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Maximizing Health System Performance: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead

Explore the complexities of improving healthcare value and outcomes in the NHS through strategic consortium building, performance indicators, and addressing challenges like elective and non-elective care pathways. Discover ways to enhance communication, peer support, and interventions for better results.

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Maximizing Health System Performance: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead

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  1. The system • QIPP next year - £22m • HWPH - not stable • Challenge is to build consortium that takes bigger picture view and fundholder approaches • Your challenge !

  2. Better Care, Better Value Indicators – NHS BE Q2 2010/11 10th Percentile With funding in bottom decile performance must be in the top decile

  3. Windsor - all providers - non elective 320 Fifth Ashford GP admissions 40 A and E 270

  4. Maidenhead - non elective all providers 420 RBH 5% GP 60 A and E 310

  5. Maidenhead elective all providers Day case In patients

  6. W&R Elective - all providers Day case Elective

  7. HPWH this year • Over Performance in 10/11 • Elective • GP Referrals reduced 15% Yr on Yr (PCT referral management data) • Impact masked by unfolding 18 wks backlog • PLCV initiative better than plan • So what more can be done next year ? • Communication • Support to rpactices • Peer reviews

  8. Next Year Challenges QIPP 2011/12 • Ambitious but evidence based on ‘top decile’ national performance • Non elective - how do we take control of pathways ? • Elective - Trust Forward Order Book and clinical triage to provide second line gatekeeping for outpatients and elective activity

  9. HWPH Non Elective • Delay in agreement on UCC in 10/11 –now agreed need suuport to implement • NHS BE A&E attendance down 2% but admissions continued to rise • Zero Los admissions 30% compared with RBFT 21% (Dec 2011) • Readmission rates increased 60% vs 2009/10 • Interqual Audit showed 22% patients on admission could be seen in the community Role of practices to monitor / influence these behaviuors ? • PCT invested +£1m in Intermediate Care/EOL 24 hour, rapid 2 hour response in the Community • £4.5m social care/reablement monies in 2011/12 to support preventing admission and supporting discharge • How do we make these more significnat / increase appropraite use ?

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