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FORT HUGER. By: Zac Tillett. Who built it and why?. The fort was constructed by the Confederate Army, Georgians. They were stationed at Fort Organ, on the south side of Organ inlet. The fort was destroyed and the cannons were brought to Roanoke Island. Location.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FORT HUGER By: Zac Tillett

  2. Who built it and why? • The fort was constructed by the Confederate Army, Georgians. They were stationed at Fort Organ, on the south side of Organ inlet. The fort was destroyed and the cannons were brought to Roanoke Island.

  3. Location • Fort Huger is located on the north west tip of Roanoke Island. This location was chosen so that the troops could watch the northern and southern areas of Roanoke’s Croatian sound. They could see up coming ships sailing through the channel. Across the sound was Fort Forrest, it was used for the same purposes as Fort Huger but it was on the main land.

  4. Other Forts and Landmarks • Along with Fort Huger, Three more forts were constructed, Fort Blanchard, Fort Bartow and Suple’s Hill. Two forts were built on the west side of the island. On present day, Ballas Point, There was a 2gun Battery. This was protection from intruders from the east. There was also two camps, Camp Rescue and Camp Georgia. Camp Rescue was built with For Huger and Camp Georgia was built with Fort Blanchard. Suple’s Hill was constructed where the present day, Wanchese-Manteo intersection is located. This fort was used to Protect Fort Bartow from it’s rear.

  5. The Fort • Fort Huger was the largest fort on the island. This fort consisted of 12 cannons. It was also convent due to its location. It was on the water and close to a camp.

  6. The Fall of Fort Huger • After the Yankees won the battle of Roanoke Island, they soon took over the forts and camps. They took what the Georgians had and used it as there own. Fort Huger fell on February 8th ,1862. Yankees at Camp George

  7. Citations • “ Tames Mike.” The Civil War on Roanoke Island, North Carolina. The Civil War onRoanoke Island, North Carolina, Tuesday. 14. February. 2012. http://rblong.net/roanokeisland/The%20Civil%20War.htm.

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