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Dual Polarization Technology: The KICT Upgrade. Paul Schlatter Warning Decision Training Branch. Outline. Explain dual- pol and the new products What dual- pol can/can’t do Current training and deployment plans. The WSR-88D Prior to Dual- pol Upgrade. 88D.
Dual Polarization Technology:The KICT Upgrade Paul Schlatter Warning Decision Training Branch
Outline Explain dual-pol and the new products What dual-pol can/can’t do Current training and deployment plans
The WSR-88D Prior to Dual-pol Upgrade 88D • Traditional radars transmit and receive each pulse with the E-field parallel to the local horizontal surface. _
WSR-88D with the Upgrade to Dual-Pol • Transmitted at 45o, received at both horizontal and vertical
Compare to Current WSR-88D Policy of “Do no harm” Retrofit on existing dish, tower, etc. Same VCPs, wavelength, beamwidth Velocity, SW, Reflectivity, Algorithms: Unchanged
List of New Products via Dual-Pol • Correlation Coefficient (CC) • Differential Reflectivity (ZDR) • Specific Differential Phase (KDP) • 2 Algorithms • Melting Layer • Hydrometeor Classification • 9 NEW Precipitation Estimation Products
What is CC Used for? • Not-weather targets (LOW CC < 0.80) • Best discriminator • Melting layer detection (Ring of reduced CC ~ 0.80 – 0.95) • Giant hail or tornadic debris (LOW CC < 0.70 in the midst of high Z/Low ZDR)
Marginally Severe Supercell Rain What about the rest? All > 0.97 Precip Insects
Melting Layer Example 3. Melting Layer Detection Frozen Mixed Phase Liquid 2.4 deg CC
New Base Product #2: Differential Reflectivity (ZDR) Horizontal Reflectivity Vertical Reflectivity
Physical Interpretation Pv Pv Pv Ph Ph Ph Zh ~ Zv Zh > Zv Zh < Zv
Why Would You Examine ZDR? • Severe-sized hail or hail shafts without a lot of liquid water Indicates the presence of liquid drops
Definition:gradient of the difference between phase shift in the horizontal and vertical directions Units:degrees per kilometer (o/km) New Base Product #3: Specific Differential Phase Shift (KDP) Differential phase shift
Forward Propagation has its Advantages Gradients Most Important= KDP!!! Immune to partial (< 40%) beam blockage, attenuation, radar calibration, presence of hail Used primarily for rainfall estimation
Base Data Summary Need to integrate at a minimum Z, ZDR, and CC to analyze the situation AWIPS is ready Are humans???
The Dual-Pol AlgorithmsQPE, Hydrometeor Classification, and Melting Layer
Precipitation Estimation Improvement with Dual-Pol Based on 43 events (179 hrs) of radar rainfall data comparisons to a dense network of rain gauges in C. OK
Dual-Pol QPE Output • 9 new products • Match Legacy PPS • Instantaneous Rate • User Selectable (Up to 10 durations) for the NWS • Difference products
Hydrometeor Classification Algorithm Lgt/mod rain Heavy rain Hail “Big drops” Graupel Ice crystals Dry snow Wet snow Unknown AP or Clutter Biological Current Classification Options • Algorithm makes best guess of dominant radar echo type • For every radar elevation angle
20000 ft MSL SOO-DOH Images\kcri_0.5_HC_20080408_0638.png
Hydrometeor Classification Algorithm Challenges • Verification • “Fuzzy” Logic and ambiguity between types • Typical Radar sampling limitations (snow at 2000 ft AGL may not be snow at the surface)
Melting Layer Detection Algorithm • Mixed phase hydrometeors: Easy detection for dual-pol! • Z typically increases (bright band) • ZDRand KDP definitely increase • Coexistence of ice and water will reduce the correlation coefficient (CC ~0.95-0.80) • Algorithm overlay product for top and bottom of melting layer
Highlights of How Dual-pol Data Will Aid Decision Makers P P P P Better precipitation estimation Improved detection and mitigation of non-weather echoes Melting layer identification Hydrometeor classification New/improved storm signatures (NEXT)
Hail Detection HAIL HAIL Horizontal Reflectivity Differential Reflectivity
Thunderstorm Updraft Example“ZDR Columns” Melting layer Updrafts Horizontal Reflectivity 2.4° tilt Differential Reflectivity
Thunderstorm Updraft ExampleKDP Melting layer Updrafts Horizontal Reflectivity 2.4° tilt Specific Differential Phase Shift
Thunderstorm updraft exampleCC Melting layer Updrafts Horizontal Reflectivity 2.4° tilt Correlation Coefficient
ZDR Column Issues • Dry environments • Cloud base near 0oC • Shallow warm cloud depths • Depth above in cloud 0oC could be proxy for relative updraft strength • If exists, then good chance of lead time on hail production and thus storm severity
Tornadic Debris Signature Storm-Relative Velocity Reflectivity Lowest Cut 0.5 deg CC
Reflectivity 0.5 deg CC
What Dual-PolCan do • Vastly improve precip estimation • Detect hail aloft, infer presence of giant hail • Detect melting layer and improve winter weather nowcasting • Improve identification of non-weather echoes • Offer best guess at P-type aloft • Improve confidence in damaging tornado close to the radar
What Dual-polCan’tdo • Overcome the laws of physics • Perfect rainfall estimation at each gate • Exact hail sizes • Identify surface precipitation type • Detect every tornado • Predict any tornado
When/What is the Impact? • All WSR-88Ds upgraded 2010-2012 • 10-14 days radar downtime during upgrade
KICT upgraded Mid-July 2010* Training/Deployment High-level Schedule
Questions? Tel: 405-325-1091 Email: Paul.T.Schlatter@noaa.gov