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Being a Careful Observer. Emily Angyal Kirby Arbuckle Jessica Seymour Josh Merzin. Observation and Research. The use of field work is what differentiates observation from interviewing.
Being a Careful Observer Emily Angyal Kirby Arbuckle Jessica Seymour Josh Merzin
Observation and Research • The use of field work is what differentiates observation from interviewing. • Systematic observation is different from routine observation due to it’s systematic nature, and by the way it directly addresses a problem • Observers must learn to pay close attention to specific details, and to write descriptive. • An observer must use their previous knowledge and expertise to interpret in the interpretation of their observations. • Observing helps one to understand ill-defined phenomenon.
What to observe • The purpose to observation is to answer a specified question, or to find solutions to the identified problem. • Practical considerations: Money, energy, location, and accessibility. • During early observation the researcher narrows their spectrum of observation, finding exactly what to focus on. • Criteria for finding the focus of observation: • Physical setting • The participants • Activities and Interactions • Conversation • Your own behavior • Settle factors
Data collecting during observation • The process of collecting data: • Entry • Data collections • Exit. • When beginningobservation, frequent short observations are most appropriate. • Observers collect field notes (recount of what happened/what was observed) • Field notes should be highly descriptive and include a diagram of the setting. • Take notes directly after the observation session, when the memory is still fresh. • Most observers prefer to take handwritten notes as well as tape recorders and video recordings. • Reflective component of field notes is where the observer can write his/her feelings that he/she thought during the observation.
Observer and Observant • Complete participant: researcher is a member of the group and conceals his identity. This is to not disrupt natural activity. • Participant as Observer: This is where researchers activities are known to group, but the researcher is still an active participant. This helps to learn about the groups central activities. • Observer as participant: The researches activities are known to group but their participation is secondary to the research. This gives them a wider range of information. • Complete Observer: The researcher is either hidden completely or in a broad public setting. (Airport) • There is usually no such thing as a complete participant or observer. • The most important thing in observation is to get an inside perspective from the group as a whole and from each member individually.
Summary • How do I do this? • Field work: • Asking a question • Immersing oneself into a group • Pinpointing a single are of observation to focus on • Data collecting • A detailed field report • Why is it valuable? • Observation allows for a first hand look into what is being observed.