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Bathing water quality (CSI 022) Key policy question Is quality of bathing waters in Europe improving ?. Data source. WISE Bathing Water Quality database based on annual reports under Bathing Water Directive by EU Member States (Reportnet – CDR)
Bathing water quality (CSI 022)Key policy questionIs quality of bathing waters in Europe improving?
Data source WISE Bathing Water Quality database • based on annual reports under Bathing Water Directive by EU Member States (Reportnet – CDR) • compiled and quality checked by ETCW (and approved by MS)
In 2008 MS report under: The reporting under Directive 76/160/EEC can continue until 2012 season.
Assessment of bathing water quality: Directive 76/160/EEC The parameters to be taken into account for 1-year assessment according tothe Directive 76/160/EEC: • 2 microbiological (Total coliforms, Faecal coliforms) and • 3 physico-chemical (Mineral oils, Surface-active substances reacting with methylene blue, Phenols). The bathing waters quality classes: - CI, CG, NC, B Compliant with mandatory values (class CI) Compliant with mandatory and more stringent guide values (class CG) Not compliant with mandatory values (class NC) Banned (temporarily closed) or closed throughout the season (class B)
Assessment of bathing water quality in 2008: Directive 2006/7/EC • During transitional period, parameters under the Directive 2006/7/EC are monitored (Escherichia coli, Intestinal enterococci), but assessment is done according to the Directive 76/160/EEC. • Parameters Intestinal enterococci (IE) and Escherichia coli (EC) are evaluated according to the guide and mandatory standards defined in the Annex to Directive 76/160/EEC for the parameters Faecal streptococci (FS) and Faecal coliforms (FC) respectively: (for EI ....limit values for FS; EC....limit values for FC)
Fig.1: Coastal and inland bathing waters meeting the mandatory standards of the Directive 76/160/EEC, 1992 to 2008 Fig.2: Coastal and inland bathing waters meeting the guide standards of the Directive 76/160/EEC, 1992 to 2008
Map of RBD’s of Sea regions for EU official report of BW quality in 2007 and 2008
Fig.4: Sea regions - inland bathing waters complying with mandatory standard(s) and guide levels of the Directive 76/160/EEC for the year 2008 Fig.3: Sea regions - coastal bathing waters complying with mandatory standard(s) and guide levels of the Directive 76/160/EEC for the year 2008
Visualisation of BW quality in EU official report of BW quality in RBDs in “Baltic Sea Region” in for 2007 and 2008 report by Sea Regions
Fig.5: MS- Coastal bathing waters complying with mandatory standard(s) and guide levels of the Directive 76/160/EEC for the year 2008 Fig.6: MS -Inland bathing waters complying with mandatory standard(s) and guide levels of the Directive 76/160/EEC for the year 2008
Proposals for update of CSI 022 (data for 2009 season included) • Aggregation by lower spatial unit: River Basin Districts • Aggregation by Sea Basins (Catchment areas) from WFD GIS guidance No. 22 ( updated with Hydrological system/Sea system units harmonised with Marine Strategy)
“Sea basin” (sea catchment areas) for aggregation of BW quality data (for CSI022 in 2010) • GIS layer developed from ECRINS
WISE Data Viewerhttp://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/water/status-and-monitoring/bathing-water-data-viewer Web page consists of: • explanation text • external link to Google Earth download • integrated data viewer Data viewer consists of: • pictures • help on using viewer • overview maps of geographic areas, country regions, provinces by region • overview table with columns: country, region, province, bathing water, visualisation
VISUALISATION IN WISE WISE Map Viewerhttp://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/water/status-and-monitoring/bathing-water-data-viewer • Two types of visualization of BW • - pie charts (coastal and freshwater monitoring; BW status by country) • - point symbols (rivers, lakes, coastal waters; BW status of one BW)