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“I knew that if anybody spoke to me or looked at me too closely the tears would fly out of my eyes and the sobs would fly out of my throat and I’d cry for a week. I could feel the tears brimming and sloshing in me like water in a glass that is unsteady and too full.” ~ Sylvia Plath.
“I knew that if anybody spoke to me or looked at me too closely the tears would fly out of my eyes and the sobs would fly out of my throat and I’d cry for a week. I could feel the tears brimming and sloshing in me like water in a glass that is unsteady and too full.” ~ Sylvia Plath
“There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.” ~ Laurell K. Hamilton
It is in the middle of misery that so much becomes clear. The one who says, 'Nothing good came of this' is not yet listening. ~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes
“There's nothing, repeat, nothing to be ashamed of when you're going through a depression. If you get help, the chances of your licking it are really good. But, you have to get yourself onto a safe path.” ~ Mike Wallace
“When you're lost, it sometimes takes you a while to realize it. You convince yourself that you've just wandered off the path. Then night falls and you still have no idea where you are, and it's time to admit that you are so far off the path that you don't even know where the sun rises anymore.” ~ Elizabeth Gilbert
From these broken days of anguish, some day soon I'm gonna rise, I'm gonna raise my head to Heaven, I'm gonna fly the starry skies. ~ Donovan
“That's the thing about depression: A human being can survive almost anything, as long as she sees the end in sight. But depression is so insidious that it's impossible to ever see the end.” ~ Elizabeth Wurtzel
“When you're surrounded by all these people, it can be lonelier than when you're by yourself. You can be in a huge crowd, but if you don't feel like you can trust anyone or talk to anybody, you feel like you're really alone.” ~ Fiona Apple
“There is no point treating a depressed person as though she were just feeling sad, saying, 'There now, hang on, you'll get over it.' Sadness is more or less like a head cold- with patience, it passes. Depression is like cancer.” ~ Barbara Kingsolver
“There were days when she was unhappy… when life appeared to her like a grotesque pandemonium and humanity like worms struggling blindly toward inevitable annihilation.” ~ Kate Chopin
One ceases to recognize the significance of mountain peaks if they are not viewed occasionally from the deepest valleys. ~ Dr. Al Lorin
“Listen to the people who love you. Believe that they are worth living for even when you don't believe it. Seek out the memories depression takes away and project them into the future. Be brave; be strong…Reason with yourself when you have lost your reason.” ~ Andrew Solomon
“Depression is that deadened feeling, which is so very different from feeling sad. Sad hurts, but it's a healthy feeling. It is a necessary thing to feel. Depression is very different.” ~ J. K. Rowling
“She wondered that hope was so much harder then despair.” ~ Patricia Briggs
“I am a work in progress.” ~ Violet Yates
“If you know someone who’s depressed, please resolve never to ask them why. Depression isn’t a straightforward response to a bad situation; depression just is, like the weather. ~ Stephen Fry
In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer. ~ Albert Camus
Try to understand the blackness, lethargy, hopelessness, and loneliness they’re going through. Be there for them when they come through the other side. It’s hard to be a friend to someone who’s depressed, but it is one of the kindest, noblest, and best things you will ever do.” ~ Stephen Fry
“Sometimes," says a fellow depressive, "I wish I was in a full body cast, with every bone in my body broken. Then, maybe, people would stop minimizing my illness because they can actually see what's wrong with me. They seem to need physical evidence.” ~ Sally Brampton
“I go dreaming into the future, where I see nothing, nothing. I have no plans, no ideas, no project, and, what is worse, no ambition. Something – the eternal ‘what’s the use?’ – sets its bronze barrier across every avenue that I open up in the realm of hypothesis.” ~ Gustave Flaubert
Depression is a prison where you are both the suffering prisoner and the cruel jailer.~ Dorothy Rowe.
“Depression is the most unpleasant thing I have ever experienced. . . . It is that absence of being able to envisage that you will ever be cheerful again. The absence of hope.”~ J. K. Rowling
“I am in that temper that if I were under water I would scarcely kick to come to the top.” ~ John Keats
“I am getting better at smiling when people expect it.” ~ Laurie Halse Anderson
“One swallow does not make a summer, neither does one fine day; similarly one day or brief time of happiness does not make a person entirely happy.” ~ Aristotle
I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. ~ Maya Angelou
Fling the emptiness out of your armsinto the spaces we breathe—perhaps that the birdswill feel the extended air in more fervent flight.~ Rainer Maria Rilke