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Year 10 GCSE PE End of Skill Unit Test

General Observations. Many of you failed to read some questions.Remember when asked to give examples from either Games or specific activities that you

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Year 10 GCSE PE End of Skill Unit Test

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    1. Year 10 GCSE PE End of Skill Unit Test Lesson objective To analyse the strengths and weaknesses of your end of unit test paper. Outcomes To identify the mistakes you have made, correct your answers & highlight topic areas that require further revision. To have highlighted the areas you feel unsure about Please Note. I have not highlighted the grade that your mark would actually achieve. You must be more concerned with the success & limitations of your Paper. I have highlighted your mark in green if you have excelled, orange if you have reached the level of expectation and red if I feel you have underachieved.

    2. General Observations Many of you failed to read some questions. Remember when asked to give examples from either Games or specific activities that you stick to these. This can be seen in question 9 where it mentions using 2 games. This obviously means 2 different games. Dance & Gym are not games therefore you cant use these as examples. Remember that you need to ensure that you cover the full allocation of marks. E.g. if the question is worth 4 marks you need to either give 4 examples or write in enough depth to achieve 4 marks. Avoid waffle, stick to a precise answer/example & use bullet points if it helps make your answer clear. This will also help you see if you have covered all the available marks.

    3. Specific Questions 1. Outline the differences between the amateur & the professional games player.(5) Amateur: enjoyment, like to take part, train/compete in own time, outside of work time Professional: sport is their work/vocation, paid to do it, train full time, better facilities/equipment/coaching. 3. In Games playing what is meant by the term arousal? (1) Being prepared, ready to perform, a state of readiness for activity/competition.

    4. 5. Why is intrinsic motivation important to games players? (1) It is about a desire/emotion/need to do well from the individual, without it is hard to motivate/develop/improve/reach potential, it provides a long lasting desire, it is about personal pride in training/performance. 7. Describe how goal setting can help make training sessions more interesting to the games player. (5) Motivates you to work harder, you can aim for a target, can compare results with yourself/others, reaching goals can raise confidence, can reduce anxiety as the player knows/understands expectations/targets, keeps their player interested as always something to focus on. 8. In games playing what is flexibility? (2) How much your joints can bend, how supple your joints are, the range of movement around any given joint. 9. Provide different examples from 2 games to explain the importance of flexibility to the games player.(6) Game 1: Name game: Football keeper catching a cross, outfield player stretching to control ball, Player taking a long throw. Game 2: Name game: Rugby, Scrum half making long pass from scrum, Props bending down to drive, hooker throwing ball at a line out, player stretching to receive pass.

    5. 11. Name 1 motor skill associated with physical activity. (1) Walking, catching, throwing, hopping (the basic movements) 13. How can a skilled performer affect the outcome of a physical activity? (1) Improve the overall quality of the activity, Can bring out the best/ability of others, can reduce the effectiveness of the opposition by position/tactics/skills/fitness. 14. Explain why performers may have difficulty using skills learned during training in competitive situations.(8 Big question) In training there is little pressure Coaches available all the time in training to advise/coach/tactics Mistakes dont really matter in training Fatigue in game will reduce players ability to perform Pressure increased by competition, need to win points/trophy, money Nature of pressure associated with Open skills may affect performer. Different environment, equipment, opposition in competition Arousal levels affected by extrinsic factors e.g.. Crowd, opposition

    6. 19. What is the meaning of the term selective attention?(1) To concentrate on one thing at a time The performer ignores less important aspects of the game/performance 20. Apart from injury, give 3 different reasons to explain why a performer might not learn a skill correctly. (3) Poor performer Not able to perform the skill the skill is not taught correctly Poor coaching Too much information is given Incorrect information has been given Performer not listening 24.Describe the processes a games player needs to go through in order to learn and improve skills. (7- Big Question) This is not about phases of skilled performance or how they reach the autonomous skill phase. Attempt a skill they have seen demonstrated Receive intrinsic/extrinsic feedback IPM: Input-Decision Making-Output-Feedback Whole-part-whole learning Part learning Practice/Coaching

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