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Explore how Andrew Jackson reshaped the presidency during his time in office through the Indian Removal Act, the Nullification Crisis, and the Bank Wars. Discover the impact of his policies on Native Americans, the economy, and the future of the presidency.
The Age of Jackson How does Andrew Jackson change the role of the President?
Andrew Jackson becomes President • 1828: Jackson wins vs. Pres. JQ Adams, Jackson appeals to “common man” & gives govt jobs to supporters (spoils system) • 1830: Indian Removal Act, Jackson wants to force Native Americans out of east coast & south • Cherokee fight in court – Supreme Court rules Jackson doesn’t have right to remove Indians • Jackson ignores the ruling • Sends Indians on “Trail of Tears” “(Sup. Court Justice) John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!”
Trail of Tears Open Your book to page 125 • About how many tribes were forced onto trail of tears? • When & why did the term “Trail of Tears” originate? • Where did most tribes wind up? After watching the video, please answer #4 4. Explain how you feel about Jackson’s Indian removal policy. Be sure to include examples of what you saw in the video.
Nullification Crisis • SC threatens to secede, Jackson threatens military action • So. states upset about tariffs causing Brits to buy less cotton • S. Carolina Sen. Calhoun declares tariffs are unconstitutional and will nullify all tariffs – Jackson says SC can’t nullify tariffs VS.
Bank Wars • Jackson fights with President of Bank of US, upset that Bank of US doesn’t loan to “common man” • Jackson vetoes renewal of Bank of US charter • Takes all of the govt’s money out of US Natl Bank and puts it into “pet banks” (banks loyal to him & Democrats) • Jackson censured for violating constitution
Legacy of Jackson • Jackson doesn’t run for third term, VP Martin Van Buren wins election • Jackson’s “pet banks” were printing more money than gold they had to back it up , causes banks to fail & Panic of 1837 • 1840: Whig candidate William Henry Harrison easily beats Van Buren, but dies 1 month after becoming President