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Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Public Works CBE Annual Performance Plan for the 2013/14 Financial Year 24 April 2013. Presentation Outline. Introductions CBE Mandate from the Act Vision & Mission CBE Strategic Goals Key Priorities for CBE in 2013/14
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Public WorksCBE Annual Performance Plan for the 2013/14 Financial Year24 April 2013
Presentation Outline • Introductions • CBE Mandate from the Act • Vision & Mission • CBE Strategic Goals • Key Priorities for CBE in 2013/14 • Outline of CBE Operational Programmes • Targets for 2013/14 Annual Performance Plan • Governance Report • Financial Information • Performance Enablers • Key Risks and Risk Mitigation Strategies
CBE Delegation • CBE Chairperson – Ms Portia Tau-Sekati • Chief Executive Officer – Ms Gugu Mazibuko • Acting Chief Operations Officer – Mr Lucas Zepe • Chief Financial Officer – Ms Maphefo Sedite • Acting Manager in the CEO’s office – Ms Nana Mhlongo
CBE’s Mandate - Strategic Objectives (Mandate as set out in the Council for the Built Environment Act no. 43 of 2000):1.Promote and protect the interest of the public in the built environment; 2. Promote and maintain a sustainable built environment and natural environment; 3. Promote ongoing human resources development in the built environment; 4. Facilitate participation by the built environment professions in integrated development in the context of national goals; 5. Promote appropriate standards of health, safety and environmental protection within the built environment; 6. Promote sound governance of the built environment professions; 7. Promote liaison in the field of training in the Republic and elsewhere and to promote the standards of such training in the Republic; 8. Serve as a forum where the built environment professions can discuss relevant issues; and 9. Ensure uniform application of norms and guidelines set by the Professional Councils throughout the built environment.
CBE’s Vision and Mission Vision: An environment built to meet people’s needs and aspirations. Mission: Implementing projects and programmes that address built environment issues and add value to the built environment professions, government and the general public
5 - Year Strategic Goals • Support government priorities in relation to built environment matters; • Facilitate and monitor continued sustainable, dynamic and competent and transformed built environment professions and professionals; • Establish and maintain a centre of excellence for an integrated built environment body of knowledge; and • Strengthen public protection and educate public in relation to the built environment.
Key Priorities for CBE in 2013/14 • Alignment of CBE’s activities to the government ‘s development priorities relating to the built environment. • Skills development initiatives at the schools and tertiary levels, establishment of structured candidacy programme to address bottlenecks in the skills pipeline, workplace training and transformation. • Research and information on built environment issues. • Strengthening monitoring and regulatory work on delegated public functions of the professional councils and ensuring public awareness on built environment issues.
Governance Overview • In line with good governance (as per the then King II) and in ensuring the Accounting Authority fulfils its roles as mandated, the following statutory and governance committees were established: • Executive Committee A Council working Committee constituted in terms of section 12 of the CBE Act with a responsibility of ensuring that all Council resolutions are carried out. • Management Committee Responsible for the human resources issues and accordingly plays the role of Human Resource Committee. • Audit Committee The audit committee was constituted in line with requirements of the PFMA and Treasury Regulations, with 3 of the 5 members being external members. The key focus areas of the committee were internal control and Risk Management. Performs the function of the audit committee as set out in the PFMA and the Treasury Regulations.
Governance Overview Cont… • Finance Committee Ensures that adequate financial management processes and procedures are appropriate and upheld accordingly. • Appeals committee Constituted in terms of section 21 of the CBE Act with a responsibility of hearing appeals from any person or body aggrieved by the decision of a professional council. • Identification of Work (IDoW) Committee is tasked with concluding the Identification of Work for all the six professions and overseeing its implementation. • Education and Research Committee (EduRes) Committee tasked with overseeing education and research matters relating to built environment.
Performance Enablers • Alignment with National priorities • 5 Year Business Plan • DPW support and involvement • Experienced and stable workforce • Stakeholder buy-in