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Junior Panhellenic Council. 2014. What is Junior Panhel ?. A small group of freshmen from different Panhellenic sororities at Penn State
Whatis Junior Panhel? • A smallgroup of freshmenfromdifferent Panhellenic sororities at PennState • A greatwayforyoungermemberstomeetgirlsfromotherchapters and gainleadershipexperiencebeforegoingontoholdother roles withintheirchapterorwithinGreekLifeon a largerscale
Am I qualifiedtoapply? • Ifyou are a freshmanand an active member of yourchapter, yes! • Youshould be a highlymotivatedmemberwhoisseeking a leadershipexperience and excitedtoworkwithgirlsfromother Panhellenic chapters at PennState Note: • Thereis no limittotheamount of girlswhoapplyfromeachsorority. However,only 12 girls in total from a range of sororitieswill be selectedforthe Council.
Whatresponsibilitieswill I have? • Bi-weeklyormonthlymeetings • Pairingeachsororitywith a “Pan Pal” bothsemesters and encouragingparticipationwithinyourchapter • OrganizinganeventforNational Panhellenic Conference’s “Month of theScholar” in February • Helpingto plan aneventforAdvisorAppreciationMonth in April • In charge of planning and executing Panhellenic PrideWeekduringtheFallsemester
Whatbenefits are thereifI’mselected? • Youwill come out of theexperiencewithgreat new friends and connectionsthroughouttheentire Panhellenic community • Experienceworkingwiththe Panhellenic Council ExecutiveBoardMembers, whichishelpfulforthose of youwhomay be lookingtoapply in thefuture • Leadershipexperienceforyour resume
Questions? Ifyouhaveanyquestions, pleasecontact Alexandra Richards at alexrich17@gmail.com Thankyouforyourinterest in Junior Panhellenic!