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Athletic Training Issues

Athletic Training Issues. Calvin Bensenhaver Nate Chapman Amy Lancaster Rusty Nelson Heather Rinkevich Steve Sapoznik. Learning Objectives. By the end of the presentation, students should be able to…  Provide two examples on why the role of the ATC is a healthcare issue for PTs

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Athletic Training Issues

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  1. Athletic Training Issues Calvin Bensenhaver Nate Chapman Amy Lancaster Rusty Nelson Heather Rinkevich Steve Sapoznik

  2. Learning Objectives By the end of the presentation, students should be able to…  Provide two examples on why the role of the ATC is a healthcare issue for PTs Name 5 classes used in WVU’s Athletic Training current curriculum Give two reasons why Athletic Trainers want to be licensed Recognize the differences between the NATA and WVPTA definitions of an ATC

  3. Why is this a healthcare issue? ATs want our job!!!!! ATs want to provide billable services within the clinic that they may or may not be necessarily qualified to do

  4. Why get licensed? Basically, to ensure patient safety. And to ensure that all licensed healthcare professionals have a basic level of knowledge before practicing on actual patients. Does not allow anyone to call themselves a healthcare provider.

  5. Typical AT Curriculum1 The coursework within the athletic training curriculum has been developed to allow for a progressive learning experience. Course content is coordinated with the student’s clinical experience to encourage practical application.

  6. Summary of WVU Curriculum1 Biology I & II Chemistry Intro to Physics Psychology/Sports Psych Sport Injury and Control Nutrition AT practicum I-IV Gross anatomy w/ lab Tapping, bracing, padding Orthopedic assessment I & II Human physiology Therapeutic modalities Rehabilitation of athletic injuries I & II Organization and Administration Biomechanics Medical aspects of AT Intro to pathology

  7. Comparison of AT to PT The APTA believes the following: • PTs undergo more extensive training than ATs • PTs are licensed and qualified to provide services to a broader range of patients across the lifespan than are ATs • PTs diagnose and treat a broader array of health conditions than do ATs • The education, qualifications, and training of the two professions are different. The patients and conditions treated and interventions performed by PTs and ATs are often different. (Personal Communications. John J. Bennett. Legislative advocacy involving athletic training. 2009;1-7.)

  8. Athletic Trainers’ Stance Licensure Independent governing board Definitions of: - scope of practice - practice setting - population to be treated

  9. Athletic Trainers’ Definitions Definitions • “Licensed athletic trainer” • “Athletic training” • “Athletic injury” • “Athlete” (Personal Communications. Eric Shaw. Definitions for Athletic Training Bill Discussed 7-21-05 Bob Cable and Joe Lopez of the WVATA and Eric Shaw and Nancy Tonkin of the WVPTA in Fairmont, WV. 2005.)

  10. WVPTA Opposition Licensure of Athletic Trainers WVPTA recognizes AT as a bona fide profession for which licensure may be appropriate, however their definitions do not address the WVPTAs concerns and should address their level of education. WVPTA has met with the WVATA on a number of occasions to develop compromise language that more clearly defines the scope of practice for the AT. (Personal Communications. Eric Shaw. Licensure of Athletic Trainers--HB 2628. Unknown date.)

  11. WVPTA Opposition Reasons for opposition by WVPTA: - language that refers to patient population, athletic injury, and athlete is too broad - proposed definition of AT duplicates the practice of PT - establishment of a licensure board for ATs would duplicate the standards of their national certification body and would create additional costs while providing little or no additional protection to the public (Personal Communications. Eric Shaw. Licensure of Athletic Trainers--HB 2628. Unknown date.)

  12. WVPTA Proposal • WVPTA made the following proposals to the WVATA: • Define the patient population of athletic trainers as athletes. • Define athlete as a person who participates in a sporting event • Define an athletic injury as one that occurs during a sporting event or athletic endeavor. • Adopt Maryland AT Bill and it would be signed asap. (Personal Communications. Eric Shaw. Licensure of Athletic Trainers--HB 2628. Unknown date.)

  13. Maryland Bill2 Purpose of the bill includes, but it not limited to: • Establishing the Athletic Trainer Advisory Committee along with its duties and composition, fees for service, education and experience requirements to qualify for a license, procedures for renewal of a license • Requiring certain persons to be licensed by the Board as an AT before performing certain work in the State • Authorizing the Board to deny, reprimand, place a license on probation, and/or suspend or revoke a license under certain circumstances • Providing for certain criminal and civil penalties and the termination of this Act • Committee is subject to the provisions of the Maryland Program Evaluation Act • Defining certain terms

  14. Maryland Bill Definitions2 • “Athlete” • “Athletic activity” • “Athletic injury” • “Evaluation and treatment protocol” • “Licensed AT” • “Setting” • “Supervision” • “Practice of AT”

  15. Maryland Bill Definitions2 • “Practicing AT” includes: organization and administration of an AT program; instruction to coaches, athletes, parents, medical personnel, and community members regarding the care and prevention of athletic injuries. • “Practicing AT” does not include: practice of chiropractics, including adjustments, manipulation, or high velocity mobilizations of the spine or extremities, massage therapy, medicine, OT or PT, or the reconditioning of systemic neurological injuries, conditions, or disease.

  16. Where are we now? HB 3152 (Feb. 2o10)3 Purpose is to: Restrict the use of certain titles (§30-20A-1) Provide for registration of athletic trainers (§30-20A-2) Establish registration criteria (§30-20A-2)

  17. Conclusions Support the APTA and your local chapter!!! - they defend our role in healthcare Advocate for Physical Therapy!! Get to know your local politicians!! Vote!!!

  18. Questions??/Discussion

  19. References WVU Web Services. Curriculum information: bachelor’s degree in athletic training. 2009. Available at: http://cpass.wvu.edu/academic_programs/bachelors/athletic_training/attr_bachelor_s_degree_curriculum. Accessed November 3, 2010. Health Occupations – Maryland Athletic Trainers’ Act, House Bill 173, §530 (2008). Athletic Trainers Registration Act, House Bill 3152, §30-20A-1-2 (2010).

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