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Contents. Keyboarding Pro provides alphabetic, numeric, keypad, and skill-building instruction. This is excellent software for learning and reviewing the keyboard. Keyboarding Pro.

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  1. Contents

  2. Keyboarding Pro provides alphabetic, numeric, keypad, and skill-building instruction. This is excellent software for learning and reviewing the keyboard. Keyboarding Pro

  3. The Alphabetic module teaches the entire keyboard and correlates with lessons 1-25 of College Keyboarding 16E for textbook keying. Keyboarding Pro 1

  4. Each new key learning lesson teaches 4 keys. An additional 5 lessons of review are built in for student practice. Keyboarding Pro 2

  5. Lesson numbers always appear on the right side of the screen for easy navigation among lessons. Many of the lessons include movies and 3-D animations to teach students proper keyboarding techniques. Keyboarding Pro 3

  6. Each new key is taught by the professor and correct hand placement is reinforced. Keyboarding Pro 4

  7. Drill lines offer practice of the new keys taught in the lesson. A lock and flash feature ensures that the proper key is hit throughout the practice. Keyboarding Pro 5

  8. The Textbook keying tab refers the student to the College Keyboarding 16E text to learn to type from copy rather than only from the screen. The program identifies numbers of errors and calculates GWAM for the student. Keyboarding Pro 6

  9. The Build skill tab always shows the proper technique at the top of the screen for student reference. GWAM is calculated and a goal is given to help increase speed and accuracy. Keyboarding Pro 7

  10. The Lesson report tab provides a summary of progress throughout the lesson. Keyboarding Pro 8

  11. The Numeric & Skill module teaches the top row number and symbols on the keyboard. Keyboarding Pro 10

  12. Users work through the lessons using the tabs at the bottom of the screen, just like the alphabetic keying lessons. Keyboarding Pro 11

  13. The Skill Builder section provides drills and timings for those users who need additional practice or who finish regular assignments quickly. Keyboarding Pro 12

  14. The Skill Builder section of the software provides an additional 20 lessons of keying practice that are not found in the text. The emphasis of the timings can be on speed or accuracy depending on the needs of the user. Keyboarding Pro 13

  15. Through the Skill Builder menu, diagnostic writings taken from the CollegeKeyboarding 16E text can be accessed. The Diagnostic Writings allow for 1, 3, or 5 minute timings and one or two spaces after a period for a variety of additional textbook keying options. Keyboarding Pro 14

  16. The Numeric Keypad module includes new key learning, skill building, and a game. Keyboarding Pro 15

  17. The Numeric Keypad is taught in 4 lessons. An open screen is available for users to complete timings provided by the instructor. Diagnostic writings are included for additional practice. Keyboarding Pro 16

  18. Three interactive games are included to keep the user interested and provide additional drill lines for practice. These games include two skill-building games for the keyboard and one for the numeric keypad. Keyboarding Pro 17

  19. The Instructor Utilities are accessed when using the site license version of the software. The Edit Student Preferences option provides easy access to student passwords and class information. Keyboarding Pro 19

  20. The Review Student Progress option provides access to a variety of student reports. Keyboarding Pro 20

  21. The most comprehensive report, the Lesson Report, gives the instructor a snapshot of the user’s progress throughout a lesson. The report notes if the backspace key was enabled for that particular lesson. The user’s typed copy and errors are printed on the report for the Textbook keying and Build skill tabs in the lesson. Keyboarding Pro 21

  22. The Summary Report gives the instructor a view of the user’s progress throughout all of the lessons. Checkmarks note which section of the software was completed. Keyboarding Pro 22

  23. The Prepare a Class Summary Report option provides a report that summarizes results by class to get a comparison of student progress in relation to one another. Keyboarding Pro 23

  24. The Class Summary Report is available for the alphabetic, numeric, skill-builder, and keypad sections of the software. Keyboarding Pro 25

  25. The Diagnostic Writings option allows the instructor to create diagnostic writings for users to access through the Build Skill section. Keypad Timed Writings can also be created by the instructor for additional skill-building practice. Keyboarding Pro 26

  26. CheckPro is assessment software that provides immediate feedback on keyboarding and proofreading skills. The software checks drills, timings, selected documents, and production assessments from Lessons 26-120 of College Keyboarding 16E for speed and accuracy. CheckPro is assessment software that provides immediate feedback on keyboarding and proofreading skills. The software checks drills, timings, selected documents, and production assessments from lessons 26-120 of College Keyboarding 16E for speed and accuracy. CheckPro

  27. From the Lesson menu, you can choose any activity, within that lesson. Checkmarks identify the activities that have been completed. From the Lesson menu, you can choose any activity within that lesson. Checkmarks identify the activities that have been completed. CheckPro 1

  28. Skill-building activities within the lesson include feedback. A graphic of the keyboard is always on the screen so users can review the position of keys without looking away from the screen. A graphic of the keyboard is always on the screen so users can review the position of keys without looking away from the screen. CheckPro 2 Skill-building activities within the lesson include feedback.

  29. Timed writings from the text are scored for speed and accuracy. Users are provided with a calculation of their GWAM and number of errors. Timed writings from the text are scored for speed and accuracy. Users are provided with a calculation of their GWAM and number of errors. Keying errors are identified on the screen and the printout with proofreader marks. Keying errors are identified on the screen and the printout with proofreader marks. CheckPro 3

  30. Documents from the text are keyed and checked in Word for keyboarding accuracy. Documents from the text are keyed and checked in Word for keyboarding accuracy. CheckPro 4

  31. In the checked document, keyboarding errors are identified with proofreader’s marks. In the checked document, keyboarding errors are identified with proofreader’s marks. CheckPro 5

  32. The Document Analysis Report shows the number of passes the user made to correct the errors in the document, time spent on the document, keyboarding rate, types of errors, and more. The Document Analysis Report shows the number of passes the user made to correct the errors in the document, time spent on the document, keyboarding rate, types of errors, and more. CheckPro 6

  33. The instructor may choose to update the class preferences including accuracy rate, backspace use, and spacing after punctuation. The instructor may choose to update the class preferences including accuracy rate, backspace use, and spacing after punctuation. CheckPro 16 The Instructor Utility offers a variety of options for instructor class management. The Instructor Utility offers a variety of options for instructor class management. The Instructor Utility offers a variety of options for instructor class management.

  34. The Prepare Student Reports option provides access to an assortment of student reports. The Prepare Student Reports option provides access to an assortment of student reports. CheckPro 7

  35. While in the Prepare Student Reports section, the instructor will select a class and student. While in the Prepare Student Reports section, the instructor will select a class and student. Select the type of report you would like to see. Select the type of report you would like to see. CheckPro 8

  36. The Lesson Report displays time on document, speed, errors, and accuracy. The results for 2 passes and 3 edits for each exercise. The Lesson Report displays time on document, speed, errors, and accuracy. The results for 2 passes and 3 edits for each exercise. CheckPro 9

  37. The Timed Writing Summary is organized by length and reports the rate, errors, and number of backspaces. The Timed Writing Summary is organized by length and reports the rate, errors, and number of backspaces. CheckPro 10

  38. Instructors can view student reports by document. Instructors can view student reports by document. CheckPro 11

  39. In the checked document, errors are identified with proofreader’s marks. In the checked document, errors are identified with proofreader’s marks. CheckPro 12

  40. The Prepare Class Summary Report option gives a snapshot of student progress in relation to other members of the class. The Prepare Class Summary Reports option gives a snapshot of student progress in relation to other members of the class. CheckPro 13

  41. The instructor may choose to view the class summary by document. The instructor may choose to view the class summary by document. This report provides very detailed information of the student’s skill in producing the document. This report provides very detailed information of the student’s skill in producing the document. CheckPro 15

  42. Distance Learning is just one click away with Keyboarding Pro and CheckPro. Web Features

  43. Web Features 4 Manage your keyboarding classes from anywhere at anytime. A complete distance learning solution is now available.

  44. Students click one button to send their student files to the Instructor over the Internet. One button too time consuming? Set the program to handle sending files automatically. Web Features 4

  45. Receive student results over the Internet with just a couple mouse clicks. It couldn’t be easier! Student files are placed in the correct folders automatically. No more drag and drop or email problems. Web Features 3

  46. Monitor individual student and class progress from the comfort of your home. View individual student and class reports from anywhere using only a web browser. Web Features 1

  47. Manage distance learning classes from your home or classroom computer. Control class preferences including backspace key settings, game access, and more... Web Features 2

  48. MicroPace is a versatile timed writing and skill development program that can be used in any keyboarding class. Once users know the alphabetic keys, MicroPace helps increase speed and accuracy through timed writings, paced writings, and prescriptive drills. MicroPace Pro

  49. The Timed Writing, Paced Writing, and Drill Practice routines in MicroPace can be used briefly each day to measure straight copy speed and accuracy. They can be used several times per week for longer skill-building sessions. MicroPace Pro 3

  50. In Timed Writing routines, users key timed writings from the CollegeKeyboarding 16E text. Errors are shown by using proofreader’s marks and highlights. The total number of errors and rate are displayed in the top right corner to give users feedback on their progress. MicroPace Pro 4

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