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Module 5

Module 5. Damage Control. Terminal Objectives. Upon the successful completion of this module , participants will be able to describe methods used to prevent or control damage from a combustible dust explosion. Enabling Objectives. Discuss types of damage control systems.

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Module 5

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Module 5 Damage Control

  2. Terminal Objectives Upon the successful completion of this module, participants will be able to describe methods used to prevent or control damage from a combustible dust explosion.

  3. Enabling Objectives • Discuss types of damage control systems. • Discuss emergency response planning.

  4. Damage Control Systems • Monitoring/suppressing/eliminating dust • Various types of systems • Spark ember detection • Extinguishing • Hazards separation/segregation • Deflagration venting • Pressure relief venting • Specialized fire suppression

  5. Spark Ember Detection • Eliminate early causes of fires/explosions • Detects spark/ember IR radiation • Fire prevention method • Dust collectors • Pneumatic conveying systems

  6. Spark Ember Detection • System activates countermeasures • Deluge valves • Abort gates • Alarm systems • Automatic machinery shutdown • Extinguishing devices

  7. Extinguishing System • Releases fine mist of water • Sparks/embers extinguished without interrupting production • Greatly reduces • Personnel injury • Equipment damage • Downtime

  8. Hazard Separation • Isolates combustible dust hazard • Puts distance between dust and hazard • Implement system during design/remodeling

  9. Hazard Segregation • Used when separation is not possible • Isolates hazard by using a barrier • Implementation without burdening entire plant/building

  10. Deflagration Venting • Controls damage caused by explosions • Vents release expanding gases • Gases reduce pressure below danger levels

  11. Pressure Relief Venting • Same premise as deflagration venting • Provides pressure relief to prevent explosions

  12. Specialized Fire Suppression Systems • Sprinklers • Most standard form of fire suppression • Heat activated • Carbon Dioxide • Will not damage electronic equipment • Reduces oxygen levels

  13. Dry Powder Extinguishers • Standard/Multi-purpose • Safe for most kinds of fires • “Knocks down” the flames • Best for fires with flammable liquids/gases

  14. Deluge Foam • System is connected to a water supply • Valve opened by smoke/heat detection system • Used in high hazard areas • Chemical storage • Processing facilities

  15. Emergency Response Planning • Requires detailed planning • 3 phases of planning • Pre-explosion • Dust explosion • Post explosion

  16. Pre-Explosion • Develop Emergency Action Plan (EAP) • Take special consideration for combustible dust

  17. Dust Explosion • Implement EAP • Evacuate area • NOT incipient fire • Explosions can be initiated by incipient fire • Ignited materials can travel

  18. Dust Explosion • Incipient fire brigades • Limited training • Typically hose streams • PPE • Categorized as fully involved fire • Fire department response • Specialized training

  19. Post-Explosion • Initiate investigation when safe • Most evidence is destroyed • Only 50% of cases determine cause • Collect any dust samples • Change in working environment • Paranoia, fear, and stress • Perceived risk • apprehension

  20. Post-Explosion • Increased interest • Community • Regulatory industries • Communication from organization • Public relations • Choosing a speaker

  21. Post-Explosion • Resuming normal operations • Recovery • Rebuilding with safety in mind • Strong leadership/direction needed

  22. Next Module Module 6: Facility Dust Assessment

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