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Social Media as an Outreach Tool

Social Media as an Outreach Tool. by Bianca Macena , Fulbright EducationUSA, Rio de Janeiro Social Media and Technology Workshop San Jose, Costa Rica May 11th, 2011. The purpose of this presentation is to. Empower. Inspire. Generate ideas. Share experiences. Demistify.

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Social Media as an Outreach Tool

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Social Media as anOutreachTool by Bianca Macena, Fulbright EducationUSA, Rio de Janeiro Social Media andTechnology Workshop San Jose, Costa Rica May 11th, 2011

  2. Thepurposeofthispresentation is to... Empower Inspire Generateideas Shareexperiences Demistify

  3. not to...

  4. Becausewe are...

  5. Let’swarm-up!

  6. Warm-upActivity: Howmuch do youknowabout Social Media? • social network, microblog, 140 characters • themost popular social network in Brazil, userscan upload photosandvideos, sendmessages, interactwithfriends • social network, userscan upload photosandvideos, sendmessages, interactwithfriends, institutionscreate a fanpage. • professional network • an online journal, ownedby Google • open-source web publishing system or content management system • platform to post and watch videos • Place to interact with friends via chat • Place to store pictures, owned by Google • platform used to make calls online; chat is also available • platform to store and share pictures • platform used to share links • platform to store and share powerpoint presentations • platform used to chat, owned by Google BLOGGER – DIGG/DIGGO - FACEBOOK – FLICKR - GTALK - LINKEDIN – MSN - ORKUT – PICASA – SKYPE – SLIDESHARE - TWITTER – WORDPRESS – YOUTUBE

  7. Warm-upActivity • TWITTER: social network, microblog, 140 characters • ORKUT: themost popular social network in Brazil, userscan upload photosandvideos, sendmessages, interactwithfriends • FACEBOOK: social network, userscan upload photosandvideos, sendmessages, interactwithfriends, institutionscreate a fanpage. • LINKED IN: professional network • BLOGGER: an online journal, ownedby Google • WORDPRESS: open-source web publishing system or content management system • YOUTUBE: platform to post and watch videos • MSN: Place to interact with friends via chat • PICASA: Place to store pictures, owned by Google • SKYPE: platform used to make calls online; chat is also available • FLICKR: platform to store and share pictures • DIGG/DIGGO: platform used to share links • SLIDESHARE: platform to store and share powerpoint presentations • GTALK: platform used to chat, owned by Google Howdid it go?

  8. Whatis Social Media? “Media for social interaction using publishingtechniques” (Wikipedia)

  9. What is Social Media for EducationUSA? “Great tool for Outreach”

  10. 11 Tipsto use Social Media successfully Search for information Open yourmind Choosetherightcontent Informpeople Attractprospectives Listpriorities Maximize your time Enterthe new time Dedicate time Interact withpeople Advertiseyour center

  11. InterestingFactsaboutFacebook • More than 500 million active users • Average user has 130 friends • People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook • More than 30 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared each month. • About 70% of Facebook users are outside the United States • Since social plugins launched in April 2010, an average of 10,000 new websites integrate with Facebook every day • There are more than 250 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices. • People that use Facebook on their mobile devices are twice as active on Facebook than non-mobile users.

  12. InterestingFactsaboutTwitter • There are currently 110 million tweets per day from the 200 million registered users. • The current rate of tweeting is 1,200 Tweets per second (tps). • Twitter generates 10TB a day. • There are currently 200m registered users with a growth continuing at a higher pace than before. • Top three twitter-users by number of followers  – @ladygaga (8.3m), @justinbieber (8.1m), @barakobama (7.0m) http://www.freshnetworks.com/blog/2011/03/twitter-numbers-and-statistics/

  13. Social Media is a reality thatwecan’t ignore

  14. F A C E B Oo k IN bRAZIL

  15. T W I T T E r IN bRAZIL

  16. Social Media usedby EducationUSA Brazil

  17. Blog as anoutreachtool sTRATEGY

  18. Twitter as anoutreachtool sTRATEGY

  19. Orkut as anoutreachtool sTRATEGY

  20. Facebook as anoutreachtool sTRATEGY

  21. Facebookprofile x fanpage

  22. EducationUSAFacebook Page

  23. Slide Share as anoutreachtool sTRATEGY

  24. Slide Share as anoutreachtool Now 1943 views 3rd place in google search

  25. EdUSAConnects as anoutreachtool sTRATEGY

  26. MSN & Skype as an communication andadvisingtool sTRATEGY

  27. Flickr as anintegrativetool sTRATEGY

  28. What is comingnext?A blog bringingallEducationUSAWeeklyUpdates

  29. Atthispointyoumaybethinking... • How do they do that? Do they do anythingelse? • Believe it, social media is nottheonlythingwe do. Yes, we do otherthings. • Do theyuse Social Media alldaylong? • No. Wetry to postatleastonce a day. Postscanalsobescheduled. • Do theypostmanythings? • Notreally. Wetry to postatleastonething a day. • Are theyonline allthe time? • Sometimes. • Are they normal people? • Yes, we are.

  30. Now, let’stalkaboutchallenges

  31. Challenges As a group, make a listof 3-5 challengesyou face regardingthe use of social media

  32. GroupActivity • EducationUSAAdviserswhoalready use social media frequently • EducationUSAAdviserswhohavealreadystartedusingsome social media • EducationUSAAdviserswhohaveusedverylittleorhavenotused social media yet

  33. GroupActivity • EducationUSAAdviserswhoalready use social media frequently(make a listofresourcesthat help you) • EducationUSAAdviserswhohavealreadystartedusingsome social media (make a listofideas to increasethenumberofpeoplejoiningyour social media) • EducationUSAAdviserswhohaveusedverylittleorhavenotused social media yet(list some ideasonhow to dealwiththechallenges)



  36. Now, you are anexpert!

  37. So, beready for more...Mobile Social Media Butdon’tworry. Thiswillbe a topic for anotherdiscussion.

  38. Don’tforgetEducationUSAhas great resources • Twitter: www.twitter.com/EdUSAtips • EducationUSA fan on Facebook: www.facebook.com/EducationUSA • EducationUSA videos on our YouTubechannel:  www.youtube.com/EducationUSAtv • Marketing EducationUSA blog:  marketingeducationUSA.blogspot.com • Advising EducationUSA blog: advisingeducationUSA.blogspot.com • EducationUSA Wiki: http://educationusa.wetpaint.com/

  39. hank y u riend !!! ianca@fulbright.org.br

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