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Harmonised data collection on trafficking in human beings in the Czech Republic. Michal Šmíd Security Policy Department Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic Sharing best practices in harmonised data collection on trafficking in human beings
Harmonised data collection on trafficking in human beings in the Czech Republic Michal Šmíd Security Policy Department Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic Sharing best practices in harmonised data collection on trafficking in human beings Bratislava, 26th - 27th March 2013
Ministry of the Interior, Security Policy Department was appointed by the government of the Czech Republic to play a role of National Rapporteur in 2003 submits annual reports on THB situation (since 2008) - for this purpose collects data and receives the statistic information on THB from various sources does not restrict only on THB data collection – is interested also in another crimes/misdemeanors that are connected with THB e.g. organized crime in general, procuring, oppression, illegal employment, etc. but also other close connected phenomena - prostitution, begging, public tenders
not only hard (statistic) data also soft data • making use of analysis, studies, press and open recources, cooperation/communication with other stakeholders Involved stakeholders: • at local/regional/national level: information exchange through Inter-ministerial coordination group to combat THB (ministries, office of government, NGOs, IOM) – the members of the group contribute to the annual reports - cooperation with local government – municipality police of Prague and their reports on prostition; information from expert operational meetings on imigration issue and illegal employment issue • at EU/international level: Czech embassies, Czech police liaison officers, Czech liaison officer by Europol, National Member for the Czech Republic by Eurojust, other partners • Enables monitoring situation, assesing trends and latest developments, forming the anti-THB policy
Information about victims is collected mainly by the following agencies and sources: • Ministry of the Interior, Crime Prevention Department - collects data on trafficked victims who are provided with services within the Program and Support and Protection of Victims • Police of the Czech Republic - collects data on victims identified during police raids or identified during the investigation and prosecution • NGO´s and IOM - collects information on victims that they assist • Labour Inspectorates and Labour Offices - collects only statistics on numbers of controls, motions to controls
Information on perpatrators is collected by the following institutions: • Police of the Czech Republic - collects statistical information from all police forces – e.g. Age (0-15, 15-18, 18- 30, 30 and more), gender, citizenship, recidivism, education, employment, family background and upbringing, marital status and other criminal characteristics • Ministry of the Justice - collects information on aspects of the criminal justice procces - for example, number of prosecutions, accused persons, convicted persons, statistics on sentences and penalties, citizenship and gender of convicted persons etc.
Problematic aspects of THB data collection • Double counting - data protection issue - project of E-criminal justice process (2017 ???) • Definition of THB (especially for the purpose of labour exploitaion) - THB definition by NGO vs. governmental institutions - THB in the Czech republic is understanded as three sided relation (trafficker, victim and exploiter)