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Monday . Recover after trip of RB.A81 Cause of the trip not clear. MP3? 09:00-13:00 Re-inject and Injection verification. In parallel investigations on the injection pulse inhibit occurred on Sunday
Monday • Recover after trip of RB.A81 Cause of the trip not clear. MP3? • 09:00-13:00 Re-inject and Injection verification. In parallel investigations on the injection pulse inhibit occurred on Sunday • 13:00-15:00 Pre-cycle of S12 after power cycle of nQPS crate B10L2 needs to be power cycled to re-establish local communication. • 15:00-17:00 Work in the injectors to adjust intensity, transverse, longitudinal parameters. RE-optimization of the scraping in the SPS to reduce losses (20% of beam lost) • 17:00 Beams dumped during injection of last but one 24 bunch train of B1 (losses on TCTH.4L2.B1) • 17:00-19:00 Reduction of the transverse blow-up in PS and SPS • 21:20 Stable beams #1408 Finally some physics!! • 07:00 End of physics #1408 (~2.4-2.5 pb-1 in 9.6 h) for vernier scans • 07:30 Beam dump • 08:30 Access
Injection • TI8 resteered in H and V to optimise losses and injection oscillations - corrected back to the reference and the injection looked good - IQC all green for 24b, oscillations below 0.5 mm • TI2 looks fine in steering - the -1.25 mm bump is left in through the MSI. Large oscillations in V as a result. • Checked effects of moving in some TI2 screens, on losses in MSI, with TCDIs out • Confirm the request to check locally the alignment of the MSI, especially in the region of transition between MSIB and MSIA. B. Goddard, M. Meddahi
Injection kicker pulse inhibit • Drift of LHC timing wrt SPS timing due to GPS time reference. • LHC RF prepulse generation is based on SPS timing, but MKI resonant charging start is based on LHC timing. • Timing drift introduced a delay of roughly 200us on LHC injection forewarning (-1000ms) wrt RF injection prepulse. Problem disappeared after re-synchronization of the machines on Monday at 3 AM Sat 09/10 Sun 10/10 Ph. Baudrenghien, E. Carlier, J. Kozsar, N. Magnin
Injection kicker pulse inhibit • Actions: • Verification by expert of the status of the synchronization before injection (done for the past fill) • Replacement of the GPS timing receiver this morning • Other actions under study: • pulse (instead of the LHC timing) to start charging the PFN, making the scheme more robust we should go for that • extraction inhibit when injection pulse is inhibited
Stable beams #1408 • Initial emittances from luminosity ~2.5 um
Vacuum Stable beams #1408 • Switched OFF/ON solenoids at ~23:00?
Quasi-UFO event • In 27.R7 ~10 mins after the start of physics21:33:31 - Warning on: BLMQI.27R7.B2I30_MQ, integration time: 640 us, losses = 9.250231E-02, threshold = 2.192476E-01, ratio = 42%21:33:31 - Warning on: BLMQI.27R7.B2I30_MQ, integration time: 2560 us, losses = 2.536262E-02, threshold = 5.481189E-02, ratio = 46%21:33:31 - Warning on: BLMQI.27R7.B2I20_MQ, integration time: 640 us, losses = 9.020587E-02, threshold = 2.192476E-01, ratio = 41%21:33:31 - Warning on: BLMQI.27R7.B2I20_MQ, integration time: 2560 us, losses = 2.487477E-02, threshold = 5.481189E-02, ratio = 45%21:33:31 - Warning on: BLMQI.27R7.B2I10_MQ, integration time: 320 us, losses = 3.716156E-01, threshold = 6.445071E-01, ratio = 58%21:33:31 - Warning on: BLMQI.27R7.B2I10_MQ, integration time: 640 us, losses = 2.699785E-01, threshold = 3.222535E-01, ratio = 84%21:33:31 - Warning on: BLMQI.27R7.B2I10_MQ, integration time: 2560 us, losses = 7.329793E-02, threshold = 8.056338E-02, ratio = 91%THAT WAS CLOSE!
Today • Access from 08:30 to 12:00-13:00: • Access in IP2 for Injection area investigations (radiation survey, alignment, X-ray) • UJ33 for the installation of a magnetic probe at 09:00 • Cryogenics in PM85 (no RP, no MAD required) • UPS in UX45 • In parallel: change of GPS repeater • PM: • Recovery and injection verification (B1) • Abort gap cleaning at injection (4 hours) • Night: Physics fill with 248 bunches • Wednesday AM: VdM scan
Outstanding requests for studies • Periodic loss maps (not really MD) • Betatron loss map done week 40. • Orbit shift versus TCT check: collide 1 bunch and check the TCT center change as compared to predicted orbit change. • BI • PLL studies during ramp • Commission BGI in preparation to ions – switch on at injection • Other BI studies – list to be updated • Test of 'dynamic' references for the OFB (varying Xing.separation bump): injection, then test of ramp + first part of squeeze. • BT • Abort Gap Cleaning – on at injection for physics • Injection Studies 32 Bunches when required (344 bunches) • Setting-up of the SPS with tighter batch spacing (225 ns)
Scheduled lift maintenance • Some preventive maintenance has been requested on the LHC lifts, and agreed according to the following planning: • Tuesday 5 October: PM15 from 8h to 12h00; PM25 from 13h30 to 17h30 • Wednesday 6 October: PX24 from 8h to 12h00; PZ33 from 13h30 to 17h30 • Thursday 7 October: PM85 from 8h to 12h00; PZ85 from 13h30 to 17h30 • Tuesday 12 October : PM56 from 8h to 12h00; PM65 from 13h30 to 17h30 • Wednesday 13 October: PZ65 from 8h to 12h00; PM76 from 13h30 to 17h30 • Thursday 14 October: PM45 from 8h to 12h00; PZ45 from 13h30 to 17h30 PM56 PZ85 La maintenance du PM56 aura lieu le jeudi 7 de 13h30 à 17h30, celle du PZ 85 le mardi 12 de 8h à 12h.
Access Requests • TI : demineralized water alarm UA83 Technical stop • COD: RCBH15.L6B1 • RCBXH3.R1 temperature reading issue?