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Overview: Third Sector Contracting Programme . October 2009. What is the Third Sector Contracting Programme?. Aim: To improve public service outcomes by enabling effective third sector providers to access public service markets.
Overview: Third Sector Contracting Programme October 2009
What is the Third Sector Contracting Programme? • Aim: To improve public service outcomes by enabling effective third sector providers to access public service markets. • Objective: To identify and remove the barriers to market entry faced by third sector organisations in relation to specific contracting opportunities. • Output: At least 25,000 new jobs have been created in the third sector by securing contracts to deliver public services by 2011. • Timescale: September 09 – September 10
What is the background and context? • Government commitment in Working Together: Public Services on your side – Create 25,000 new jobs in the third sector through involvement in public services. • Agreement from Prime Minister for now Chief Secretary to the Treasury to establish a MISC Cabinet Committee to oversee the delivery of this commitment (MISC 37). • Builds on existing Government work on the third sector’s involvement in public services (e.g. National Training Programme for Third Sector Commissioning; Glover Review; National Indicator 7 – ‘creating an environment for a thriving third sector’) • Distinctive Feature: Focus on the removal of barriers to specific contracting opportunities and application of this micro level learning to inform wider public service reform.
MISC 37: Terms of Reference “To consider issues relating to the third sector’s involvement in public service delivery” Next Meeting Date: 1st Dec (TBC)
Advisory Group Role • To advise the MISC Cabinet Committee on the third sector: MISC37; • To support the implementation of the agreed responses of theMISC Cabinet Committee on the third sector; and • To share learning during and following the implementation of the MISC Cabinet Committee’s agreed responses in order to inform future analysis of public service contracting opportunities Next Meeting Date: Jan (TBC)
Advisory Body Members • Officials from all departments represented on the MISC37 Cabinet Committee: Department of Health; Communities and Local Government; Department for Work and Pensions; Department for Children, Schools and Families; Department for Business, Innovation and Skills; Home Office; Ministry of Justice; Office of Government Commerce; and HM Treasury • Third sector representative bodies: ACEVO; Social Enterprise Coalition; NAVCA; Social Firms UK; Co-operatives UK; NCVO; Development Trusts Association. • Other key stakeholders: Member of OTS Advisory Body; Local Government Association; Futurebuilders England; Commission on 2020 Public Services: Government Office London (representing the GO network).
Cross Departmental Delivery Team: Third Sector Contracting Unit
Third Sector Contracting Unit: Objectives Opportunity Identification and Analysis Recommendation Development Implementation and Learning To develop recommendations in relation to the prioritised public service contracting opportunities which remove the identified barriers to market entry. Recommendations to be considered and agreed by MISC 37 To identify and prioritise public service contracting opportunities on which the Programme will focus To support and advise OGDs in the implementation of the decisions of MISC 37; and To formulate and share lessons about the most effective ways of involving of the third sector in public service markets.
What is the value of this Programme? • Overall aim: To improve public service outcomes by enabling effective third sector providers to access public service markets. • Opportunity to consider systematically specific contracting opportunities and how enabling third sector involvement could improve outcomes • Additional capacity and support from OTS to consider and address some of the barriers faced by the third sector, as key delivery agents • Opportunity to gather lessons and robust evidence about what works in practice and how wider commissioning practices may be improved in the longer-term.
What does this mean for you? As a third sector organisation… • Opportunity to help improve the delivery of Programme’s current priorities (Future Jobs Fund, Flexible New Deal 2 and Civil Legal Aid) • Opportunity to share real time concerns and feedback about live contracts • Opportunity to make recommendations that will inform future procurement practices in relation to specific contracting opportunities during 2010
Contact Us: In the first instance please contact us at the following email address contracting.unit@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.uk We will get in touch with you as soon as we can