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Intro to Action Script 12

"The games of a people reveal a great deal about them.“ Marshall McLuhan. Intro to Action Script 12. The player controls an object or a character that moves left-right Other objects move up from the bottom of the stage The player must avoid upcoming objects 4 frames: 1 “start”

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Intro to Action Script 12

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  1. "The games of a people reveal a great deal about them.“ Marshall McLuhan Intro to Action Script 12

  2. The player controls an object or a character that moves left-right Other objects move up from the bottom of the stage The player must avoid upcoming objects 4 frames: 1 “start” 2 play game itself 3 “lose” 4 “win” Avoid and race games river.fla

  3. Frame 1 “start” Avoid and race games river.fla

  4. Frame 2 Actual Game Dynamic Tex var “spills” Avoid and race games river.fla

  5. Frame 3 “lose” Dynamic Tex var “score” Catch and race games river.fla

  6. Frame 4 “win” Dynamic Tex var “score” Catch and race games river.fla

  7. Objects moving up create an illusion of moving fox The goal is to avoid ALL objects Collisions treated as negative spills The game is over if too many spills occur The game speed decreases with each spill – collision The slowdown delays the end of the game Avoid and race games river.fla

  8. Movie clip fox exported for Action Script as “kayaking fox” Avoid and race games river.fla

  9. 1 frame of the “kayaking fox” movie clip “stil” Avoid and race games river.fla

  10. 2 frame of the “kayaking fox” movie clip “right” Avoid and race games river.fla

  11. 3 frame of the “kayaking fox” movie clip “left” Avoid and race games river.fla

  12. 4 frame of the “kayaking fox” movie clip “spil” Avoid and race games river.fla

  13. 3 frames of the “rocks” movie clip Avoid and race games river.fla

  14. 3 frames of the “rocks” movie clip Avoid and race games river.fla

  15. 3 frames of the “rocks” movie clip Avoid and race games river.fla

  16. Fox racing down the river with paddles out of the water (frame “stil”) If the user pressed “right” key, fox movie clip goes to frame “right” If the user presses left key, fox movie clip goes to frame “left” If the user hits the upcoming objects fox movie clip goes to frame “spil” Avoid and race games river.fla

  17. “actions” movie clip contains the following script onClipEvent (load) { _root.initGame(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.moveFox(); _root.newRock(); _root.moveRocks(); } Avoid and race games river.fla

  18. The scond frame of the main timeline (play game) script is similar to the catch apples game script: stop(); function initGame() { // the range of rock clips firstRock = 1; lastRock = 0; // init the number of spills spills = 0; Avoid and race games river.fla

  19. // set the number of rocks to pass totalRocks = 50; // init the speed and time delay timeSinceLastRock = 0; riverSpeed = 0; // create the fox so that it is on top of the rocks attachMovie( "kayaking fox", "fox", 999999 ); fox._x = 275; fox._y = 200; } Avoid and race games river.fla

  20. function moveFox() { if (fox._currentFrame > 4) { // if during a spill, don't look at keys dx = 0; } else if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { // fox rows right dx = riverSpeed; fox.gotoAndStop("left"); } else if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) { // fox rows left dx = -riverSpeed; fox.gotoAndStop("right"); Avoid and race games river.fla

  21. } else { // no key dx = 0; fox.gotoAndStop("still"); } // move the fox and limit that movement fox._x += dx; if (fox._x < 150) fox._x = 150; if (fox._x > 400) fox._x = 400; // go a little faster to increase the speed of the game if (riverSpeed < 20) riverSpeed += .5; } Avoid and race games river.fla

  22. function newRock() { // add new one only if it has been long enough if (timeSinceLastRock > 5) { // start if only there are more rocks if (lastRock < totalRocks) { // add only 10% of the time if (Math.random() < .1) { Avoid and race games river.fla

  23. // create next rock and set its location lastRock++; attachMovie( "rocks", "rock"+lastRock, lastRock ); // limits all rocks to appear inside the river _root["rock"+lastRock]._x = Math.random()*250+150; _root["rock"+lastRock]._y = 450; // decide which frame to show f = int(Math.Random()*_root["rock"+lastRock]._totalFrames) + 1; Avoid and race games river.fla

  24. _root["rock"+lastRock].gotoAndStop(f); // reset time delay for next rock timeSinceLastRock = 0; // init whether rock was hit //set to “false” for each new rock. This indicates that kyak has never hit that rock. In the moveRock function this is checked before a collision is allowed. When collision happens, the “hit” variable of that movie clip is set to “true” So it cannot be hit again as the boat passes over it. _root["rock"+i].hit = false; Avoid and race games river.fla

  25. } } } // even if no rock added, get closer to next rock timeSinceLastRock++; } Avoid and race games river.fla

  26. function moveRocks() { // loop through all existing rock clips for (i=firstRock;i<=lastRock;i++) { // get rock location x = _root["rock"+i]._x; y = _root["rock"+i]._y - riverSpeed; // see whether rock reached past top if (y < -50) { removeRock(i); Avoid and race games river.fla

  27. // to have a hit, rock must not have been hit before //the collision happens withing 60 pixels horizontally and 25 pixels vertically of the center of the fox } else if ((_root["rock"+i].hit == false) and (Math.abs(y-fox._y) < 60) and (Math.abs(x-fox._x) < 25)) { spills += 1; // note that rock was hit _root["rock"+i].hit = true; // turn boat over fox.gotoAndPlay("spill"); // stop boat riverSpeed = 0; Avoid and race games river.fla

  28. // is game over? if (spills > 5) { removeAll(); gotoAndPlay("lose"); } } // continue to move rock _root["rock"+i]._y = y; } } Avoid and race games river.fla

  29. function removeRock(n) { // take away rock movie clip _root["rock"+n].removeMovieClip(); // reset range of rocks to move firstRock = n+1; // see whether this was the last rock if (n == totalRocks) { removeAll(); gotoAndPlay("win"); } } Avoid and race games river.fla

  30. There are two ends of the game lose and win. In both case the removeAll function is called It removes remaining rocks, and fox movie clip. This is necessary because otherwise they stay on the screen even after the game is over. function removeAll() { // take away all remaining rocks for (i=firstRock;i<=lastRock;i++) { _root["rock"+i].removeMovieClip(); } fox.removeMovieClip(); } Avoid and race games river.fla

  31. 3 frames Avoid, catch and race games racing.fla

  32. Straight Dinamic texts timeDisplay score Avoid, catch and race games racing.fla

  33. Game over Dinamic texts timeDisplay score Avoid, catch and race games racing.fla

  34. The road moves towards the player Illusion of depth is created by scaling objects during the movement The player must hit stars to get points The faster he goes the more stars he can hit If the player hits sides of the road he slows down And the score is reduced The rocks and stars and placed at the bottom of the screen and named “bonus” and “sideObject” Race car movie clipd is named “car” on the stage Avoid, catch and race games racing.fla

  35. 4 frames in the “race car” movie clip 1 frame “straight” Avoid, catch and race games racing.fla

  36. 4 frames in the “race car” movie clip 2 frame “right Avoid, catch and race games racing.fla

  37. 4 frames in the “race car” movie clip 3 frame “left” Avoid, catch and race games racing.fla

  38. 4 frames in the “race car” movie clip 4 frame “crash” Avoid, catch and race games racing.fla

  39. “car” movie clip script: onClipEvent(load) { // init speed _root.speed = 0; } Avoid, catch and race games racing.fla

  40. onClipEvent(enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) { // move left this._x -= 10; this.gotoAndStop("left"); } else if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { // move right this._x += 15; this.gotoAndStop("right"); } else if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) { // speed up _root.speed += .1; Avoid, catch and race games racing.fla

  41. } else if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) { // slow down _root.speed -= .1; // check for minimum speed if (_root.speed < 0) _root.speed = 0; } else { _root.car.gotoAndStop("straight"); } // check for score if (this.hitTest(_root.bonus._x,_root.bonus._y)) { _root.score++; _root.bonus._y += 100; } Avoid, catch and race games racing.fla

  42. // slow down if sides hit if (this._x < 80) { this._x = 80; _root.speed /= 2; } else if (this._x > 470) { this._x = 470; _root.speed /= 2; } } Avoid, catch and race games racing.fla

  43. SideObjects do not interact with the car, they just provide the illusion of depth sideObject movie clip script: onClipEvent(enterFrame) { // move down this._y += _root.speed; // move out this._x += dx*_root.speed; // reset when at the bottom of the screen if (this._y > 600) { this._y = 200; //horizon line Avoid, catch and race games racing.fla

  44. if (Math.random() < .5) { // left side this._x = Math.random()*170; dx = -1; } else { // right side this._x = 550-Math.random()*170; dx = 1; } } // set scale according to vertical position this._xscale = this._y/4; this._yscale = this._y/4; } Avoid, catch and race games racing.fla

  45. Bonus star movie clip script: onClipEvent(enterFrame) { // move down this._y += _root.speed; this._x += dx*_root.speed; // reset when at the bottom of the screen if (this._y > 600) { this._y = 200; Avoid, catch and race games racing.fla

  46. if (Math.random() < .5) { // come up left side this._x = 250; dx = -.5; } else { // come up right side this._x = 300; dx = .5; } } // set scale according to vertical position this._xscale = this._y/4; this._yscale = this._y/4; } Avoid, catch and race games racing.fla

  47. “Actions” movie clip script handles the game clock. Counts down from the start of the game (15 seconds). When the clock gets to 0 the game is send to game over fame. onClipEvent(load) { // calculate end time endTime = getTimer()+15000; } onClipEvent(enterFrame) { // calculate time left timeLeft = (endTime - getTimer())/1000; Avoid, catch and race games racing.fla

  48. // game over if (timeLeft <= 0) { _root.speed = 0; _root.timeDisplay = "0"; _root.gotoAndStop("game over"); } else { // display time left _root.timeDisplay = timeLeft; } } Avoid, catch and race games racing.fla

  49. Second frame movie script moves the car to the front of the screen, so that bonus stars appear under it. Copies the sideObject movie clip 5 times. Eqch copy is given a different _y value so that the rocks do not appear at the same time. // move car to front car.swapDepths(999); // create five rocks for(i=0;i<5;i++) { mc = sideobject.duplicateMovieClip("side object"+i,i); mc._y = 400+Math.random()*200; } stop(); Avoid, catch and race games racing.fla

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