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Section & Branches Affiliating with Institutes

Section & Branches Affiliating with Institutes. PARTNERS Promoting: Advancement of Technology Support Lifelong Learning Collaborative Forums To Benefit Local Members. Institutes Resulted From: ASCE’s need for an increased focus on CE Specialty Areas in response to :

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Section & Branches Affiliating with Institutes

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  1. Section & Branches Affiliating with Institutes PARTNERS Promoting: • Advancement of Technology • Support Lifelong Learning • Collaborative Forums To Benefit Local Members

  2. Institutes Resulted From: • ASCE’s need for an increased focus on • CE Specialty Areas • in response to: • ASCE Members defecting to other organizations • The low numbersof Student Chapter Members transitioning to full ASCE Membership

  3. Each Institute Has: • Well Defined Vision, Mission, & Goals • Governing Board & Organizational Structure • Bylaws, Rules, & Procedures • Business Plan & Financial Operations • Membership & Dues Policies for: • ASCE Members • Institute-Only (non-CE) Members • Organizational Members

  4. Institute’s Mission • Supporting Lifelong Learning in CE Technologies for ASCE Members • Encouraging Research & Development in all of the CE Technology areas • Serving the Membership by Delivering: • Programs • Services • Products • Being Nimble, Flexible and Entrepreneurial

  5. 2008Technical Region (8 Institutes)102,806 Members (73% of ASCE Membership) Produced: 85% of ASCE Publications 90% of ASCE Technical Events 75% of ASCE Webinars Remarkable Success… BUT S&B Affiliation is Lagging!

  6. 22,176 Members worldwide 124 committees helping • Above ground and below… • Buildings and bridges • Industrial • Towers • Tanks • Making our world sustainable, efficient and cost effective • And understanding everything that affects them • Earthquakes • Hurricanes and tornados • Terrorists • Accidents • and regular use….

  7. 11,084 Members • Deep Foundations • Earth Dams & Slopes • Earthquake Engineering • Pavements • Rock Engineering • Site Characterization • Earth Retaining Structures • Underground Construction • Geoenvironmental Engineering • Many Other Committees

  8. 8,817 Members • Architectural Systems Committee • Building Security Council • Facilities Management Com. • Curtain Wall Systems Com. • Facilities for the Aging Com. • Mitigation of Effects of Terrorism Com. • Institute-Only Member: Architects, MEs, EEs, Constructors, Suppliers (essential anyone involved in buildings industry)

  9. 24,438 Members • Planning & Management Council • Water, Wastewater & Stormwater Council • Irrigation & Drainage Council • Watershed Council • Hydraulics & Waterways Council • Environmental Council • Groundwater Council

  10. 18,579 Members • Construction Directorate • Engineering Directorate • Materials Directorate • Owners Directorate • Services Directorate • Education & Research Dir. • Student Days Program • Crane Safety Training • Jour. Of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution

  11. 4,118 Members • Ports and Harbors Com. • Waterways & Navigation Com. • Offshore Engineering Com. • Coastal Engineering Com. • Wetlands & Sediment Mngnt. Com. • Seismic Std for Piers & Wharves • Jour. of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering • Natural Disasters Investigations

  12. 16,015 Members • Aviation Council • Development Council • Rail/Transit Council • Roadway Council • Mode Spanning Council • Journal of Transportation Engineering • Journal of Urban Planning & Development

  13. 2,060 Members To be a premier organization representing engineering mechanics by effectively serving the needs of the world-wide engineering community and promoting both research and application of scientific and mathematical principles to address a broad spectrum of existing and emerging engineering and societal problems. • Mostly Academics & Researchers • Nanomechanics & Micromechanics • Many International and non-CE Members • Activities • Journal of Engineering Mechanics • Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics • Annual Engineering Mechanics Conference • Theodore von Karman + 5 Other Medals

  14. Technical Activities Committee Technical Councils • Cold Regions • Computing & IT • Disaster Reduction • Lifelines Earthquake Engineering • Forensic • Wind Engineering Divisions • Aerospace • Energy • Geomatrics • Pipelines

  15. In Summary • S&B Members can be more effectively served by the formation of local Institute Chapters • Institutes were established to promoteNational-Local Collaboration on Technical Issues • We are not aware of any disadvantages of S&B-Institute Affiliations • If we find any, we’ll work to eliminate them. • Specifically, Institutes are not out to get S&B’s money!

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