Area Office/Officials on the regular basis by all the AGN users. 1. Repair Order Maintenance is the new concept introduced by M&M for the analysis of all complaints and problems noticed during the job work on each vehicle reporting in workshop. 2. AGN has implemented the feature for automatic creation of CSV file which can directly be uploaded on M & M portal. 3. OUTPUT Formats ROM Data in Excel Sheet (for Dealership purpose) ROM Data in CSV file as per M & M format (for upload) Top-2 Box Rating for Service Advisor • Top-2-Box Rating report is now available in Mahindra Utility module for Service Advisor. • The output is in Excel file format with details of Job Card (Service) And the question wise points earned. IRREGULAR CUSTOMERLIST CSI ANALYSIS MONTH WISE PART CONSUMPTION CCCF REPORTS
CHANNEL/ MODEL GROUP/ SERVICE TYPE WISE SALE BOOK Total report of the revenue made on the sale of Spares, sale of Lubricants, Inside Labour / outside Labour, Taxes etc. This report is available Channel wise/ Model Group wise/ Service Type wise and common also. ITEM DEMAND VS. ISSUE VARAINCE REPORT AGN system has the system to check the JOB card wise and Item wise report showing the difference between the demand raise from the workshop and the supply from the spare parts store. This report is helpful to maintain good part fill ratio. AUTOMATIC SUGGESTIVE ORDER REPORT AGN has very good and suggestive order system, this system considers parameters like 3 months consumption, Current stock, Minimum & Maximum level and the back order status to give the suggestive order the next period.
Accounts Activities VOUCHERSReceiptPaymentContraJournalDebit NoteCredit Note Ledger A/c Master
Accounts Activities Masters Reports
Administration Security User Administration Year Transition Special Utilities