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Athletic Training

Athletic Training. And The Sports Medicine Team. What is Athletic Training?. The athletic trainer is part of the sports medicine team.

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Athletic Training

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Athletic Training And The Sports Medicine Team

  2. What is Athletic Training? • The athletic trainer is part of the sports medicine team. • The sports medicine team includes the physician, athletic trainer, coaches, student athletic trainers, athletes, athletes’ parents, school administration, and the community healthcare facility.

  3. The Team Physician • Ultimately decides if an athlete is cleared to participate in games or practices. • Athletic trainer can not overrule the team physician. • “Captain of the Team” • Dr. Michael A Benavides – Noble Alum

  4. The Athletic Trainer • Specializes in preventing, recognizing, managing and rehabilitating injuries that result from physical activity • Communication link between all parties involved in the medical team. • Keeping injury records, consent forms, and health insurance info. • Naclaysia McGee, MS ATC

  5. The Coach • If the school does not have an athletic trainer, the coach will step into that role. • Certified in CPR • Prevent further injury by not allowing an athlete to participate until it is safe. • Bringing the proper medical forms and records to off campus events.

  6. Student Athletic Trainers • Trained in first aid • Assist in emergency action plans • At no time should a student athletic trainer allow an athlete to return to play following an injury. • At no time should a student AT make a diagnosis/evaluation of an injury.

  7. The Athlete • Carry out instructions given by the doctor, athletic trainer, or coach. • Bring injuries to the attention of the coach or trainer.

  8. The Athletes’ Parents • If an athlete is a minor, the parents must be informed either verbally or in writing of any moderate or major injury. • Parents are responsible for getting proper medical treatment for their child.

  9. The School Administration • Responsible for making sure each athletic event and practice is attended by someone who is properly trained in CPR and first aid, both home and away. • Responsible for approving the funding for equipment. • Safety of the athletes must be the highest priority of the administration.

  10. Community Health Facilities • Provide needed services such as rehabilitation, drug testing, physicians’ services, and athletic training support.

  11. Responsibilities of an Athletic Trainer • Set up the athletic training room • Provide therapeutic modalities to injured athletes • Keeping medical records, injury records, insurance information, etc. • Organizing the student trainer program • Making sure each team has the supplies they need every day (water, ice, first aid kit)

  12. Responsibilities of an Athletic Trainer • Injury care, prevention, and evaluation • Plans and supervises injury rehabilitation • Purchases and organizes all sports medicine equipment • Cleaning of the training room and all equipment used. • Be skilled in taping, bracing, and wrapping • Provide medical assistance to the visiting team

  13. Responsibilities of a Student Athletic Trainer • Under the direct supervision of a certified athletic trainer, the student athletic trainer may: • Administer first aid (when trained) • Activate EMS • Taping, bandaging, and wrapping • Oversee rehabilitation • Organize medical forms and other records • Prepare water bottles, injury ice, and first aid kits • Help keep the training room clean and organized • Act as another set of eyes

  14. Responsibilities of a Student Athletic Trainer • Become certified in CPR (BLS) and First Aid

  15. Responsibilities of a Student Athletic Trainer • Application of efficiencies learned in class (example: perform vital signs at school physicals)

  16. Record Keeping • Injury records • Sportsware documentation • Assumption of risk forms • Physical forms • Insurance forms • Emergency cards • Rehabilitation log

  17. Health Insurance Portability and Accounting Act of 1996 (HIPAA) • Federal regulations • Established national standards for health care information to protect personal health information • Parents and guardians sign release forms so medical and coaching staff can share information regarding the athlete’s health • www.hhs.gov/ocr.hipaa

  18. How to stop a nose bleed • Sit down and lean slightly forward • Hold the bleeding nostril closed with a tissue, pinching the soft part of your nose under the bridge may help • Ice packs may also help • After the bleeding stops, avoid doing anything that causes it to bleed • Use a nose plug and return to play

  19. How to wrap a bandage • If the wound is a minor abrasion or scratch and there is not a lot of bleeding, it may be wrapped quickly. • Use universal precautions and personal protective gear if any blood is present • Use saline or hydrogen peroxide to clean the area if needed • Cover with a gauze pad • Use Prewrap and Liplast to secure bandage

  20. How to care for blisters • Use universal precautions and personal protective equipment to drain a blister • Once drained with a lancet, use Second Skin to cover the blister • Use a adhesive bandage to secure the Second Skin • Finally, use Prewrap and Liplast to secure the bandage

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