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Make-Up Sessions . Will schedule either a longer session (meeting from 3.45 to 5.00 after our regularly scheduled 2. to 3.30 class) Or Will meet separately on Wednesday morning or on Monday morning. Review of your assignment.
Make-Up Sessions • Will schedule either a longer session (meeting from 3.45 to 5.00 after our regularly scheduled 2. to 3.30 class) • Or • Will meet separately on Wednesday morning or on Monday morning
Review of your assignment • Choose an environmental issue in Lebanon (or elsewhere) (such as air quality, water quality, soil erosion, etc.). Discuss why an integrated approach is needed to address this issue. If you chose not to use an integrated approach, what approach would you follow, and how would that be weaker? What policy sectors need to be addressed (energy, agriculture, trade, transport, health, etc.)? How is the problem linked to events at the global level? How could this issue evolve over the coming two decades? • Remember to use the outlines discussed in the chapters from ‘the policy process.’ • Use the outline presented in this discussion today • Due: Monday November 23
Readings? • Who has done them? The EIA chapter? • Better to have read it – or skimmed through – understand the coming material
Module 1: The GEO approach to integrated environmental assessment and reporting
What is Assessment? “the entire analytical process for undertaking a critical objective evaluation and analysis of data and information designed to meet user needs and support decision-making. It applies the judgment of experts to existing knowledge to provide scientifically credible answers to policy relevant questions, quantifying where possible the level of confidence”
GEO: An Integrated Approach Answers 5 Key Questions Most assessments stop at this question
What is Integrated Environmental Assessment (IEA)? • A participatory and structured approach that links knowledge and action • links environmental state and trend analysis with policy analysis; • incorporates global and sub-regional perspectives; • includes historical and future perspectives; • covers a broad spectrum of issues and policies; and • integrates environmental change and human well-being. • IEA further enables policy-makers to address complex challenges
Integrated analysis of environmental trends and policies • How to answer these questions • IEA analyses environment and human well-being trends and dynamics based on the drivers-pressures-state-impacts-responses (DPSIR) framework.
Discussion: Using an Integrated Approach choose an issue, and discuss: • Why is an integrated approach needed to address this issue? If you chose not to use an integrated approach, what approach would you follow, and how would that be weaker? • What policy sectors need to be addressed (energy, agriculture, trade, transport, health, etc.)? • How is the problem linked to events at the global level (e.g., UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, World Trade Organization or other UN conventions)? • How could this issue evolve over the coming two decades?
DPSIR model • A causal framework for describing interactions between society and the environment. • Allows integrated approach to reporting. • Used by amongst others UNEP, EEA, CEROI in SoE and IEA reporting. • Earlier versions include: • PSR (OECD 1994) • DSR (UNCSD, 1996)
The DPSIR concept Responses Driving forces Impact Pressures State
Driving forces: • A driving force is a need: • Individual: Food, shelter etc (Maslows hierachy) • Industry: Make profit, lower costs, expand markets • Nation: Increase/maintain standard of living, reduce unemployment • DFs are the underlying factors that influence development such as population growth, economic growth, energy consumption and industrial production.
Pressures: • Human activities to meet needs affect the environment through production or consumption processes: • Emissions of polluting substances • Extraction of natural resources • Land use
State: • Current condition of the environment: • Air quality • Water quality • Soil quality • Ecosystems status
Impact: • Effect of changes on both environment and society.
Response: • Society can make political, economic or behavioural changes as a reaction to changes in the environment. • Responses can be aimed at any of the links in the causal chain (DPSI).
Driving Force - Pressure Relationships • The environmental pressures resulting from human activities (emissions, resource use and land use) are a function of two types of variable: • (i) the level of these activities • (ii) the technology applied in these activities.
DPSIR framework in relation to water issues • The aim of managing water resources is to safeguard human health while maintaining sustainable aquatic and associated terrestrial ecosystems. • It is, therefore, important to quantify and identify the current state of, and impacts on, water environment and how these are changing with time. • In water assessment at global, regional, national and by river basins level the following generic questions could be asked: ? (Based on the European Environment Agency's work on water )
DPSIR framework in relation to water issues • State of waters • Time trends • What is causing the problems? • Agricultural State of Action on policies
DPSIR – as analytical framework • The DPSIR model can be used as an analytical framework for assessing water issues. This allows a comprehensive assessment of the issues through examination of the relevant Driving forces and Pressures on the environment, the consequent State of the environment and its Impacts, and the Responses undertaken, and of the interlinkages between each of these elements. • Driving Forces? • Pressures? • Responses? • State? • Impacts?
Writing a theme for SOE Ask yourself the following questions: • What is the general situation? • Does the situation have any consequences? • What is influencing the situation? • Where does the influence come from? • What is being done to improve the situation? • Are there linkages to other issues?
So – let’s talk more about the ‘how’ Key questions to be answered in the IEA framework • What are the consequences for the environment and humanity? • What is happening to the environment and why? • What is being done and how effective is it? • Where are we heading? • What actions could be taken for a more sustainable future?
Gender Mainstreaming • What is Gender mainstreaming? • Needs to be included in GEO Process and Products • Is a continuous process with institutions, programs and analytical efforts.
Global Global Regional Regional HUMAN SOCIETY HUMAN SOCIETY Local Local Local Local I I – – IMPACTS IMPACTS D D D D – – – – DRIVERS: DRIVERS: DRIVERS: DRIVERS: Material, Human and Social Capitals Material, Human and Social Capitals Material, Human and Social Capitals Material, Human and Social Capitals Change in human well Change in human well - - being being broadly defined as human broadly defined as human freedoms of choice and actions, freedoms of choice and actions, Human development: Human development: Human development: Human development: i.a i.a . . to achieve: to achieve: - - security security - - - - Population demographics Population demographics population demographics R R – – RESPONSES RESPONSES - - basic material needs basic material needs - - - - economic processes Economic processes Economic processes (consumption, (consumption, (consumption, (consumption, to environmental challenges: to environmental challenges: - - good health good health production, markets and trade) production, markets and trade) production, markets and trade) production, markets and trade) - - good social relations good social relations - - - - scientific and technological innovation Scientific and technological innovation Scientific and technological innovation formal and informal adaptation to, formal and informal adaptation to, - - - - Distribution pattern processes distribution pattern processes Distribution pattern processes (inter (inter (inter (inter - - - - and and and and which may result in human which may result in human and mitigation of, environmental and mitigation of, environmental development development or or poverty, inequity poverty, inequity Intra-generational) intra intra - - - generational) generational) change (including restoration) by change (including restoration) by and human vulnerability. and human vulnerability. - - - - Cultural, social, political and institutional Cultural, social, political and institutional cultural, social, political and institutional altering human activity and altering human activity and (including production and service sectors) (including production and service sectors) (including production and service sectors) (including production and service sectors) development patterns within and development patterns within and processes processes processes processes D D P P I I between the between the , , and and boxes i.e., boxes i.a. Demographic, social Demographic, social through: through: science and technology, science and technology, and material and material (institutional) (institutional) policy, law and institutions policy, law and institutions . . P P – – PRESSURES: PRESSURES: factors determining factors determining human human well well - - being being Human interventions in Human interventions in the environment: the environment: - - Land Land - - use use Environmental factors Environmental factors - - Resource extraction Resource extraction determining human well determining human well - - being being - - External inputs (fertilizers, External inputs (fertilisers, - - Ecological services Ecological services such as such as chemicals, irrigation) chemicals, irrigation) provisioning services Provisioning services - - Emissions (pollutants and Emissions (pollutants and (consumptive use), Cultural (consumptive use), cultural waste) waste) services (non services (non - - consumptive use), consumptive use), - - Modification and Modification and Regulating services and regulating services and movement of organisms movement of organisms S S – – STATE and trends: STATE AND TRENDS: Supporting services (indirect use) supporting services (indirect use) - - Non Non - - ecosystem natural ecosystem natural Natural capital Natural capital : : atmosphere, land, water and biosphere atmosphere, land, water and biosphere resources resources i.e. hydrocarbons, i.e. hydrocarbons, minerals and renewable energy minerals and renewable energy ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT - - Stress Stress i.a i.a . diseases, pests, . diseases, pests, Natural processes: Natural processes: Environmental impacts and change Environmental impacts and change : : radiation and hazards radiation and hazards - - Solar radiation Solar radiation - - Climate Change and Depletion of the Stratospheric Ozone Layer Climate Change and Depletion of the Stratospheric Ozone Layer - - Volcanoes Volcanoes - - Biodiversity change Biodiversity change - - Earthquakes Earthquakes - - Pollution, degradation and / or depletion of air, water, minera Pollution, degradation and / or depletion of air, water, minera ls and ls and land (including desertification) land (including desertification) TIME: TIME: TIME: TIME: 1987 2007– 1987 2007 - 2015(short term) 2050 (medium term) 2015(short term) 2050 (medium term) (long term) (long term) 1987 2007 1987 2007 - - 2015(short term) 2050 (medium term) 2015(short term) 2050 (medium term) (long term) (long term)
DPSIR Analytical Framework for Integrated Environmental Assessment HUMAN SOCIETY DRIVERS Indirect influence through human development PRESSURES Sectors Human influences Natural processes IMPACTS Human well-being Economic, social goods & services Direct influence through human interventions RESPONSES Mitigation and adaptation Ecosystem services STATE AND TRENDS Water, land, atmosphere, biodiversity ENVIRONMENT Step 1 What is happening to the environment and why? Step 2 What are the consequences for the environment and humanity? Step 3 What is being done and how effective is it?
Discussion: The GEO Framework Using the same environmental from the previous discussion. • Identify drivers, pressures, state (and trends), impacts and responses. • Discuss which of the drivers and pressures are at the national level and which are at the global level. • Discuss which specific impacts on ecosystem services and human well-being are most relevant to the environmental issue of concern.
Practices Similar to Integrated Environmental Assessment • State of Environment (SoE) Reporting • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) • Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) • Integrated Assessment
State of Environment Reporting (SoE) • SoE reporting is likely most relevant to IEA • It involves reporting on the condition of the environment. • The report is based on human activities and impacts. • Scientific protocols, including peer review, are used. • SoE has a broad mandate to inform the public and decision-makers. • SoE reports are a valuable resource when planning an assessment methodology.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) • A tool to assess the environmental impacts and risks of an activity. • Purpose is to inform decision-makers and other stakeholders about impacts, and • to suggest ways to reduce or minimize impacts. • The quality of an EIA depends on the application of its framework and the quality of its science.
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Can be defined as: The systematic and comprehensive process of evaluating at the earliest possible stage, the environmental effects of a policy, plan or programme and its alternatives (adapted from Thérivel and Partidário 1996).
Comparing and Contrasting SEA and IEA • SEA is a methodology for policy analysis; EIA includes policy analysis in a broader approach. • SEA does not involve regular reporting while IEA explicitly does. • SEA may focus on one policy or programme while IEA scans the entire spectrum of relevant policies, and then singles out a priority policy. Essentially, SEA seeks to incorporate policy learning and adaptation in an early phase of policy planning.
A few GEO Examples • Regional: Africa • National: Bhutan • Sub-national: Mexico City
Africa Environmental Outlook: Mandate and Process • Process initiated in 2000 by the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment • AEO-1 launched in 2002 and AEO-2 launched in 2003 • AEO-2 involved six Collaborating Centres: Central Africa Eastern Africa Northern Africa Southern Africa Western Africa Western Indian Ocean Islands
Africa Environmental Outlook: Issue Assessed • Consultative group on data and issues was formed and sent to other stakeholders for comment. • Issues areas included atmosphere, land, freshwater, forests and woodlands, coastal and marine environments, and biodiversity • Considered human drivers of environmental change and how these impacted on human well-being. • Covered demographic change, poverty, social change (including gender and division of labour), health and education • Highlighted emerging issues such as alien species, chemicals, genetically modified crops and environment and security.
Africa Environmental Outlook:Questions Addressed • How and why is the environment important from a human perspective? • How is the environment changing, and why, and what opportunities does it hold? • Are there special issues, which affect the environment and development, that require immediate attention and new approaches? • How will different policy choices affect the future? • What can be done to ensure that environmental value is retained and the lives of people are improved?
Africa Environmental Outlook:Impact and Follow-up • Used as background document in the New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD) Environment Action Plan adopted by the African Union Heads of State summit in 2003 • Endorsed in the World Summit on Sustainable Development • The Opportunities Framework in AOE-2 was embraced by the region with other assessment processes highlighting it • The 24th Session of the UNEP Governing Council /Global Ministerial Forum acknowledged the AEO-2 linking sustainable development and poverty reduction
Bhutan State of Environment ReportMandate • Prepared in response to the recommendations of Agenda 21 • Initiated by UNEP in association with the South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme and the Royal Government of Bhutan • Financial support from Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation • National Environment Council (NEC) of the Bhutan government was the focal agency • The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in India, a UNEP collaborating centre, provided technical support • Report launched in 2001
Bhutan State of Environment ReportObjective • To identify the key priority environmental issues, • provide guidelines for environmental planning and policy development, and • identify alternative actions as options to offset negative environmental trends.
Bhutan State of Environment ReportIssues Assessed • Rural-urban migration • Land degradation • Air pollution • Water pollution • Solid waste management
Bhutan State of Environment ReportConclusions • Bhutan government committed to “middle path” of sustainable development • Land degradation is a priority issue for Bhutan • A strong conservation ethic is contributing significantly to forest conservation • Air pollution can be attributed to rapid urbanization, increasing industrial activities and vehicle numbers • Water quality remains good, though could become vulnerable due to urbanization • Solid waste management is an emerging issue
Bhutan State of Environment ReportImpact and follow-up • Established an environmental information system • Momentum and partial financial support gained for a second IEA report • Second report now underway, and this time all resources and institutions involved are from Bhutan.
Discussion; Bhutan State of Environment Report • Were the findings surprising? • Do you think they would be useful in setting policy? • Are these findings different from what you would expect in your region? • In what ways might you guide the process differently, if you were involved in a similar process, on a national scale?
City Scale: Mexico City • Largest urban area in Latin America and the Caribbean • Completed a GEO Cities report • Used a highly participatory process
GeoCities Mandate Started in 2002 in response to calls by: • UNEP’s Governing Council and the Global Ministerial Forum, • the Initiative for Sustainable Development in Latin America and Caribbean region, • the LAC Forum of Ministers, and • the Millennium Development Goals