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Canada’s Arctic. Or Is It?. Canada’s Arctic?. Chinese Ambition – April 20, 2012.
Canada’s Arctic Or Is It?
Canada’s Arctic? Chinese Ambition – April 20, 2012 (Reuters) - China signed accords on energy cooperation and the Arctic in Iceland on Friday as Premier Wen Jiabao started a tour of northern Europe that will focus on Chinese investment in a continent eager for funds and to trade with the rising world power. A Chinese developer is fighting a government decision last year to bar him from buying a vast tract of land which some had suggested might be a cover for a possible future naval base and part of a wider strategy to gain a foothold in the region. A livid Huang, who went to university with Icelanders, said the decision revealed Western "hypocrisy" and that foreigners wrongly assumed Chinese firms had ties to China's military.
Canada’s Arctic? Chinese Ambition – April 24, 2012 "We hope to work together with relevant countries, including Iceland and Sweden, to contribute to peace, stability and sustainable development in the arctic," Vice Foreign Minister Song Tao told journalists ahead of the visit. “In a key question whether the Nordic countries and especially the Arctic states will give China some backup in fighting for resources in the Arctic Ocean. . “But China has interest in maintaining the internationalization of Arctic Ocean and also in right for passage for Chinese ships,” Mr. Lun said. “China doesn’t want to pay Canada or US for the right to use it. But the problem is in established powers that protect their own interests”.
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