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INCREMENTAL IMPLEMENTATION OF AFRICAN LANGUAGES (IIAL) IN ALL SOUTH AFRICAN SCHOOL Presentation to Portfolio Committee 11 June 2013. PRESENTATION OUTLINE. 1. Purpose of the presentation 2. Legislative mandate Lessons learnt from provincial initiatives
PRESENTATION OUTLINE 1. Purpose of the presentation 2. Legislative mandate • Lessons learnt from provincial initiatives • The rationale for promoting equitable use of languages 5. Assessment (ANA, PIRLS, NSC) 6. The Language Development Framework 7. What is IIAL?
PRESENTATION OUTLINE… 7.The objectives of the IIAL 8. Language selection for FAL 9. Implications for implementation of IIAL 10. Advocacy 11. Plan for consultation 12. Implementation plan
1. THE PURPOSE OF THE PRESENTATION To provide the Portfolio Committee with the rationale for, details of and system readiness for the Incremental Introduction of African Languages (IIAL) in all public schools.
2. LEGISLATIVE MANDATE The IIAL flows from the following legislative framework: • SA Constitution, 1996 • National Education Policy Act, Section 3(4)(m), 1996 - Language in Education Policy • South African School Act, Section 6(1), 1996 - The Norms and Standards regarding language policy
2A. THE SOUTH AFRICAN CONSTITUTION • The South African Constitution recognises languages as one of the seven founding provisions. • Section 6 of the Constitution states the following • (1) The official languages of the Republic are Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana, siSwati, Tshivenda, Xitsonga, Afrikaans, English, isiNdebele, isiXhosa and isiZulu. • (2) Recognising the historically diminished use and status of the indigenous languages of our people, the state must take practical and positive measures to elevate the status and advance the use of these languages.
2A. THE SOUTH AFRICAN CONSTITUTION... Section 29(2), under the Bill of Rights • Everyone has the right to receive education in the official language or languages of their choice in public educational institutions where that education is reasonably practicable. • In order to ensure the effective access to, and implementation of, this right, the state must consider all reasonable educational alternatives, including single medium institutions, taking into account- • (a) equity; • (b) practicability; and • (c) the need to redress the results of past racially discriminatory laws and practices.
2B. THE NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY ACT • The National Education Policy Act of 1996 provides for the advancement and protection of the fundamental rights of every person guaranteed in terms of Chapter 3 of the Constitution: • It provides for every student to be instructed in the language of his or her choice where this is reasonably practicable • It also provides for every person to use the language and participate in the cultural life of his or her choice within an education institution
2B. THE NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY ACT... • Is made possible by the Language in Education Policy in terms of Section 3(4)(m) of the National Education Policy Act, 1996 (Act 27 of 1996) • The Norms and Standards in LiEP are published in terms of Section 6(1) of the South African Schools Act, 1996. • These policies proclaim the objective of providing a strong foundation for the protection and advancement of the country’s diverse cultures and languages
2C. LANGUAGE IN EDUCATION POLICY • The LiEP compels the Department to promote multilingualism, to develop the official South African languages equitably, and to foster respect for all languages used in the country, including South African Sign Language • The promotion of multilingualism and the protection of linguistic rights in the schooling system are constitutionally rooted in NEPA and is reflected in the Language in Education Policy (LiEP).
2C. THE AIMS OF THE LiEP • to promote full participation in society and the economy through equitable and meaningful access to education; • to pursue the language policy most supportive of general conceptual growth amongst learners, and hence to establish additive multilingualism as an approach to language in education; • to promote and develop all the official languages; • to support the teaching and learning of all other languages required by learners or used by communities in South Africa, including languages used for religious purposes, languages which are important for international trade and communication
2C. THE AIMS OF THE LiEP... • to counter disadvantages resulting from different kinds of mismatches between home languages and languages of learning and teaching; • to develop programmes for the redress of previously disadvantaged languages. • To provide Alternative and Augmentative Communication facilitate communication for learners with limited or no speaking skills.
2C. THE AIMS OF THE LiEP... • the promotion, fulfilment and development of the state's overarching language goals in school education in compliance with the Constitution, namely: • the protection, promotion, fulfilment and extension of the individual's language rights and means of communication in education; and • the facilitation of national and international communication through promotion of bi- or multilingualism through cost-efficient and effective mechanisms, • to redress the neglect of the historically disadvantaged languages in school education.
4. THE RATIONALE FOR PROMOTING EQUITABLE USE OF LANGUAGES • The analysis of the ANA results have indicated that even in those schools where a learner is not being taught in his home language, that learner is able to access learning using his home language but not proficiently. • Currently many schools are still not affording learners the opportunity to learn an African language, not fulfilling the Constitutional mandate. • If African languages are not shown to have utility for teaching and learning, these languages will be lost – together with its culture and heritage
4. THE RATIONALE FOR PROMOTING EQUITABLE USE OF LANGUAGES ... • Poor learning outcomes in South Africa are in the main as a result of poor language proficiency and utility. • The results of ANA, PIRLS, TIMSS, SAQMEC and the NSC have confirmed this on various occasions. • Very little or nothing has been done by institutions, broader civil society or the sector to address this perennial problem. • The time has now come to comprehensively deal with this challenge through the implementation of the Language Development Framework.
prePIRLS 2011Performance for Learners Writing in the Same or Different Language to their Home Language
NSC LANGUAGE PERFORMANCE Paper 1 Q1 Comprehension Q2 Summary Q3 Analysing and advertisement Q4 Analysing a cartoon Q5 Language and editing skills
Paper 2 Q1To Kill a Mockingbird (Essay) Q2 To Kill a Mockingbird (Contextual) Q3 Lord of the Flies (Essay) Q4 Lord of the Flies (Contextual Q5 A Grain of Wheat (Essay) Q6 A Grain of Wheat (Contextual) Q7 Romeo and Juliet (Essay) Q8 Romeo and Juliet (Contextual) Q9 Nothing but the Truth (Essay) Q10 Nothing but the Truth (Contextual) Q11 The Coffee-cart Girl (Essay) Q12 Relatives (Contextual) Q13 On his blindness (Contextual) Q14 The Serf (Contextual) Q15 Auto Wreck (Contextual) Q16 Cheetah (Contextual
Paper 3 Q1 Essay Q2 Longer transitional text Q3 Shorter text
6. WHAT IS IIAL? • Promoting the development and increased utility of African languages by introducing learners incrementally to learning an African language from Grade R to 12; • It aims to strengthen the use of African languages at Home Language level, and so increase use of those languages for academic purposes, as well as ensure that all non-African language speakers speak an African Language.
7. THE OBJECTIVES OF IIAL • To improve proficiency in and utility of the previously marginalised African languages (at First Additional Language level); raise confidence of parents to choose their own languages as languages for learning and teaching; • To increase access to languages by all learners, beyond English and Afrikaans; • To promote social cohesion and expand opportunities for the development of African languages as a significant part of preserving heritage and cultures.
8. LANGUAGE SELECTION FOR FAL *The terms “Nguni” and “Sotho” are used solely for the purpose of this presentation
10. ADVOCACY • The Minister and the MECs should take the lead • An aggressive advocacy campaign targeting parents and learners is being finalized and aims at: • Promoting the use of Home Languages in the early grades, • Promoting workbooks to support the teaching of African languages, and • Promoting the use of African languages in the early grades - developing learner’s competence in English at the same time
WHO CAN DOUBT THE IMPORTANCE OF ONE’S OWN LANGUAGE ? “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” - Nelson Mandela