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References. List the References at the end of your research paper but before any appendixes or explanatory notes. In order alphabetically by author’s last name. Reference to Book. Author's name (last name, first and any middle

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  1. References • List the References at the end of your research paper but before any appendixes or explanatory notes. • In order alphabetically by author’s last name

  2. Reference to Book Author's name (last name, first and any middle initials). Year of publication. Book title. Edition. Place of Publication: Publisher. Total number of pages. Campbell, NA, Reece, JB. 2005. Biology. 7th ed. San Francisco (CA): Pearson/Benjamin Cummings. 1231 p.

  3. Reference to Online Encyclopedia Author(s) (last name, first and any middle initials). Year of publication. Encyclopedia article title. Title of encyclopedia [online]. [date of the last update, if available; cited date you viewed the article]. Available from: URL. Li, CC. 2002. Population genetics. AccessScience [online]. [updated 2002 Jan 9; cited 2006 Aug 17]. Available from: http://www.accessscience.com.

  4. Reference to Article inLibrary Database Author(s) (last name, first and any middle initials). Year of publication. Article title. Journal Title (abbreviated) [online]. [cited date you viewed the article]; Volume number(Issue number): Page numbers. Available from: Database Name. Bowen, JL, Valiela, I. 2001. The ecological effects of urbanization of coastal watersheds. Can J Fish Aquat Sci [online]. [cited 2006 Aug 2]; 58(8):1489-1501. Available from: ProQuest Biology Journals.

  5. Reference to Webpage without Author Title of webpage [Internet]. Year. Place of publication: Publisher; [date of the last update, if available; cited date you viewed the webpage]. Available from: URL. Environment and society [Internet]. c2002. Washington (DC): Environmental Literacy Council; [updated 2005 July 7; cited 2006 Aug 14]. Available from: http://www.enviroliteracy.org/category.php/5.html.

  6. Reference to Webpage with Author Author(s) (last name, first and any middle initials). Year. Title of webpage [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; [date of the last update, if available; cited date you viewed the webpage]. Available from: URL. Gill, S. [date unknown]. Fertilization of trees and shrubs in the landscape [Internet]. Ellicott City (MD): University of MD, Central MD Research and Education Center; [cited 2006 Aug 1]. Available from: http://www.agnr.umd.edu/ipmnet/6-1art3.htm.

  7. CSE in-text citation style Author-year system model The discovery in normal cells of genes capable of causing tumors can be considered a milestone in cancer research (Stehelin et al. 1976). Recent work (Sharkar and Zhao 1995) has confirmed the importance of this finding. As Bishop and Varmus (1990) have demonstrated, genes …..

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