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Join Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga as she discusses the motivation for solar power, developing fuel cell cars and solar H2 stations, designing solar PV systems, advocating for solar power globally, and the work of SMIN Power Group in Africa. Learn how you can advance solar power and contribute to a sustainable future.
Electricityis Life!By Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga, PE, MSEECEO SMIN Power Group Midwest RenewableEnergy Association 27th AnnualEnergyFair Custer, Wisconsin-USA 06/18/2018
Agenda • Motivation for solar power • Developing the fuel cell car and solar H2 station • Designing +24MW of solar in the USA • Advocating for solar(COP21,EU parliament, ICRERA) • SMIN Power Group providing solar in D.R.Congo (Africa) • What can you do to advance solar power globally?
i.Around the world in 180sec Where is this?
ii. Around the world in 180sec Where is this?
iii. Around the world in 180sec Where is this?
1. Motivation- What lit the fire in me? No electricity + No fuel + Need ER surgery • 3 days between life and death 1.Dedicated my life to find solutions to the immeasurable power problems ravaging Africa. 2.Decided to study BS, MS, and Phd in Electrical Engineering at the University of Toledo, Ohio.
Whyrenewableenergy (RE) solution? • Solution= clean x renewable x easy to deploy= Solar • RE uses natural resources (Sun, wind, rivers) which are less polluting for the planet. RE helps combat climate change. • RE helps preserve the planet for our children and future generations. • Energy is the challenge of the 21st century for communities around the world. • To be an active member of the global community that finds solutions to the energy challenge.
2.Developing fuel cell car and solar H2 station Purpose: Demonstrate the technical feasibility of FCHV transportation using hydrogen that is produced primarily by solar energy Electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as am alternative to internal combustion engines because they do not emit carbon dioxide. Drawbacks: limited driving range & and long time needed to charge the battery bank. Solution: Integrate a fuel cell (FC) with the battery. Like EVs, fuel cell hybrid vehicles (FCHVs) produce no pollutants during operation.
3. Designing/Interconnecting +50MW of solar PV in the USA • Napoleon, OH :4.2 MW, 3Ph, 12.470 KV,( 17,140) mono • Linkwood, MD: 20MW, 3Ph, 69KV, (16,224) mono • Lodi, OH: 20MW, 3Ph, 69KV, (16,224) mono • Greenville, OH: 4MW, 3Ph, 12.470KV, (16,224) 250 mono • Findlay, OH: 2MW, 3Ph, 12.470KV, (8,064) mono • Toledo, OH: 20KW multiple locations
4. Advocating for solar (COP21, EU Parliament, ICRERA) • Nov 25, 2015 • IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), Italy: • Invited as guest speaker to present peer reviewed research on “Grid-tied Solar PV for Island States: challenges, opportunities and waste management”. • 52 countries participating. • 4 universities from the USA.
Advocating for solar • Nov 30, 2015 • European Parliament, Belgium • Invited as panelist during S&D Africa Week to showcase solar work SMIN Power Group is doingin Africa • Multiple countries participating. • Postponed due to terrorist attack
Advocating for solar • Dec 1, 2015 • COP21 News by France24 news channel: • Invited as guest to comment on renewable energy for Africa during COP21 Africa Summit. See Video http://www.sminpowergroup.com/resources/media/
4.SMIN Power Group Deliveringsolar power in Africa • Sandrine Mubenga, PE, MSEE is Founder and President of SMIN Power Group. • SMIN Power Group, SARL is a Congolese company with subsidiary in the USA. • Objective: To provide affordable electricity for communities using renewable energies, from design to installation. • Mission: To offer services and products that are clean, sustainable and promote the local economy, while also educating the customer.
SMIN Power Group in D.R.Congo (1)Top Left: Offices renovated by SMIN (2). Construction of communityrooftopsolar system for 2 residences and a house of worship. (3).Right: Installation of 20KVA solar system
Solar Energy Installation • Type: Grid Connected Rooftop + Storage • Location: Kinshasa, D.R.Congo • Energy : 100,000 Wh/day • Payback: 8,2 years • Cost Savings: 17% over system life • GHG avoidance: 629 MT= 132 cars off the road • Avoided CO2 of 70,802 gallons of gasoline
SMIN Power Group in DRC (1)Top Left: SMIN Techniciancleaningsolar panels (2) This house is lit by SMIN solar system. In addition, lightingwasupgraded to improveenergyefficiency. (3).Right: Batterystorage for hybridsolar system.
Solar energy feasibility study • Solution: Feasability Study of Stand Alone PV System • Location: Kikwit, D.R.Congo • Size: 9,000 Wp solar PV array + • Impact: 600 students per year. • Payback: 9,5 years • Energy Cost Savings: 30% over system life • GHG avoidance: 269 MT= 56.9 cars off the road • Avoided CO2 of 30,307 gallons of gasoline
5. What can you do to advance solar globally? • Learn: Stay in school, advance in your studies. • Connect: Join an organization to advance solar. • Act: Get your hands dirty, experiment with RE. • Share your knowledge, inspire others. • Remember: We are all citizens of this world.
Electricity for Peace For the past 20 years, DRC has been tornwithvariousarmedconflictswichkilled over 3 millions poeple, displaced over 3.5 millions congolese. Women have been extremellyvictimisedbecauserapewasused as a tactic of war. Indeed, the United Nations has estimatedthat over 500,000 Congolesewomen have been rapedsince the beginning of theseconflicts. Nowadays, women in EasternCongo are stillvictims of theserapes.Alltheywantis Peace and Justice. In order to achievepeace, multiple factors come intoplay. Electricity is one of the greatesttool to achievepeace and help restaure a sense of safety and wellbeing in thesecommunities. 91% of the population in the DRC needs access to electricity according to the SNEL 2013 report. Electricity is a huge market. Our solution: « Electricity for Peace »
Why focus on D.R.Congo? DRCongocontains 98% of the world reserve of Coltan, a mineralthatisused to makecellphone, laptop etc. For the past 20 years, DRC has been tornwithvariousarmedconflictswichkilled over 3 millions people, displaced over 3.5 millions congolese. Women have been extremellyvictimisedbecauserapewasused as a tactic of war. Thesewarallow the illegalmining of Coltan. Indeed, the United Nations has estimatedthat over 500,000 Congolesewomen have been rapedsince the beginning of theseconflicts. Nowadays, women in Eastern Congo are stillvictimsof theserapes. All theywantisPeace and Justice. In order to achievepeace, multiple factors come intoplay. Electricityis one of the greatesttool to achievepeace and help restaure a sense of safety and wellbeing in thesecommunities. 91% of the population in the DRC needs access to electricity according to the SNEL 2013 report. Electricity is a huge market.
Powering Your Life with Green Solutions. www.SminPowerGroup.com