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What is Sports Medicine?. It's the umbrella for many professional fields of study that relate to both human performance
1. Athletic Training The Profession
2. What is Sports Medicine? It’s the umbrella for many professional fields of study that relate to both human performance & injury prevention associated with the physically active individual.
Fields of study include, but are not limited to:
Athletic Training - Physical Therapy
Biomechanics - Sports Nutrition
Exercise Physiology - Sports Psychology
Massage Therapy - Nursing
Sports Ethics - Personal Fitness Training
School & Community Health
Practice of Medicine relative to the physically active
4. What is Athletic Training? Athletic Training is an allied health care profession recognized by the American Medical Association. (Recognized June 1991)
Characteristics of the Athletic Training Professional
Involves a skill based on theoretical knowledge
Involves a skill that requires training & education
Must demonstrate competence by passing a test
Integrity is maintained by adherence to a code of conduct
Service is provided for the public good
5. Who is a Certified Athletic Trainer? Certified Athletic Trainers are medical professionals who specialize in the prevention, assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries to athletes and others engaged in everyday physical activities.
Must be knowledgeable and competent in a variety of specialties encompassed under the sports medicine umbrella
We can be called “athletic trainer” or “certified athletic trainer”. Certified athletic trainers will use “ATC” for credentials.
A certified athletic trainer is a professional who has passed a national certification exam upon completion of an entry-level bachelor’s or master’s degree and participates in continuing education.
6. Education Requirements Must graduate from a CAATE approved Athletic Training education program
The education programs prepare individuals to enhance the quality of health care for those engaged in physical activity.
Currently 352 education programs
Undergraduate & Graduate Entry-Level programs
Post-certification Graduate programs
7. Education Requirements Students must demonstrate knowledge and skill in six practice areas or domains:
Recognition, Evaluation and Assessment
Immediate Care
Treatment and Rehabilitation
Organization and Administration
Professional Development and Responsibility
8. Education Requirements Athletic Training Curricula
Assessment and Evaluation
Acute Care
General Medical Conditions and Disabilities
Pathology of Injury and Illness
Pharmacological Aspects of Injury and Illness
Nutritional Aspects of Injury and Illness
Therapeutic Exercise
Therapeutic Modalities
Health Care Administration
Professional Development and Responsibilities
Psychosocial Intervention and Referral
9. Employers of Athletic Training Services Professional athletic team settings
Collegiate settings
Secondary & Intermediate schools
Sports medicine clinics
Hospital & Rehabilitation clinics
Occupational settings
Fitness centers
Physicians offices (Physician’s Extenders)
Corporate health programs
10. History of the NATA 30’s & 40’s – promoted the exchange of ideas
1938 – Drake Relays in Des Moines, IA – 1st attempt to establish a national association
1939 – Charles Cramer – established NATA – Iowa City, IA
Continued until 1944 - WWII
11. History of the NATA 1950’s –
Goal: Establish the organization
Athletic trainers were gaining employment in athletic departments
No formal education
1950 – first national meeting – Kansas City, MO
NATA constitution & by-laws formed – 1951
Official logo adopted – 1952
JNATA began – 1956
Code of Ethics adopted – 1957
1st undergraduate education program was submitted & approved
12. History of the NATA 1960’s –
Goal: Continue to grow
1969 – Professional Education & Certification Committees established
13. History of the NATA 1970’s – Education
Standards for Certification developed
1st NATA certification exam – July 1970
1st graduate athletic training curricula approved – 1972
CEUs established by 1979
1975 – “ATC” adopted
14. History of the NATA 1980’s –
Goal: Strengthen NATA
Role delineation study
1982 – National Commission for Health Certifying Agencies – granted membership to NATA
Initial education programs & continuing education programs were emphasized
15. History of the NATA 1990’s –
Goal: Become a recognized allied health profession!
16. Following the Whole Process Graduate from an accredited program
Take Board of Certification Exam
Find Job
Check with State agencies to determine either Licensure, Certification, or Registration requirements
17. UI’s Athletic Training Major http://coe.ed.uidaho.edu/
Scroll down and click on Athletic Training
Two parts to the education program
Classroom experiences
Clinical experiences
18. UI’s Athletic Training Major Pre-Professional Phase
PEP 101 Introduction to Athletic Training (Fall semester)
HS 245 Introduction to Athletic Injuries (F or S)
PEP 171 AT Clinical Experiences: Observation (Spring semester)
HS 288 First Aid/Emergency Response (F or S)
BIOL 120 Human Anatomy (F)
BIOL 121 Human Physiology (S)
19. UI’s Athletic Training Major Application to the Clinical Experiences portion of the program
Complete Application form
Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above
Philosophy Statement of AT
Athletic Injury Case Study
Observation Level Educational Elements
40 hours observation – spring semester – in UI ATR
Proof of immunization
Proof of First Aid & CPR certification
Completed Technical Standards Form
20. Clinical Experiences Place to put knowledge and skills into practice
Perfect proficiencies & learn about being a certified athletic trainer
1500 hours of clinical experiences in various affiliated sites around the Moscow-Pullman Communities
21. UI’s Athletic Training Major Undergraduate major since Summer 2001
CAATE – initial accreditation, April 2004 (Changed to CAATE accredited July 2006)
Current enrollment – approximately 65 students
24 active in clinical setting
?? applying for position next fall
Graduation numbers rising each year
88% BOC passing rate (includes data prior to accreditation)
22. UI’s Athletic Training Major Research opportunities for UG & Grad
Athletic Training Students’ Club
Presentation at IAHPERD,
Fall 2004
Collaboration between UI departments, programs & community
Dietetics (Family & Consumer Science
Moscow High School
Pullman Sports Physical Therapy Clinic
Inland Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine
23. UI’s Athletic Training Major NWATA presentations – Seniors, Faculty
Awards –
Students – numerous scholarships and awards
Faculty – Alumni Award for Excellence
100% employment rate after graduation
High schools, Universities, Clinics, Professional sports nationwide
24. UI’s Athletic Training Major Building on Tradition!