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Dalserf Parish Church of Scotland charity ref no. sco16156. Intimations Sunday 13 th April
Dalserf Parish Church of Scotland charity ref no. sco16156 Intimations Sunday 13th April A warm welcome is extended to any visitors to our Palm Sunday service today. There are welcome cards at the end of the pews. If you are a visitor please fill in one of these and place it in the offering plate. Tea and coffee will be served in Hamilton Hall after the service and you are invited to join us for a short time of fellowship together. Kirk Krafts will meet in Hamilton Hall tomorrow at 1pm. Body and Soul will meet in Rorison on Thursday at 9.30am. The BB, GB , Bible study and the House Group are not meeting this week due to the Holy week services and school holiday. A Meeting to discuss the Saturday Teas will take place in Rorison on Wednesday 23rd April at 7.30pm. Anyone interested in helping in any way will be made most welcome. The annual subscription of £21 for Life and Work is now due. Please place in an envelope and give to Bruce Archibald or Ann Price. There is currently 1 spare copy of Life and Work, if you would like to receive this please let Ann know. Any items for the May newsletter must be in the hands of the Editors today. Easter Sunday services next Sunday in Dalserf (20th April) 11.30am and again in the evening for the joint Easter Service at 6.30pm. JOINT EASTER SERVICES: Palm Sunday (This Evening): St Machan’s Church, 6.30pm. Holy week: Chalmers Church Wednesday 16th Thursday 17th Friday 18th April at 7.30pm. . Easter Sunday (20 April) Dalserf at 6.30pm. Easter Appeal. As in previous years it has been agreed to celebrate this important festival by helping others. So instead of giving cards and eggs at Easter we invite you to take an envelope from the baskets, which are available on the Communion Table, and place a donation in it. This year the money will be given to St Andrew’s Hospice Airdrie. Lanark and Carluke Choral Union are presenting Karl Jenkins and the Peacemakers on Sunday 27th April at 7.30pm in St Mary’s Church Lanark. Tickets are £10.00. The special invited guest is Sir Hugh Strachan Professor of the History of War at All Souls College Oxford. Lanark Primary School Choir will also be performing. Conductor will be Philip Fox our choir master. Tickets can be reserved by contacting our organist Shena Fox. VOLUNTEERS WANTED. The Machan Trust have recently set up a Breakfast Club in Netherburn School. There are 3 days Mon, Wed, & Fri, meeting at 7.50am until 9.15am. The children are given a choice of cereal and also toast and jam. They are then offered help with any homework or a game or just talking to them. If anyone would like to help with this project then they can contact Martha Rodger at the Machan Trust office on 01698305674 on her mobile 07888655097 or e-mail: martharodger@themachantrust.co.uk In connection with the General Assembly an event entitled Heart and Soul will be held in Princes Street Gardens Edinburgh on Sunday 18th May. It is hoped to run a bus for members of Chalmers Church, Trinity Church St Machan’s and Dalserf who wish to attend. The service will be in Rorison that Sunday because it is the end of Session parade service for BB and GB . It is expected that the bus will be at Rorison shortly after 12.30. The event finishes at 6pm. Anyone interested in going along to this, please give their names to the Session Clerk Joan Pollok.