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The Moons and E a r t h s P E T S. By . M O R G A N P e t e r s o n By . R h i a n O ’ N e i l l Staring Moon kitty and earth puppy. 1 st pet’s name is water. There is 2 waters in the shop The 1 st water is a moon type it has a little bit of water.
The Moons and EarthsPETS By. MORGAN Peterson By.Rhian O’Neill Staring Moon kitty and earth puppy
1st pet’s name is water There is 2 waters in the shop The 1st water is a moon type it has a little bit of water. The 2ndwater is a earth type it has a lot of running water!
3rd pet’s name is gravity Also there are 2 gravities in the shop, The 1st is a moon type and the mass on gravity affects the gravity on gravity 1. The 2nd gravity is a earth type it has gravity and that gravity is what keep us on the earth.
The5thpet’snameislandforms/craters Like before there is 2landforms/craters The 1st landforms/craters is a earthtype, it has good landforms that aresometimes green, deserted, wateryand has 1 crater in Arizona. The 2nd landforms/craters is a moontype it has a rocky dusty and graylandforms the moon is covered incraters which are made by objects/space junk that float around the solarsystem.
The6thpetsnameisSIZE! • The moonis only ¼ the size of the Earth it would take four moons to fill up the EARTH.
The 7th pets name isWeather and Atmosphere There are 1 of each of these unique Animals in our pet shop weather on The moon is cold and baron at night but super hot during the day The Earths weathering is different then the moons weathering it has warmth and coldness depending on where the sun is if the sun is facing the other side of the earth the side we are on is cold!
Its time for Earth puppy and his friend moon kitty to travel on the moons axis! • Earth puppy and Moon kitty are about to blast off around the earth to see how long it takes them to finish traveling on the moons axis they blast of and their gone as we wait to see how long it takes to rotate on the moons axis ………… 27 days later they are back in 27 days the moon spins on its axis in 27 days there you have folks it takes 27 days!
Phases of the moon • WHAT HAPPENED TO MOON KITTY!?! Earth puppy: Moon kitty is going in to her new moon phase that is why we can’t see her right now. • Moon kitty: yeah I am here still its just one of my special phases. • What are moon phases? • Earth puppy: they are different stages that moon kitty does when the moon is in its phases like right now she's in her new moon phase soon she will be in her crescent phase then the first quarter then the waxing gibbous then back to full moon and there on the cycle keeps going. • Moon kitty : now do you under stand.
EarthpuppygoesaroundtheEarth! • Moon kitty:If you are wondering were earthpuppy is, he blast off to the moon to see how long it takes for the moon to go around the earth! • Earthpuppy: Earth puppy speaking do you hear me Moon kitty. • Moon kitty: Yes I hear you loud and clear. • Earthpuppy: I am on my way back, the trip was awesome • Moon kitty: Good, but the real question is that how long did it take? • Earth puppy: it took 29 days total!
Earth puppy’s seasons Moon kitty: Earth puppy why do you have white and blue fur not green and blue fur? Earth puppy: like yourphases I have myseasons. because it is a different season of the year like you have your phases depending on what the moons phases are. Moon kitty: then what season is it? Earthpuppy: Its winter of course that’s why my furs white and blue and not green and blue Moon kitty: oh! Now I get it!
The end • Thanks for watching • Made by Mrgan Peterson • And by Rhian ’Neill • And our good pals Moon Kitty and Earth Puppy! • And special thanks to Google •