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New York State Public Service Commission - Platform Technology Working Group. Architecture Subgroup. Ten Slide Outline. Initial Architecture WG Findings & Recommendations What are the gaps – if any? Do the architectural tools and technologies exist to implement the REV/DSPP?
New York State Public Service Commission - Platform Technology Working Group Architecture Subgroup
Ten Slide Outline • Initial Architecture WG Findings & Recommendations • What are the gaps – if any? • Do the architectural tools and technologies exist to implement the REV/DSPP? • What issues/trends/technologies should we be monitoring? • Continue WG efforts to flesh out architecture through use cases • 6-18 month engagement while moving forward with implementation • What would a ‘phased’ implementation of architecture look like? What are the stage-1, near term architectural things that need done? • Initial Architecture WG Recommendations • Use case (Dynamic Electricity Production Forecasting, DEPF) Power Control layer • Use Case - DEPF Communications Layer • Use Case - DEPF Information Technology Layer • Overall REV/DSPP Scope and Roles • Framework - NIST Smartgrid Conceptual model • Relevance of Architecture to REV/DSPP Scope & Goals • Identification of new values, gaps in technologies, standards and protocols • Standardization and interoperability starts with architecture – EDI analogy/example • Architecture describes the evolution of the DSPP boundary over time • Architecture provides a common language and framework for all NY utilities and market players • IEEE 2030 base architecture • IEEE P2030, why chosen after review of other architecture standards • Describe the P2030 architectural layer • Operating at the Conceptual Architecture level, not logical or physical
Market Operations REV/DSPP Scope and Roles Grid Operations NY ISO DSPP Customers • Fuel and resource diversity • System reliability • Reduced carbon emissions “Wholesale” Energy and Capacity Basic and Value Added Services Direct Access (Individuals) “Wholesale” Ancillary Services “Retail to Wholesale” Aggregation 3rd PartyService Providers “Wholesale” Market Administration “Retail” Market Administration Wide Area View Regional/Local View “Premise” View Bulk Operations (115 kV and above) T/D/Microgrid Ops (115 kV and below) “Premise” or MicrogridOperations Central Generation Management DER Management DER Operations
Framework - Smart Grid Conceptual Model (NIST & SGiP) DSPP Domain focus on the customer and service providers’ interactions in the context of electricity markets and operations within the Smart Grid distribution system (figure below). Major DSPP Interfaces
IEEE 2030 base architecture Covers all major areas of DSPP NIST Compliant National standard Readily understood and accepted IEEE is open to enhance as it matures Most practical to use within the time frame. Security Integration Data Power Control Information Technology Communications
IEEE 2030 view of DSPP architecture 3rd Party Interface/Integration Interface/Integration DSPP Interface/Integration Interface/Integration Interface/Integration Dist. Operator
Architecture ‘Déjà vu’ – EDI Example • Electronic Data Interchange was a response to the need for multiple organizations to integrate around specific functionalities • EDI defines the data, security and integration standards within an architecture to facilitate a loosely-coupled business process • DSPP must define the data, security and integration standards within the IEEE 2030 architecture to facilitate a TIGHTLY-coupled business process
Architecture Subgroup – Key Findings & Recommendations • Findings: • The data, security and integration complexity of a DSPP requires the rigor of a structured architecture • The IEEE 2030 architecture is sufficient to define current DSPP functionality and adaptable to incorporate future functionality • DSPP Use Cases must be documented within the architecture to surface technology, process, and standards gaps • Recommendations: • Complete IEEE 2030 architecture framework documentation and guidelines for governance • Begin cross-working group activity to document DSPP use cases • Create high level DSPP conceptual architecture with supporting technology, process, and standards references
Use Case - Dynamic Electricity Production forecasting • Dynamic electricity production forecasting is the calculation and forecasting of electricity production from Distributed Energy Resources (DER). • The forecasting is based on based on geography, forecasted fuel supply, solar isolation, wind speed and state of charge. • The purpose of the forecasts would be to provide supply information to DSPP grid operations and planning, and to help set supply prices in the DSPP market. • The next few slides paint a story of the DSPP in action with the use of a conceptual architecture. • Please note this is only an example an is subject to change.
cat IT36 Next Poll for Day Ahead Forecast Command Issued to identify DER participation DER Dispatch Checked for Security Constraints Request for DER Geographic Location Availability, Geo & Weather Combined Combined DER Forecast Data Issued to Operations Retail Market Clears DER Participation Cleared DER Forecast Issued to Retail Market IT Layer
Use Case - Dynamic Electricity Production forecasting Power Layer
Use Case - Dynamic Electricity Production forecasting Comms Layer
Thank you for your attention! John Doe – Working group leader detailsJob titleGroup / Region / Department XY Street 12312345 City Phone: +49 (123) 45 67-890Fax: +49 (123) 45 67-890Mobile: +49 (123) 45 67 89 0 E-mail:john.doe@XXXXX.com