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“Physical Education is unique because fundamental motor skills are seldom taught anywhere else in the school curriculum. Youngsters need to learn how to speak the language of movement (movement concepts) and be able to tie movement to vocabulary (movement themes).”(p.309)
“Physical Education is unique because fundamental motor skills are seldom taught anywhere else in the school curriculum. Youngsters need to learn how to speak the language of movement (movement concepts) and be able to tie movement to vocabulary (movement themes).”(p.309) Pangrazi, R. (2007). Dynamic physical education for elementary school children (15th ed.). SanFrancisco, CA: Pearson Education Inc. Hand Elementary PE Newsletter Bring Your Family to PE Night! • In This Month’s Edition: • For our Students: • Crossword Puzzle! • New October Games! • 2 Skill Themes • Essay Contest • Introduction to Korfball • Healthy Life Tips • For our Adults: • Winter Sport Sign-Up Information • Diet Tips • Leading By Example Info • Community Activity Updates Grab your Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt, Uncle or ANYONEyou can find and bring them to the Hand Gymnasium Wednesday October 21st(if you are in K-2) or Thursday October 22nd(if you are in 3-5) at 7pm for a night full of your favorite PE activities! This is your night to show off the newest concepts and skills we have learned together in PE and play some great fun games with your family. Make sure to bring your sneakers and a great attitude! Healthy snacks will be provided for all!!!!! October 2009 Edition
Space Awareness Crossword Puzzle!!!!! • >OCTOBER 7th @ 8:30pm there will be sign-ups for the Town Recreational Winter Sports such as : • Basketball • Gymnastics • Indoor Soccer • Cheerleading • Volleyball • Dance Don’t Forget To Sign-Up! Answers will be in next month’s edition! Across: 1. Towards the sky 3. The direction the hands move on a clock 5. Moving infront of you 7. All the space within available boundaries Down: 2. The space surrounding your body 4. Moving behind you 6. Towards the ground 8. The opposite direction the hands of a clock move
LEAD BY EXAMPLE! It is extremely important for our children to be engage in as much physical activity as possible! Participating in our school’s remarkable Physical Education class is just not enough; this is where we need YOUR help! Talk to your kids about their PE class experience. Find out what they like and dislike. If there is a particular sport or game they enjoyed, find time to play it with your children. Look for team sign-ups, there are some posted in this newsletter. It is also very important to engage yourself in physical activity. Your children look up to you as role models! Spending less time watching TV and more time outside will make them want to do the same! Providing a well balanced meal three times a day is crucial as our children grow older and stronger. Have your children practice making healthy decisions. Discuss options while eating out and have them explain what and why are the healthier choices. Remember that a sufficient night sleep keeps our children hale and hearty! This little change will largely impact your kids’ lives. Get involved and make their physical activity time enjoyable! Attention Adults: • How is your Diet? Have you ever considered a High-Protein Diet?Hears a few points that may make you consider a little • more protein in your diet! • High Protein Diets can help decrease the percentage of obesity in America. • High protein diets have shown to create higher levels of the gut hormone known as PYY. Their work suggests PYY is an important appetite suppressor that sends signals to the brain leading to a feeling of fullness. • The most common myth about exercise is that you have to load up on carbohydrates in order to achieve optimal performance. The "carbo-loading" myth has lead to the explosion of a multi-million dollar industry for makers of such foods. • By lowering the amount of dietary carbohydrates, which is the body's preferred sourceof fuel, the body is forced to use the fat that is stored for energy • High Protein foods include: Nuts, Eggs, Meats, Dairy, Seeds, etc.
Parents Section Continued… • Great Physical Activity Suggestions for YOU and your Children: • Walk the dog together • Rollerblading • Bike ride • Have a catch • Play in the back yard • Shoot some hoops • Dance together! • Family jog/walk • Do yard work as a family • Swim • Go Bowling • The new Rail Trail opens October 10th! This 15 mile paved old railroad trail is open to public use dawn to dusk! This is a great way to spend time in the community exercising with your family! So check it out! We need YOUR help! If you have any extra pairs of sneakers please send them in with your child. We would like to be able to provide our students with sterilized sneakers IF they happen to forget to wear sneakers for our PE class. Please always remember to have your children where sneakers or bring an extra pair on days of PE! ATTENTION!: In the spirit of Fall, bring your family to the Village Square Saturday, October 24th for fun activities for all ages! There will be pumpkins, hay rides, scarecrow making, pony rides, apple pie, great food and so much more!! Bring the whole family and spend the day celebrating fall with our community!
PE Kids Corner! • Were you wondering what new games are going be introduced this month? In the spirit of Halloween we will be introducing a few new games: • Pumpkin Patch Tag: This is simply a modified freeze-tag game where the students that get tagged get in a ball like a pumpkin. To get untagged your classmates will pick you like a pumpkin and very gently pat you on the back. • Scarecrow Targets: This month there will be a variety of scarecrows posted on the walls. We are going to work on our throwing skills and use them as a target. We will be making modifications throughout the class. Its going to be so much fun! • Steal the Pumpkin: All the “pumpkins” will be in the center of the gymnasium and each team will send one student at a time to steal a pumpkin and dribble it back with the correct soccer technique. • Which Witch is Which Relay: There will be a variety of obstacles throughout the gym and to get away from the witch safely you must go through them! We will work on spatial awareness and directions! • These are just a FEW new activities there are many more October themed to look forward to!
This Month’s Skill Theme Development: Catching: WATCH: Follow the ball with your eyes and determine where it is going to land. 2. GET UNDER OR BEHIND: Depending on the throw, get under or behind the direction of the ball. REACH: Reach your arms out to the ball. 4. PULL IT IN: Pull the ball in with two hands and hold it firmly. Overhand Throw: SIDE TO TARGET: Know where your target is and have the side of your body without the ball toward your target. 2. BRING YOUR ARM BACK: Bring your arm with the ball back behind your head. 3. STEP WITH OPPOSITE FOOT: The foot opposite of your hand with the ball needs to step forward. 4. FOLLOW THROUGH: After your release the ball bring your arm in the direction of your target. ESSAY CONTEST! This month we are asking all of you to enter the October Essay Contest! This month’s question is: What skill theme did you find to be the easiest? What skill theme did you have the most trouble with? We have discussed many different skills in class so express what you have learned and your own feelings! There will be a winner in each grade. It is due to Ms. Hand on October 31st. GOOD LUCK!
Health Tip of the Month! This Months Featured INTERNATIONALSPORT: In PE we learn how important physical activity is for our health! We also learn that we must take care of our whole body in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here are some things we can work on at home to stay as healthy as possible… No One Enjoys a Dentist’s Drill! Avoid them by... Korfball! ...taking care of your teeth at home! Avoid plague at all times. Plague is the transparent layer of bacteria that coats the teeth. Plague is what causes cavities. The best way to get rid of plague is to brush your teeth twice a day and make sure to floss at least once. Brushing needs to be part of your daily routine because it also helps to keep your gums healthy from gum disease. When choosing a toothpaste, make sure it contains fluorine. If you have a tendency to develop tarter, plague in a harder form that is more damaging and more difficult to remove, you should look into antitartar toothpastes and mouthwashes. Do not be discouraged if you have sensitive teeth. There are many different toothpastes available for sensitivity. • Korfball is a sport that was established in Amsterdam in the year 1902. • The International Korfball Federation began in 1933. • Korfball appeared in the World Games in 1978. • There are 8 players in the game at one time, four players must be men and four players must be women. • Korfball can be played inside or outside. • The baskets are 11.5 feet tall! • It is a lot like when we play handball in class, you are unable to run when you have the ball. Korfball Ball Korfball “Pitch” or Field