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NEW & RENEWING CHURCHES. LCM/CVD-11-11-A. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FALL 2011. Presentation formatted by Gloria Otis. GET A NEW VIEW OF GOD... Christ Church United is a surprising/progressive/open-minded community of faith, committed to LOVING GOD! BEING HOPE! & TRANSFORMING LIVES!
NEW & RENEWING CHURCHES LCM/CVD-11-11-A RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FALL 2011 Presentation formatted by Gloria Otis
GET A NEW VIEW OF GOD... Christ Church United is a surprising/progressive/open-minded community of faith, committed to LOVING GOD! BEING HOPE! & TRANSFORMING LIVES! We are forming to serve the Northeast area of the Dallas, TX Metroplex- Plano, Richardson, Garland, and surrounding areas! Contact our Pastor, Rev. Kathy Fox to learn about weekly meetings and classes. Email: newviewofgod@yahoo.com Phone: 469-371-6345
That LCM enter into covenant with the South Central Conference to support the new Euro-American church, Christ ChurchUnited, Garland, TX in the amount of $20,000 over18 months (subject to the availability of funds.)
Who We Are (About Us) Decatur United Church of Christ is a progressive, inclusive church, influenced by liberation, ecumenical and traditional Christian theologies. As a beautifully diverse congregation, we respect and value each person‘s spiritual path. We journey with one another across lines that often divide. Whether you come from a church background, a religious background other than Christianity, or no religious background at all, you are welcome here. Decatur UCC is a congregation of the United Church of Christ. The UCC is a mainline denomination of 5,600 churches and 1.2 million members. We are people of God’s extravagant welcome, who listen for the Stillspeaking God and insist that “Jesus didn’t turn people away, and neither do we.” We believe in a Still Speaking God, and in doing so we speak in contemporary ways because we affirm the responsibility of the church in each generation to make this faith it’s own in reality of worship, in honesty of thought and expression, and in purity of heart before God.
That LCM enter into covenant with the Southeast Conference to support the new Multiracial Multicultural, ONA and A2A church, Decatur United Church of Christ, Decatur GA in the amount of $10,000 over 12 months (subject to the availability of funds.)
About Imani Community United Church of Christ • Imani is a vibrant congregation located in the heart of midtown Sacramento, California spreading the gospel of love and inclusion.We believe the church is a place for all people regardless of gender, sexual orientation, class, status, race, ethnicity, physical ability, martial status or gender identity.If you live in the area and you are looking for a church home stop by Imani. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here. • Who We Are • The members and friends of Imani welcome all persons, regardless of ethnic heritage, sexual orientation, religious backgrounds, etc. • We believe that each person is unique and valuable. • We believe that each person is on a spiritual journey, and that each of us is at a different stage of that journey. • We believe that small changes can make a big difference, as we lend our service to our community, and minister to those in need. • We believe in supporting families as they grow within the warm environment of the church. • We believe that a church that brings God's Word to people in every situation, from all walks of life, helps them to grow in love and service to Our Creator and Lord. • We believe in the power of peace, and work for non-violent solutions to local, national, and international problems.
That LCM enter into covenant with the Northern California Nevada Conference to support the new African American/Multiracial Multicultural, ONA and A2A church, Imani Community United Church of Christ, Sacramento CA in the amount of $20,000 over 18 months (subject to the availability of funds.)
Welcome to Journey! The Perfect Church for People Who Aren't Journey is a new church start of the United Church of Christ. We offer extravagant hospitality, vibrant worship, spiritual formation for all ages and an opportunity to make a difference through service and mission both locally and around the world. A united and uniting, just peace, multi-racial, multi-cultural, open and affirming, accessible to all, still -speaking congregation. No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here!
That LCM enter into covenant with the New York Conference to support the new Euro-American, ONA and A2A church, Journey United Church of Christ, Delmar, NY in the amount of $20,000 over 18 months (subject to the availability of funds.)
New Hope moves to new space As New Hope United Church of Christ members prepare for their move to the Allen-Summerhill Memorial Chapel at Woodland Boulevard and East New York Avenue in DeLand, they are also making plans to welcome new people to church. A recent study by the conservative Barna Group revealed that a majority of young people believe church to be judgmental, excluding, sexist, old-fashioned, boring and homophobic. The United Church of Christ — and New Hope — is purposefully none of those things, but how would people know? The congregation has decided that, at this time of change, they need to let people know in as many high-tech and/or conventional ways as possible. The Rev. Karen Curtis-Weakley says you can find the UCC on TV, on Facebook, on the national UCC Web page, and on the New Hope Web page, and now you find the church on the religion page in The Beacon. “On Sunday, you will find us at the chapel just east of DeLand’sbusiest corner for our first service there,” she said. The church says they are living fully into their reputation that the church — the UCC — is not incongruent with the values and worldview of young people. To the contrary, the UCC realizes that there are millions who are looking for a faith that represents their values of welcoming everyone (UCC calls it “Extravagant Welcome”), being inclusive rather than being judgmental, sexist or homophobic. “Our silence has left them spiritually homeless,” said the Rev. Curtis-Weakley, “and allowed the church of Jesus a reputation that is not accurate. We’re working on changing that.” Worship is at 10:30 a.m. Sundays. For more information, see Facebook at New Hope UCC DeLand. “Jesus didn’t reject people, and neither do we!” New Hope UUC welcomes all to new location
That LCM enter into covenant with the Florida Conference to support the new Euro-American, ONA church, New Hope United Church of Christ, Deland, FL in the amount of $20,000 over 18 months (subject to the availability of funds.)
nexus 1. A means of connection; a link or tie: 2. A connected series or group. 3. The core or center: Welcome Nexus Church believes we exist to help people develop a real meshing of spiritual truths and service to others into our daily living. Nexus Church wants to radically seeks to expand the boundaries of God's grace to include those who have been excluded from other church settings. We have a lot of people who believe that Jesus' meant it when he said for all to come to Him. Nexus church welcomes you in the same way Jesus welcomed those who were considered "the least, the last and the lost." No matter where you are on your life’s journey, you are truly welcome to come as you are to Nexus- gay, straight, married, divorced, single, questioning, agnostic, true believer, Republican, Democrat. Open & Affirming- We Reject No One Jesus didn't turn people away. We don't either. Following the example of Jesus Christ, Nexus Church declares itself to be an Open and Affirming Church, embracing diversity in our congregation and community, and affirming the dignity and worth of every person created in the image of God. Nexus Church declares that discrimination is incompatible with Christ's Gospel of unconditional love and, therefore, welcomes all to share in the life and leadership, ministry and fellowship, worship, sacraments, responsibilities and blessings of participation in our congregation with no regard to race, language, age, gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, economic or marital status, or faith background. Nexus Church affirms and celebrates all loving and committed relationships.
That LCM enter into covenant with the Ohio Conference to support the new Euro-American, ONA and A2A church, Nexus United Church of Christ, Hamilton, OH in the amount of $6,000 over 6 months (subject to the availability of funds.)
While prayer walking in the city of Toledo in 2005, Rev. Cheri Holdridge began to get a deep sense of calling, that God wanted to do a new thing. Cheri watched and listened as God unfolded a dream for a new community of Jesus followers – a movement for progressive people concerned about problems in the world, for those disconnected from organized religion, and for persons longing for an authentic community with which to follow Jesus in the ways of justice and compassion. The vision emerged for The Village, a movement of people who connect to God, care for one another, and reach outside themselves to make the world a better place. As the vision began to grow in Pastor Cheri's heart and soul, she shared her thoughts with her husband, Kurt Young. When Kurt and Cheri had met in 1996, he would have called himself a Christian but was not actively involved in a church. Together they helped create an alternative coffee house worship experience at Christ Church UM in Findlay Ohio. That coffee house was one of the many experiences that prepared them to plant The Village today. Moving to Toledo in 1999, Cheri was the turn-around pastor for Central UMC, and they experienced a 150% increase in worship attendance during her tenure. By 2005, God began calling Cheri to move from the relative comfort of this established congregation, and to step out on faith and be a church planter. After extensive training for Cheri, and evaluation of both her and the plan by church planting experts and denominational officials, The Village Church was approved as an official church plant in 2008. In July 2008, Cheri began work full-time as the planting pastor. The Village Church is a unique partnership of two denominations committed to creating new communities for the 21st century: The United Church of Christ (UCC) and United Methodist Church (UMC). Both denominations have been faithful communities for Christians since the founding years of this country. The movement of Jesus has a long history of building upon tradition, and then taking risks to innovate and reach new people groups. The Village Church is committed to being a new church for a new generation of Jesus' followers.
That LCM enter into covenant with the Ohio Conference to support the new Euro-American, ONA and A2A church, The Village Church United Church of Christ, Toledo, OH in the amount of $20,000 over 18 months (subject to the availability of funds.)
At Lighthouse Congregational United Church of Christ Our Church Vision Is... To Build A Church (A Family of Faith) So Great That Those Who Come After Us Will Think Us Mad Ever To Have Dreamed It. At Lighthouse Congregational United Church of Christ Our Church Mission Is... To Reach Out To The Un-Churched, To Guide People On Their Journey of Faith, And Help People Become Responsible Ministers In Christ’s Church. At Lighthouse Congregational United Church of Christ Our Core Values Are... •Inspiring Worship: Worship that connects people with God and one another, and is responsive to today’s need. •Church Growth: A congregation that is passionate about the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). •Maturity: A community that helps people grow in their faith. •Community: A community of faith where there is extravagant welcome, where everybody is somebody, and wherever you are on life's journey you are welcome. •Mission: A people of faith who reach out in service both locally and globally.
That LCM enter into covenant with the Florida Conference to support the new Euro-American and ONA church, United Church of Christ at the Lighthouse, Naples, FL in the amount of $20,000 over 18 months (subject to the availability of fund).
Berkeley Community Church3701 West 50th Ave.Denver, CO 80221Phone #: 303-433-5881Fax #: 303-433-0835 Please join us as we worship, work and play. We are a diverse community discovering in a new century how to live out in word and deed the two great commandments: Love God and love your neighbor. It is that simple and that hard. In an informal setting we express those values through worship, study, fellowship and social action. We support and nurture each other in our Christian walk but we avoid telling each other what steps to take. We are kid friendly, flexible and interactive. What kind of community can we create? Come and help us find out.
That LCM enter into covenant with the Rocky Mountain Conference to support the renewing Euro-American, ONA and A2A church, Berkeley Community United Church of Christ, Denver Colorado in the amount of $20,000 over 18 months (subject to the availability of funds.)
Manantial de Gracia 90 Main St. New Britain, CT 06051-2509 860-826-5593 Pastor: Maritza I. Angulo de Gonzalez ABOUT MANANTIAL DE GRACIA: Did you know Grace means: unmerited favor, forgiveness..."For YOU are the fountain of life, the light by which we see." Psalm 36:9 (NLT)"Porque contigo está el manantial de la vida; En tu luz veremos la luz." Salmo 36:9 (RVR)We are an intercultural, multilingual and multiracial group of individuals that decided to worship God together. We believe in God and are looking to strengthen our ties to Him and each other; through a commitment to learning, prayer and fasting and a covenant to LOVE each other.
That LCM enter into covenant with the Connecticut Conference to support the renewing Hispanic/Multiracial Multicultural church, Manantial de Gracia United Church of Christ, New Britain, CT in the amount of $20,000 over 18 months (subject to the availability of funds.)
That LCM enter into covenant with the Southern Conference to support the renewing African American church, Mt. Zion United Church of Christ, Rockingham, NC in the amount of $20,000 over 18 months (subject to the availability of funds.)
Hi, I’m glad you’re here: •Are you seeking a place where questions about faith are taken as seriously as affirmations of faith? •Are you seeking a group of people who may offer genuine care and compassion? •Are you looking for a church that explores a progressive understanding of the Christian faith? •Are you interested in deepening your spiritual journey? •Are you searching for an Open and Affirming congregation? Then you are invited to join us for any of our regular and upcoming events. This is a great congregation open to growing. You just may find what you’re looking for. I would be interested in meeting you and exploring the possibility of your involvement at St. Paul’s UCC! Thanks for stopping by, Rev. Norma Rae Hunt Lead Minister
That LCM enter into covenant with the Minnesota Conference to support the renewing Euro-American, ONA and A2A church, Saint Paul’s United Church of Christ, St. Paul, MN in the amount of $10,000 over 12 months (subject to the availability of funds.)
WELCOME GOD IS STILL SPEAKING ST. PETER EVANGELICAL UCC GOD IS STILL SPEAKING Home | About Us | Calendar | E-Team | Related Links | ST. PETER UCC 2101 CLEVELAND BLVD. GRANITE CITY, ILLINOIS 62040-3333 PHONE/FAX: 1-618-877-1904 WELCOME PASTOR AARON BAN! This page is under construction. A new design will be in this space soon! Stay Tuned! St. Peter’s Evangelical UCC Granite City, Il. SUNDAY WORSHIP 10:15 A.M.
That LCM enter into covenant with the Illinois South Conference to support the renewing Euro-American church, St. Peter Evangelical United Church of Christ, Granite City, IL in the amount of $20,000 over 18 months (subject to the availability of funds).
From: Funding for New and Renewing Congregations LCM Budget #410-20-25-74100-P-4514 Total Fall 2011 Recommending 13 applications for a total $ 226,000.00 (from budget account above) Balance from Spring Cycle 2011 $ 185,625.00 Balance from MAD money $ 18,000.00 Total Funds Available from 2011 Budget $ 203,625.00 Total Amount Needed from 2012 Budget $ 22,375.00 Total funding Applications for Fall 2011 $ 226,000.00 Presentation formatted by Gloria Otis
LCM/CVD-11-11-B Resolution to Support the Center for Progressive Renewal FALL 2011 VOTE: To continue to support the Center for Progressive Renewal as a separate yet closely affiliated 501(c)3 to work in partnership with the United Church of Christ for the development of new and renewing congregations, with a funding from the CVD budget of $250,000.00 in 2012.
We thank the New and Renewing Church Review Team for their diligent work on reviewing, evaluating and recommending these congregations to the LCM Board of Directors for approval. This team takes seriously their commitment to this process and have prayerfully given consideration to each of these new and renewing congregations for your final approval. We are grateful for the commitment of Local Church Ministries to the ministry of church development and the renewal of existing congregations. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve on your behalf in this important ministry of the church.