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“QUEEN”. Creative work “ Famous people” Vetoshkin Ivan . 7”A” School 1465 Moscow. "Queen". «Queen» is a British rock group that formed in London in 1971. Originally staff of group :. Freddie Mercury Brian May Roger Taylor John Deacon. Queen composed the famous hits, such as:.
“QUEEN” Creative work “ Famous people” Vetoshkin Ivan. 7”A” School 1465 Moscow
"Queen" «Queen» is a British rock group that formed in London in 1971.
Originallystaffofgroup: FreddieMercury BrianMay RogerTaylor JohnDeacon
Queen composed the famous hits, such as: WeWillRockYou BohemianRhapsody WeAreTheChampions RadioGaGa TheShowMustGoOn Innuendo andmore...
RockhistoriansconerntothecategoryofQueenhardrockandglamrock, characteristicofthe 1970s. TheyareoftencomparedtocontemporariessuchasLedZeppelin, RoxyMusic. AfterFreddyMercury'sdeathJohnDeaconleftthegroupandwiththeQueenbegantosingPaulRodgers. Newprojecthas a name «Queen + PaulRodgers. ReturnoftheChampions». «Queen» received a starontheHollywoodWalkofFameforhis achievementand contributionstothefieldofmusic.